Bionic eyes.

1: Camera on glasses views image
2: Signals are sent to hand-held device
3: Processed information is sent back to glasses and wirelessly transmitted to receiver under surface of eye
4: Receiver sends information to electrodes in retinal implant
5: Electrodes stimulate retina to send information to brain
A team of American investigators, led by Mark Humayun, of the University of California, have perfected a video-camera of 1 mm square (60 megapixels) that after capturing environmental images, send them to a processor unit located in the belt of people with difficulties to see. From there, the images are returned to the video-camera, of where they are send as electric (wirelessly) signals to receivers (electrodes), implanted and mixed with healthy retinal cells that finally send the signals to the brain. Approximately 1.5 million people in the world suffer of retinitis pigmentosa and 1 of each 10, older than 55 years suffer of macular degeneration because of the age. In both cases, the retinal cells processing of the light die gradually. According to Humayun(Doheny Retina Institute), the bionic eye will allow these patients to see.
1: Camera on glasses views image
2: Signals are sent to hand-held device
3: Processed information is sent back to glasses and wirelessly transmitted to receiver under surface of eye
4: Receiver sends information to electrodes in retinal implant
5: Electrodes stimulate retina to send information to brain
A team of American investigators, led by Mark Humayun, of the University of California, have perfected a video-camera of 1 mm square (60 megapixels) that after capturing environmental images, send them to a processor unit located in the belt of people with difficulties to see. From there, the images are returned to the video-camera, of where they are send as electric (wirelessly) signals to receivers (electrodes), implanted and mixed with healthy retinal cells that finally send the signals to the brain. Approximately 1.5 million people in the world suffer of retinitis pigmentosa and 1 of each 10, older than 55 years suffer of macular degeneration because of the age. In both cases, the retinal cells processing of the light die gradually. According to Humayun(Doheny Retina Institute), the bionic eye will allow these patients to see.
Un equipo de investigadores americanos, liderados por Mark Humayun, de la Universidad de California, han perfeccionado una video-camara de 1 mm cuadrado (60 megapixels), que tras capturar imagenes medioambientales, las envia a una unidad procesadora ubicada en la cintura de personas con dificultades para ver. De ahí, las imágenes son regresadas a la video-camara, de donde son enviadas como señales electricas (inhalambricamente), a receptores (electrodos), confundidos con celulas retinales sanas que finalmente envian las señales al cerebro. Aproximadamente 1.5 millones de personas en el mundo padecen de retinitis pigmentosa, en tanto que 1 de cada 10, mayor de 55 años sufre de degeneración macular a causa de la edad. En ambos casos, las celulas retinales procesadoras de la luz mueren gradualmente. Según Humayun(Doheny Retina Institute), el ojo biónico permitirá ver a estos pacientes.
Labels: bionic eye, macular degeneration, retinal cells, retinitis pigmentosa
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