How the brain process faces

Above: Drawings Courtesy of NYT.
The neuroscientist Doris Tsao of the University of Bremen/Germany says that the brain processes the faces in specific and high-priority form, seeming a cerebral area dedicated to the recognition of these, exist. In their investigations, Dra. Tsao uses resonance magnetic functional to identify cerebral activated areas while it stimulated monkeys with expensive, fruits and other structural patterns, discovering groups of activated cells related with the identification of expensive, in 3 regions of the temporary lobe. The cerebral areas that identified faces sometimes identified non-faces structures like faces. "If non-faces structures arrive to certain threshold the cells that process it recognizes them as faces (case of certain groupings of clouds).
For their side, Pawan Sinha, cognitive scientific of MIT has developed a software capable to identify the faces of potentials terrorist. For it he feed his PC with hundred of varied faces, discovering certain common relationships among them: the eyes and the mouth are always but dark that the forehead and cheeks respectively. With 12 of these characters, it is possible to identify faces although they were of low resolution (with images of 12 x 14 pixels 75% of one face is recognized). Like a PC, the brain processes the faces in a holistic form but that for individual discoveries. The non-faces structures sometimes assume the position of faces : Jesus Christ, face in 3D in the region of CydoniaMars, etc. It seems that facial recognizing seat deeply in our cerebral architecture, says: Takeo Watanabe, a neuroscientist of the University of Boston. After being bombarded by stimuli the brain perceive them continuosly although they are no longer seen, what grants advantage of survival (to be but sensitive to faces of wild animals and to escape). For Dr. Sinha, is beneficent to see faces and not to be so rigid in its recognition patterns.
For their side, Pawan Sinha, cognitive scientific of MIT has developed a software capable to identify the faces of potentials terrorist. For it he feed his PC with hundred of varied faces, discovering certain common relationships among them: the eyes and the mouth are always but dark that the forehead and cheeks respectively. With 12 of these characters, it is possible to identify faces although they were of low resolution (with images of 12 x 14 pixels 75% of one face is recognized). Like a PC, the brain processes the faces in a holistic form but that for individual discoveries. The non-faces structures sometimes assume the position of faces : Jesus Christ, face in 3D in the region of CydoniaMars, etc. It seems that facial recognizing seat deeply in our cerebral architecture, says: Takeo Watanabe, a neuroscientist of the University of Boston. After being bombarded by stimuli the brain perceive them continuosly although they are no longer seen, what grants advantage of survival (to be but sensitive to faces of wild animals and to escape). For Dr. Sinha, is beneficent to see faces and not to be so rigid in its recognition patterns.
Como procesa el cerebro las caras
La neurocientifica Doris Tsao de la Universidad de Bremen/Alemania dice que el cerebro procesa las caras en forma especifica y prioritaria, pareciendo existir un área cerebral dedicada al reconocimiento de estas. En sus investigaciones, la Dra. Tsao empleó resonancia magnética functional para identificar areas cerebrales activadas mientras estimulaba monos con caras, frutas y otros patrones estructurales, descubriendo grupos de células activadas relacionadas con la identificacion de caras, en 3 regiones del lóbulo temporal. Las áreas cerebrales que identificaban caras, ocasionalmente se encendian en respuesta a objetos que semejaban caras (no- caras). “si las no-caras, llegan a cierto umbral las células las procesan como caras (caso de ciertas agrupaciones de nubes) .
Por su lado, Pawan Sinha, cientifico cognitivo del MIT ha desarrollado software para identificar las caras de potenciales terroristas. Para ello alimentó a su PC con cientos de caras variadas, descubriendo ciertas relaciones comunes en ellas : los ojos y la boca siempre son mas oscuras que la frente y carrillos respectivamente. Con 12 de estos caracteres, es posible identificar caras aunque sean de baja resolución (con imágenes de 12 x 14 pixeles se reconoce el 75% de caras). Al igual que la PC, el cerebro procesa las caras holisticamente mas que por hallazgos individuales. A veces las no caras asumen el papel de caras : Jesucristo, cara en 3D en la region de Cydonia, Marte, etc. Parece que el procesamiento facial está profundamente inmerso en nuestra arquitectura cerebral, dice :Takeo Watanabe, un neurocientifico de la Universidad de Boston. Después de ser bombardeado por estimulos el cerebro continua percibiendolos aunque ya no esten, lo que otorga ventaja de supervivencia (ser mas sensible a las caras de animales salvajes y escapar). Para el Dr. Sinha, es benefico ver caras y no ser tan rigidos en sus patrones de reconocimiento.
Labels: brain faces recognition
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