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Tuesday, November 05, 2019


The Polish/British : Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz, 56 (Mammalian Development and Stem Cell Biology/University of Cambridge/UK), exhibits a curious, intense and creative  -although not prolonged- career as a scientist, being perceived as very enlightened beyond biology and with a huge and deep holistic vision of embryology of development. 1) Her most important successes have to do with new theories (some already proven), new models of human embryonic development until the first 14 days and the genetic studies that she   carried out on herself, to ensure the healthy birth of his son Simon,  now of 11 years old.  Chorionic villi of her  own placenta showed that Simon carried 30% aneuploid cells (chromosome number abnormalities). MZ-Goetz let him be born because she understood, thanks to his theoretical models and previous experiments, that the remaining normal cells would isolate or eliminate the bad cells, as finally happened. 2) After graduating as a PhD in biology, MZ-Goetz found himself in the trance of disagreeing with certain postulates of his Polish PhD mentor: Andrej Tarkowski, who argued that human embryonic cells occupied random positions in the organism in formation, while she, on the other hand, believed that the positions occupied by these cells were early  predetermined. Today it is known that very early cells have a genetic predetermination in this regard. There are    known several works of MZ-Goetz in which she studied and proved   the predeterministic joint activity of genes in these stages. Today it is accepted thanks to her, that these cells are heterogeneous, exhibiting very small differences at a very early  stage, especially at the level of DNA-linked transcription and that these differences occur when the embryo has only 4 cells, where certain genes such as : Oct4, Osx2, Ox21 and the enzyme Car1, have differentiated  expressions for  pluripotent cells of the embryo, the body in formation and the placenta. Time proved right to MZ-Goetz. Now it is better understood why embryonic cells are located at specific sites during development. 3) The last 15 years have allowed MZ-Goetz to value the growing technology and use it in its proper measure, revealing many secrets of the early development of human embryos. 4) This remarkable scientist has also properly assessed the enormous plasticity of the embryo to repair itself and be born healthy and without defects. 5) On the other hand, she has clarified that when abnormal cells appear in embryos in formation -less than 14 days- they are not tolerated by normal cells, who eliminate or expel them towards the placenta where they are tolerated. 6) Now that the collapse of the myth of the impossibility of growing embryos beyond 9 days begins (2 teams of Chinese scientists have just cultivated embryos in vitro for up to 20 days) and the possibility is seen in the not so distant future to create improved healthy humans (transhumans) in  9 months, the MZ-Goetz highlights the in vitro persistence of the self-organizing properties of the human embryo noted   during human implantation. 7) MZ-Goetz is now committed to the development of the human embryo outside the uterus, something unfeasible until recently, given the existence of certain ethical restrictions and difficulties in growing embryos in vitro more than 14 days. 8) We believe that MZ-Goetz is ready to continue conducting high quality research by the time the laws that limit studies in human embryos beyond 14 days are more relaxed or disappear. We trust that she   will easily solve the problems of gastrulation in vitro and others. MZ-Goetz is on its way to the Nobel Prize, no doubt. For us with all the advanced, what is needed now is the creation of mathematical models that   algorithmically  describe  the creation and formation of a human being from the beginning to the end, because finally human beings are computable.

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