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Friday, March 12, 2010


Do you imagine in 40 years to watch an humanoid robot competing with humans for the governorship of Lima-Peru?, an indefatigable robot unable to rest or to sleep. And, other with adolescent's mentality similar to Robbie of Asimov, acquired exclusively to make Gloria play, feminine character of the first chapter of I, Robot, running before her playing to the hide-and-seek, avoiding damage and requesting her that in retribution she tells him again and again The Cinderella story. It is not science-fiction. Researchers of the University of Salford UK, have built a toddler robot that perform all that a 2 year-old real is capable to make (see video). ICub has been built to develop all what children of that age make, how they learn and think.

Designed by a consortium of European universities, ICub possesses a 8 year-old boy's hands because it is difficult to make functional hands of smaller size. The designer Darwin Caldwell, engineer of the Instituto Italiano di Tecnologia and Professor of Advanced Robotics in the Center for Robotics and Automation Chair of the IEEE/Salford University, adds that at the moment they are building a new couple of legs, slighter, jumping and robust to attenuate blows and scrapings made by children able to easily damage articulations and diverse robot's gearboxs. The aim is to create robots able to mix with humans.


Se imaginan dentro de 40 años a un robot humanoide compitiendo con humanos por la alcaldía de Lima-Peru?, un robot incansable incapaz de reposar o dormir. Y, a otro con mentalidad de adolescente similar al Robbie de Asimov, adquirido exclusivamente para hacer jugar a Gloria, personaje femenino del primer capitulo de Yo Robot, corriendo delante de ella jugando a las escondidas, evitando dañarla y rogándole que en retribución le cuente una y otra véz : La Cenicienta. No se trata de ciencia ficción. Cientificos de la Universidad de Salford UK, han construido un robot toddler que realiza todo lo que hace un niño de 2 años (ver video). ICub fue construido para desarrollar en el, todo lo que piensan, aprenden y hacen niños de esa edad.

Diseñado por el consorcio de universidades europeas el ICub posee manos de un niño de 8 años ya que es dificil construir manos funcionales de menor tamaño. El diseñador Darwin Caldwell, ingeniero del Instituto Italiano di Tecnologia y Profesor de Robótica Avanzada en el Center for Robotics and Automation Chair of the IEEE/Salford University, añade que actualmente construyen un nuevo par de piernas ligeras, saltarinas y robustas para atenuar golpes y roces propios de los niños capaces de dañar facilmente articulaciones y diversos gearboxs del robot. El fin ultimo es crear robots capaces de mezclarse con humanos.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure where to post this but I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of National Clicks?

Can someone help me find it?

Overheard some co-workers talking about it all week but didn't have time to ask so I thought I would post it here to see if someone could help me out.

Seems to be getting alot of buzz right now.


11:22 PM  

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