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Friday, May 22, 2020



After reviewing several papers, watching national and international videoconferences and scrutinizing ideas related to the clinic and treatment of the Covid-19 epidemic, we were left with some clear things, which in descending order of importance are: 1) Epidemiological measures. 2) Immunity: anti-virus vaccines, infusion of hyperimmune plasmas. of convalescent human to certain coronavirus infected people.  3) Knowledge (even scarce) of the structure and function of viruses 4) Molecular tests and mathematical calculations 5) Investigations carried out in the same field of events. We will comment on the first 2 items. I) Knowing that viral pandemics are directly related to the increase in population density ( -decrease it, is essential- although the effectiveness of this measure varies according to the economic and educational condition of each country. In developing nations such as Peru, the success of social confinement is hampered by the aforementioned inequalities, especially by the urgent daily economic needs. Although in Peru, a national health emergency law was established early ( 2020-sa-1863981-2 /), that established social isolation, its compliance was strictly observed in certain districts of Lima and the rest of the country, more economically fluent. These, having housed the first imported cases, showed a moderate rise in the epidemiological curve, which has currently slowed down, anticipating that this first group would begin to travel from the descending part of the curve since mid-June. The same is not happening in the poorest and most densely populated districts of Lima and some departments of Peru (70% of the Peruvian population) -the-new-concentration-points-of-the-covid-19-according-to-the-heat-map, whose cases began to increase 3 weeks after those of the first group, originating because of the above :a steepening and prolongation of the ascending part of the curve that, as some  mathematicians explain, is destined to undergo a stop in the coming weeks, and after crossing the plateau, begin a general decline, not without some obstacles generated in markets (https: // management. pe / peru / politics / coronavirus-peru-10-markets-in-lima-identified-as-foci-of-contagion-of-covid-19-nndc-news /), buses, pharmacies, building elevators multi-family, etc). II) Immunity: a) Taking into account that the Covid-19 virus produces an asymptomatic clinical course in 80% of those infected ( -confirmed-by-coronavirus-cov19-amount-to-104-020-in-the-peru-reported-n-106 (usually under 50 years), it is concluded that this process -luck of natural selection- tolerates the strongest and eliminates the weakest. Rethinking the positive aspects of the aforementioned process has applications in the current pandemic - which will be repeated in the coming years – being the fundamental thing  to ensure that our immune system adapts to that of the virus, establishing a  coexistence human-virus,  subject to a single rule, except for responsibilities to the virus, if our immune system is weakened b) Taking into account  that prophylactic and therapeutic medical treatment lacks consensus and is mostly symptomatic, at the moment the most solid therapy against coronavirus is the creation of a vaccine  under the rules of acquired immunity. Vaccine production currently suffers from two problems: delay in producing it and considering that efficacy of  dead or attenuated  cannot be predicted with certainty. According to the expert: Christine Stabell Benn, the use of live antigens, banned by the WHO, give protection for 15 years and are 96% effective. In our country a vaccine is being produced with protein extracts from the virus crown (dead virus) against-the-covid-19-news-1263525
c) Type of problems that induces us to locate the infusion of hyperimmune plasma from convalescent humans: secondly, by being able to reverse the severity of the viral symptom-symptomatology, in 24 hours. Any level III hospital is able to prepare this plasma using a simple method, provided you have informed consent, the blood fractionation machine and a trained hematologist or pathologist. feel-almost-magically-very-well/Q52HIGGIYNAGFCQPTBIM37YEJQ/ d) On the other hand, some scientists argue that attenuated BCG vaccination -vaccine-to-fight-coronavirus.html provides protection not only against tuberculosis but also against viruses, fungi and some types of cancer. e) We need to know more about the virus. For now and according to Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize in Medicine, some antigenic sequences of the current coronavirus have been artificially replaced by others containing HIV RNA, supposedly made in a laboratory of China, processes that would have endowed the coronavirus with a greater infectivity. Fortunately and according to Montagnier himself, nature only supports a certain order where this bizarre virus does not fit, so the self-elimination of HIV sequences, are almost certain, making the virus less  aggressive, thereby ending the pandemic.

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