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Saturday, July 12, 2008


A great obstacle to the employment to great scale of sun energy is that it is diluted a lot, during the process of its storage. Now, a group of engineers of the MIT has solved partially the problem, creating planar waveguides organic concentrators of sun light that differ of the current photovoltaic solar panels in: I) they are made of glass or plastic and can be put in any place. Therefore, they don't have to be located only on the floors. They could be conforming the windows of big buildings II) they are covered with painting to specific ratios that allows to capture and to concentrate the sun light III) The captured light is reemitted into inorganic waveguided modes in the edges of the panels where are located sun cells reducing the area required for sun cells and the cost IV) When something of sun light escapes from the panel, this it is captured by another panel located under the first one.


Un gran obstáculo al empleo a gran escala de la energía solar es que esta se diluye mucho, durante el proceso de su almacenamiento. Ahora, un grupo de ingenieros del MIT ha resuelto parcialmente el problema, creando concentradores solares planos, especiales de luz solar, que se diferencian de los paneles fotovoltaicos solares actuales en: I) Estan hechos de vidrio o plástico,ubicable en cualquier lugar. Por lo tanto, no tienen que estar regados por los pisos. Podrían estar conformando las mismas ventanas de grandes edificios II) Están cubiertas con pintura a un ratio especifico, que permite capturar y concentrar la luz solar III) La luz captada es enviada a los bordes del panel donde se encuentran las células solares inorganicas reduciendo de este modo el area requerida para las celulas solares y el costo IV) Cuando algo de luz escapa del panel, esta es captada por otro panel ubicado debajo del primero.



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