For 50 years, some scientists suggest that alternatively to the search for radio messages (SETI), issued by extraterrestrial civilizations, we should attempt to capture signals of its technological capabilities (megascale engineering). Although at the moment and to a distance of 1,000 light-years there are no signs of this, the search continues. Freeman Dyson, hinted a few decades ago that pressures of population and energy demands would urge to extraterrestrial civilizations to dismantle neighbors planets placing its debris circumferentially around the sun, the way of massive solar collectors, able to block all or part of visible and ultraviolet light. Today it is thought that instead of planetary debris could be employed large numbers of metal tiles, placed in orbit around the sun forming a huge spheric area, whose radius would be equal to a planetary orbit or equivalents based on the reach of optimal solar energy.
Thus, the inside of the resulting sphere would receive 100% of solar energy permitting its inhabitants to live in a comfortable way and taking plenty of room to live. By comparison, the Earth has an area of 789 million square miles, while such sphere can be 252 quadrillions square miles. Although from the outside that area would not be visible, its heated interior would radiate infrared light, detectable from Earth. Dyson has suggested seeking such features on celestial bodies and thus detect advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. After reviewing more than 10,000 infrared spectra taken by the infrared astronomical satellite IRAS, Richard Carrigan has identified 33 potential areas, 4 of which are the best. Another way to identify them are the images coming from the NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope (Spitzer's Glimpse).
Thus, the inside of the resulting sphere would receive 100% of solar energy permitting its inhabitants to live in a comfortable way and taking plenty of room to live. By comparison, the Earth has an area of 789 million square miles, while such sphere can be 252 quadrillions square miles. Although from the outside that area would not be visible, its heated interior would radiate infrared light, detectable from Earth. Dyson has suggested seeking such features on celestial bodies and thus detect advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. After reviewing more than 10,000 infrared spectra taken by the infrared astronomical satellite IRAS, Richard Carrigan has identified 33 potential areas, 4 of which are the best. Another way to identify them are the images coming from the NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope (Spitzer's Glimpse).
Desde hace 50 años, algunos científicos sugieren que alternativamente a la búsqueda de mensajes de radio (SETI), emitidos por civilizaciones extraterrestres, se debería intentar captar señales de su capacidad tecnológica (megaconstrucciones de ingeniería). Aunque de momento y hasta una distancia de 1000 años luz no hay señales de ello, la búsqueda continúa. Freeman Dyson, dejó entrever hace unas décadas atrás que las presiones de población y demandas energéticas urgirían a civilizaciones extraterrestres a desmantelar planetas vecinos colocando sus restos circularmente alrededor del sol, al modo de colectores solares masivos, capaces de bloquear parcial o totalmente la luz visible y ultravioleta. Hoy se piensa que en lugar de restos planetarios podrían emplearse gran número de losetas de metal colocadas juntas, en órbita alrededor del sol conformando una gigantesca esfera, cuyo radio sería igual a una órbita planetaria o equivalentes, basados en el alcance energético óptimo solar.
De ese modo, el interior de la esfera resultante recibiría el 100% de la energia solar viviendo sus habitantes de manera confortable, teniendo además espacio de sobra para vivir. Comparativamente, la Tierra tiene un área de 789 millones de millas cuadradas, mientras que tal esfera alcanzaria 252 cuadrillones de millas cuadradas. Aunque desde el exterior tal esfera no seria visible, su interior recalentado radiaría luz infraroja detectable desde la tierra. Dyson ha sugerido buscar tales características en cuerpos celestes y así detectar civilizaciones extraterrestres avanzadas. Tras examinar mas de 10,000 espectros infrarojos tomados por el satelite astronómico infrarrojo IRAS, Carrigan ha identificado 17 posibles esferas, 4 de las cuales acusan nivel de excelencia. Otra forma de identificarlas provendría de imágenes tomadas por el NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope (Spitzer's GLIMPSE).
Labels: Freeman Dyson
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