Mental insanity: Prove it.

Certain murders in Peru, are unpunished or remain with smaller sentences. It is the case of those imputed that adducing mental insanity of any type, real or fake (the criminal doesn't differentiate the well of the wrong"), achieve smaller and until ridiculous sentences, mediated by astute lawyers and ignorant judges. The same thing seems to happen in the rest of the world. In this respect an informative interesting summary of Jeffrey Rosen of NYTimes gives bill that this type of sentences is beginning to change at least in USA, where the employment of brain scanning functional tomography(M.R.I.), applied as much to criminals as to judges contributes the necessary evidences to judge and to condemn appropriately. Owen Jones is a pionner in this new field called NeuroLaw.
Insanidad mental :Pruébelo.
Ciertos asesinatos en el Perú, quedan impunes o con penas menores. Es el caso de aquellos imputados que aduciendo insanidad mental, de cualquier tipo, real o fingida (“el imputado no diferencia el bien del mal”), logran penas menores y hasta ridiculas, mediadas por astutos abogados y jueces ignorantes. Lo mismo parece acontecer en el resto del mundo. Al respecto una interesante recopilación informativa de Jeffrey Rosen del NYTimes dá cuenta de que este tipo de sentencias está empezando a cambiar al menos en USA, donde el empleo de scans cerebrales funcionales (tomografias funcionales:M.R.I.), aplicadas tanto a delincuentes como a jueces aportan las evidencias necesarias para juzgar y condenar apropiadamente. Owen Jones de la Universidad de Vanderbilt es un pionero en esta nueva área denominada Neuroleyes.
Labels: M.R.I., mental insanity, neurolaw
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