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Wednesday, March 31, 2010


As we comment previously some scientific magazines of national and world wide circulation impede the diffusion of new ideas (especially of those but radicals). A closed circle in which universal scientific truth depends of a monopoly, of canons settled down by them and for that of their gurus (peer reviewers). A system in which a peer reviewer can be insensitive or not very capable to perceive new ideas. Sometimes a too slow system to recognize the worth of certain theories, such as those of Harald zur Hausen that sustained that human papillomavirus could cause cervical cancer or those of Barry Marshall that argued that peptic ulcer was caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pilorii that later demonstrated to be certain.

Due to it appeared "Medical Hypotheses" with Bruce Charlton (University of Newcastle), as their current director, dedicated to the diffusion of all type of radical ideas whenever they are coherent and clearly expressed. The magazine went well until Peter Duesberg proposed in one of its numbers that AIDS was not caused by HIV virus, but for the medication taken against the virus during years. Starting from there Elsevier the house publisher of Medical Hypothesis introduced a bigger control in the magazine, moving away the article of Duesberg because his ideas were dangerous for the public health forcing them to not ingest the antiviral medication, changes that will destroy totally the magazine, according to Charlton.


Como lo comentamos anteriormente algunas revistas cientificas de circulación nacional y mundial impiden la difusión de nuevas ideas (especialmente de las mas radicales). Un circulo cerrado en el que la verdad científica universal depende de un monopolio, de cánones establecidas por ellas y por la de sus gurús (peer reviewers). Un sistema en el que un peer review puede ser insensible o poco capaz de percibir nuevas ideas. A veces un sistema demasiado lento para reconocer la valia de ciertas teorías, como las de Harald zur Hausen, que sostenía que el Papilomavirus humano podia causar cancer cervical o las de Barry Marshall que arguia que la úlcera péptica era causada por la bacteria Helicobacter pilorii, que después demostraron ser ciertas.

Por ello se creó "Medical Hypotheses" con Bruce Charlton (University of Newcastle), como su actual director, dedicado a la difusion de todo tipo de ideas radicales siempre que sean coherente y claramente expresadas. La revista iba bien hasta que Peter Duesberg propuso en uno de sus números que el SIDA no era causado por el virus HIV, sino por la medicación tomada contra este durante años. A partir de ahi, Elsevier la casa editora de Medical Hypothesis introdujo un mayor control en el magazine, retirando el articulo de Duesberg porque sus ideas eran peligrosas para la salud pública, obligandola a no ingerir la medicación antiviral, cambios que según Charlton destruyen totalmente al magazine.



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