The doctor
Vivette Glover of the Imperial College of London is accumulating evidences of something that our mothers have come telling to
sotto voce, during decades: that mistreated mothers by cruel or violent husbands, during their pregnacies gestate children affected emotionally. The Dra Vvette has demonstrated that there is a strong correlation between maternal and fetal
cortisol (elevated), levels (
Gitau et al 1998, 2001), and that if the mother is anxious there is less blood flow to the baby (
Teixeira et al 1999). High levels of in utero testosterone may also affect the neurodevelopment of the child (
Gitau et al 2005). Also it has been shown low levels of
IQ (at 18 months), in children of mothers submitted to violent stresses during their pregnancies. The children born of this luck are anxious, fearful, unstable and many suffer of
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
El estrés gestacional afecta al futuro niño.
La doctora Vivette Glover, del Imperial College de Londres está acumulando evidencias de algo que nuestras madres han venido diciendo a sotto voce, durante décadas : que las madres maltratadas por maridos crueles o violentos, durante susembarazos, gestan niños afectados emocionalmente. La Dra Vvette, ha demostrado niveles incrementados de cortisol (la hormona del stress), bañando el liquido amniótico antenatal y bajos niveles de IQ (a los 18 meses), en hijos de madres sometidas a estreses violentos durante el embarazo. Los niños nacidos de esta suerte son ansiosos, temerosos, inestables y muchos padecen de déficits de atención asociados a desórdenes de hiperactividad (ADHD).
Labels: ADHD, cortisol, fearful babies, stress
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