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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The best Hospital of New York

It seems us interesting to put in knowledge of our readers a selection of the best hospitals of New York, obtained by means of answers to specific questionnaires sent to 30 000 New York physicians of which 1000, responded suitably. The results are the following, respecting the order: 1) New York Presbyterian Hospital, that counts on 2 divisions of cardiac surgery with very low indexs of mortality. Besides they reported also : 52% % successful fertilizations in vitro (IVF), with noncongealed embryos. One knows that they take care of with much consideration to gays and lesbians. Also, they make screening of cancer to fetuses and take care of successful of many cases of childbirths of high risk 2) Mount Medical Sinai Center 3) New York Medical Center 4) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital, leaders in cancer of prostate, lung, breast, colon. Peter Scardino one of his star physicians makes 750 successful total prostatectomies each year with the added one that most of his patients, does not accuse (postoperatively), alterations in their sexual function 5) Yale New Haven Hospital 6) Montefiore Medical Center, with revolutionary treatments for migraine..... It was interesting also to know the medical anchors that decided the election: a) the trustworthy diagnosis of any disease depends on a good interrogation (detailed clinical file). In as much, the interrogations are carried out by medicos, residents, internal, nurses, etc, this in the long run turns the immense data in quality, arriving to better diagnosis b) for dificcult diseases, these great hospitals always count on new protocols of investigation c) continuously make works of investigation d) make much well-taken care of basic medicine, of preventive counseling and nursing, etc which improves medical attention e) finally comes the volume of practical procedures : is not better somebody than realize 800 yearly medical procedures than somebody that single realize 20?. this article appeared in New York magazine (November/20/2006), written by Sandeep Jauhar.

Los mejores hospitales de Nueva York.

Nos parece interesante poner en conocimiento de nuestros lectores una selección de los mejores hospitales de New York, obtenida mediante respuestas a cuestionarios especificos enviados a 30 000 medicos neoyorquinos, de los cuales 1000, respondieron adecuadamente. Los resultados son respetando el orden : 1) New York Presbyterian Hospital, que cuenta con 2 divisiones de cirugia cardiaca con indices muy bajos de mortalidad. Ademas reportan un 52% % de fertilizaciones in vitro (VIF), exitosas con embriones no congelados. Se sabe que atienden con mucha consideracion a gays y lesbianas. Ultimamente realizan screening de cancer a fetos y atienden exitosamente muchos casos de partos de alto riesgo 2) Mount Sinai Medical Center 3) New York Medical Center 4) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital, lideres en cancer de prostata, pulmon, mama, colon. Peter Scardino uno de sus medicos estrella, realiza 750 prostatectomias totales al año con el añadido de que la mayoria de sus pacientes, no acusa (postoperatoriamente), alteraciones en su función sexual 5) Yale New Haven Hospital 6) Montefiore Medical Center, con tatamientos revolucionarios para la migraña…….siguen. Fué interesante asimismo conocer las razones médicas que decidieron la eleccion : a) el diagnóstico fidedigno de cualquier enfermedad depende de un buen interrogatorio (historia clinica detallada). En tanto, los interrogatorios son llevados a cabo por médicos, residentes, internos, enfermeras, etc, esto a la larga convierte el inmenso numero de preguntas en calidad, arribandose a un mejor diagnóstico b) para enfermedades dificiles, estos grandes hospitales siempre cuentan con protocolos de investigacion nuevos c) continuamente realizan trabajos de investigacion d) realizan mucho cuidado basico medico, de consejeria, de prevencion y enfermeria, etc lo que mejora la atención médica e) finalmente esta el volumen de practices :?que es mejor alguien que realize 800 procedimientos medicos al año o alguien que solo realize 20?. El articulo aparecio en el New York magazine (Noviembre/20/2006), escrito por Sandeep Jauhar.



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