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Tuesday, November 08, 2005


In a fast and sensible reaction, Michelle Bachelet presidential candidate in Chile, said in relationship of the presence of Fujimori in his country: "I ask myself like all the Chileans why came to make this gentleman in Chile?...why the Investigative Police, did not stop him...?". One X-rays section of what occurs now in Chile. The leftists and the rigth. With it Bachelet, took distance from certain those in favor, some of which validated the Japanese nationality of Fujimori, adapting its lodging like tourist in a luxurious hotel of Santiago. When having - for time-the INTERPOL, labeled Fujimori as Wanted , one does not understand why they don't stopped him in his journey towards Chile. In such way one single one has been able to imagine clonation of Japanese friends of Fujimori, in different capitals from the world.
The reappearance of Fuji in Chile, is lent so that certain sector of the right tries to use it, in exchange for hospitality. Of by means profitable businesses are for them: the gas, the Peruvian ports to concesionate itself, the aerial deal and the buried fear of which Fuji returns to Peru to be President. Fuji, arrive to Chile, trusted. Single nor could not have been extradited to the Peru, the Peruvian profujimoristas: Calmell del Solar and the publicist Borobbio, either the Chilean tycoon Luksic. In order to explain these cases, Chile is boasted to have an independent Judicial Power. In fact its judicial system resembled the American, is different from ours. The lawyers receive per hour, promote liberties paying guarantees. They exist here, very reliable lawyers.
For Chile across, Fujimori represents right the antithesis of its democratics anxieties. Fujimori is a slap for that they fight in favor of the human rights, of which they are against homicides, robbery, ilicit association to break the law, etc. For them Fujimori must be extradited immediately. As the times change and Chile has repaired that to maintain good economics relations with Peru is subject of top priority, it is possible that Fujimori will be extradited to the brevity. He is but the coherent thing. With it Bachelet, will recovered forces.
Why Fujimori, came to Chile?. Its acute political sense of smell made him glimpse that when two countries are fought (for the sea borders, the gas), does not get to matter to them, which does third (Fujimori). On another side, Fuji, is an audacious man, it does not let pass no opportunity. Legally Fuji, clings to the norm that it establishes that the Peruvian Congress, did not disqualify to whom has not been judged by the Judicial Power. Just in case if the strategy to the presidency, failed, Fuji trust in that many of its supporters would be chosen like congressmen, guaranteeing to him to the future a impunity. If he is vetoed like presidential candidate, Fuji would be a victim. And, already it is known that the Peruvian town forgets fast and tends to get along with the victims. Nevertheless, in democracy the affected people shout hard. That is the factor nontaken into account by Fujimori. Yesterday defending of the human rights, embroiled to blows with fujimoristas groups, in the heat of street. The third option, the one to return to the Japan, is less favorable. In Japan Fuji must remain shut up, under pain of being extradited.

En agil y sensata reacción, Michelle Bachelet candidata presidencial en Chile, dijo a raiz de la presencia de Fujimori en su pais: “Yo me pregunto al igual que todos los chilenos ¿que vino a hacer este señor en Chile?….¿porque la Policia de Investigaciones, no lo detuvo...?”. Una radiografia explicita de lo que acontece en Chile :izquierda y derecha. Con ello la Bachelet, tomó distancia de ciertos partidarios, algunos de los cuales validaron la nacionalidad japonesa de Fujimori, adecuando su hospedaje como turista en un lujoso hotel de Santiago. Al tener –desde hace tiempo-la INTERPOL, fichado a Fujimori como Wanted y no haberlo detenido en su transito hacia Chile, uno solo puede imaginar la clonacion de amigos japoneses de Fujimori, en distintas capitales del mundo.

Arrest Warrant Issued by:
/ Peru , LIMA / Peru

La reaparición de Fuji en Chile, se presta para que cierto sector de la derecha pretenda utilizarlo, a cambio de cobijamiento. De por medio estan rentables negocios: el gas, los puertos peruanos a concesionarse, el trafico aereo y el soterrado temor de que Fuji vuelva a ser Presidente. Fuji llego confiado. N o solo no han podido ser extraditados al Peru, los profujimoristas peruanos: Calmell del Solar y el publicista Borobbio, tampoco el magnate chileno Luksic. Para explicar estos casos, Chile se jacta de tener un Poder Judicial independiente. En realidad su sistema judicial asemejado al americano, es diferente al nuestro. Los abogados cobran por hora, promueven libertades pagando fianzas. Existen aquí, abogados muy solventes

Para el Chile del otro lado, Fujimori representa justo la antitesis de sus ansias democraticas. Fujimori es una cachetada para los que luchan a favor de los derechos humanos, de los que estan en contra de homicidios, peculados, asociación ilicita para delinquir etc. Para ellos Fujimori deberia ser extraditado de inmediato. Como los tiempos cambian y Chile ha reparado que mantener relaciones economicas con Peru es asunto de lesa prioridad, lo mas probable es que Fujimori sea extraditado a la brevedad. Es lo mas coherente. Con ello la Bachelet, recobrara fuerzas.

Porque vino a Chile?. Su agudo olfato político le hizo entrever que cuando dos paises se pelean (diferendos maritimos, el gas), no llega a importarles, lo que haga un tercero (Fujimori). Por lo demas Fuji, es un hombre audaz, no deja pasar ninguna oportunidad. Legalmente se aferra a la norma que establece que el Congreso peruano, no inhabilitara a quien no ha sido juzgado por el Poder Judicial. Por si acaso si la estrategia a la presidencia, fallara, Fuji confia en que muchos de sus simpatizantes seran elegidos como congresistas, garantizandole a el a futuro :impunidad. Si lo vetan como candidato presidencial, Fuji se hara la victima. Y, ya se sabe que el pueblo peruano olvida rapido y tiende a simpatizar con las desvalidos. Sin embargo, en democracia lo afectados gritan duro. Ese es el factor no tomado en cuenta por Fujimori. Ayer defensores de los derechos humanos, se liaron a golpes con grupos fujimoristas, en plena calle.. La tercera opcion, la de retornar al Japon, es la menos favorable. Alla, debera permanecer callado, so pena de ser extraditado.


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