Near the 100 years old.

Several groups of researchers struggle to help the humanity to surpass the 100 years of age. The main ideas to this respect, are: 1) generation of diets (meat, chicken), fortified with heavy isotopes (like deuterium -isotope of H- possessor of 2 neutrons instead of one), that supposedly would protect the cells against the oxidation, generated by free radicals (superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, causing cellular aging), liberated by the body as by-products of biological cellular processes. With these isotopes Mikhail Shchepinov (former professor of the University of Oxford and current director of the company Retrotope), has been able to extend the life of certain nematodes in a 10%. Dr. Shchepinov believes that heavy isotopes prevent that the cellular walls break easily. The scientist suggests to use in human heavy isotopes of carbon (13), nitrogen (N15) and oxygen (O18). 2) in the Institute of Gerontology of Jena a group of biologists led by Eberhard Fritz, inserted genes of a fish that lives 18 months in the genome of small other colored South African fish that lives 9 months, achieving that this last extends its life 2 months but. In the Institute Kieler, some scientists instead of looking for Methuselah's gene in the fish, look for it in centennials that have survived to cancer, wars, personal crisis, etc. The geneticists of Kieler, store genotypes of centennials or people that are about the 100 years, looking for the factors that provide them long life. " here, the key is the technology. For the first time we are able to process tests in a fast way”, said Stefan Schreiber. The gene of Methuselah is also looked for in falcons, and certain marine turtles that live 200 years.
3) What makes that animals age: by-products of oxygen that damage, the genotype and the brain diminishing the intelligence in the course of the life. The birds are the only ones that are not damaged for the oxygen, since evolutionarily they have developed anti-particles of oxygen, effective arms against free radicals, according to Eberhard Fritz, researcher from Leibnitz Institut. 4) syndrome of Werner. In the British laboratories it is about identifying a substance that impedes the somatic cells of patient affected of the syndrome of Werner (quick aging), age quick. After the 20 years, these patients age 4 times but quick that the normal human beings, assures David Kipling of Cardiff University. 5) The own biology of aging. Investigators of the Institute for the Demographic Investigation have identified a fact reiterated in Rostock. Every year, the expectation of life extends 3 months. According to James Vaupel, manager of the Institute, this tendency will continue in the future. During long time the demographers come observing that over 85 years seemingly the aging is slowed, turning these years in those but healthy of their lives according to declarations of the own centennials.
Muy cerca de los 100 años.
3) What makes that animals age: by-products of oxygen that damage, the genotype and the brain diminishing the intelligence in the course of the life. The birds are the only ones that are not damaged for the oxygen, since evolutionarily they have developed anti-particles of oxygen, effective arms against free radicals, according to Eberhard Fritz, researcher from Leibnitz Institut. 4) syndrome of Werner. In the British laboratories it is about identifying a substance that impedes the somatic cells of patient affected of the syndrome of Werner (quick aging), age quick. After the 20 years, these patients age 4 times but quick that the normal human beings, assures David Kipling of Cardiff University. 5) The own biology of aging. Investigators of the Institute for the Demographic Investigation have identified a fact reiterated in Rostock. Every year, the expectation of life extends 3 months. According to James Vaupel, manager of the Institute, this tendency will continue in the future. During long time the demographers come observing that over 85 years seemingly the aging is slowed, turning these years in those but healthy of their lives according to declarations of the own centennials.
Muy cerca de los 100 años.
Varios grupos de investigadores pugnan por ayudar a la humanidad a sobrepasar los 100 años de edad. Las principales ideas a este respecto, son: 1) generación de dietas (carne de vacuno, pollo), fortificadas con isótopos pesados (como deuterio - isótopo del H- poseedor de 2 neutrones en lugar de uno), que supuestamente protegerian a las celulas contra la oxidación, generada por radicales libres :superoxido, radicales hidroxilo- causantes del envejecimiento celular- liberados por el cuerpo como productos colaterales de procesos biológicos celulares. Con estos isótopos Mikhail Shchepinov (ex profesor de la Universidad de Oxford y actual director de la compañía Retrotope), ha logrado extender la vida de ciertos nemátodos en un 10%. El Dr. Shchepinov cree que los isótopos pesados impiden que las paredes celulares se rompan facilmente. El cientifico sugiere emplear en humanos isótopos pesados de carbon (C13), nitrógeno (N15) y oxigeno (O18). 2) En el Instituto de Gerontologia de Jena un grupo de biólogos liderados por Eberhard Fritz, insertó genes de un pez que vive 18 meses en el genoma de otro pequeño pez coloreado sudafricano que vive 9 meses, logrando que este último extienda su vida 2 meses mas. En el Instituto Kieler, algunos cientificos en lugar de buscar el gen de Matusalén en los peces, lo buscan en centenarios, que han sobrevido al cáncer, guerras, crisis personales, etc. Los genetistas de Kieler, almacenan genotipos de centenarios o personas que rondan los 100 años, buscando los factores que les proporcionan larga vida. “ aquí, la clave es la tecnología. Por primera vez somos capaces de procesar miles de tests, con rapidéz “ dice Stefan Schreiber. Tambien se busca el gen de Matusalén en halcones, y ciertas tortugas marinas que viven 200 años.
3) Que hace que los animales envejezcan : los productos colaterales del oxigeno, particulas oxigenadas que dañan las celulas, el genotipo y el cerebro disminuyendo la inteligencia en el curso de la vida. Los pajaros son los únicos que no son dañados por el oxigeno, dado que evolutivamente han desarrollado anti-particulas de oxigeno, arma efectiva contra los radicales libres, según Eberhard Fritz. 4) Síndrome de Werner. En los laboratorios británicos se trata de identificar una sustancia que impida que las celulas somáticas de pacientes afectos del síndrome de Werner (envejecimiento acelerado), envejezcan rápido. Después de los 20 años, estos pacientes envejecen 4 veces más rápido que lo normal, asegura David Kipling del Cardiff University. 5) La propia biologia del envejecimiento. Investigadores del Instituto para la Investigación Demográfica han identificado un hecho reiterado en Rostock. Cada año, la expectativa de vida se extiende 3 meses. Según James Vaupel, director del Instituto esta tendencia continuará en el futuro. Durante largo tiempo los demógrafos vienen observando que más allá de los 85 años aparentemente el envejecimiento se enlentece tornándose estos años en los mas saludables de sus vidas según declaraciones de los propios centenarios.
Labels: free radicals, gerontology, heavy isotopes, older men
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