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Sunday, January 27, 2008


I advise the reading of "Towards Total Freedom" (1998. Editorial Errepar. Buenos Aires, Barcelona, pp :153-175), written by J. Krishnamurti, around the "total" education of human beings. Krishnamurti says that education around all the world is based on the search of the success and personnel security, when it should be a buildup of attentive, creative, loving and caring, minds. Krishnamurti, says that there is a overuse of the memory (information linked to the status quo of a society, always linked to the past). That kind of education, emasculate the individual creativity. Krishnamurti advocates by a education (the most noble professions), being devoted to forge individuals with intelligence (information, emotion, action, love, creation). Although, we do not mind, the current education only seeks to give security to individuals through the acquisition of a profession or technique (pure memory). An education that only has caused perpetual war and destruction. La built of an open mind (“to all”), must be shaped through integrated actions of the family and educators.


Aconsejo la lectura de “Hacia la libertad total” (1998. Editorial Errepar. Buenos Aires, Barcelona, pp:153-175), de J. Krishnamurti, en torno a sus conceptos sobre educacion total del individuo. Krishnamurti asegura que la educacion en todo el mundo esta basada en la busqueda del exito y la seguridad personal, cuando debiese estarlo en la creacion de mentes atentas, creativas, amorosas y afectuosas. Krishnamurti, arremete contra la sobreutilizacion de la memoria individual para trasmitir eternamente, informacion ligada al status quo de la sociedad (siempre ligada al pasado). Un modelo que castra la creatividad individual. Krishnamurti aboga porque la enseñanza (la mas noble de las profesiones), se dedique a forjar individuos con inteligencia integrada (informacion, emocion, accion, amor, creacion). Aunque no nos demos cuenta, la educacion actual solo busca darle seguridad al individuo mediante la adquisicion de una profesion o tecnica. Una educacion asi, solo perpetua tecnicas de guerra y destruccion.La gesta de una mente abierta a todo, debe forjarse mediante la accion integrada de la familia y el educador.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah.. luv this post

7:12 PM  

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