A feat similar to that conducted by the Wright brothers is cooked by the Swiss pilot Bertrand Piccard, descendant from an illustrious family of pioneers. Piccard and André Borschberg intended orbit the earth in a solar plane: Solar impulse, whose prototype is displayed to the public today, near Zurich. The structure of the plane -8 times lighter than any other glider- built with plastic and carbon fiber, has just a few mm thick. It flies at 70 km/h, being the total span of its wings: 61 meters.
The pilots must face the following challenges 1) Cold environment. They will be protected only by a thin wall vidrio.2) A plane’s tilt of only 15 degrees may precipitate the machine to earth. 3) Recovering without sleep flying in night. Since men hallucinate after 3 days without sleep, they will use hypnosis, yoga, meditation and emergency vibrators attached to their jackets. 4) They must be creative because solar cells that feed on day the 4 engines, will be insufficient at night. Piccard hopes that the success of the mission will demonstrate the benefits of renewable energy.
The pilots must face the following challenges 1) Cold environment. They will be protected only by a thin wall vidrio.2) A plane’s tilt of only 15 degrees may precipitate the machine to earth. 3) Recovering without sleep flying in night. Since men hallucinate after 3 days without sleep, they will use hypnosis, yoga, meditation and emergency vibrators attached to their jackets. 4) They must be creative because solar cells that feed on day the 4 engines, will be insufficient at night. Piccard hopes that the success of the mission will demonstrate the benefits of renewable energy.
Una hazaña similar a la llevada a cabo por los hermanos Wright es cocinada por el aviador suizo Bertrand Piccard, descendiente de una ilustre familia de pioneros. Piccard y André Borschberg pretenden orbitar la tierra en un planeador solar (Solar Impulse), cuyo prototipo se exhibe desde hoy al público, cerca de Zurich. La estructura del planeador -8 veces más ligero que cualquier otro planeador- construída con plástico y fibra de carbono, apenas cuenta con unos mm de espesor. Vuela a 70 km/h, siendo el span total de sus alas : 61 metros.
Los aviadores deberán enfrentar los siguientes desafíos : 1) Frío ambiental, estando protegidos apenas por una delgada pared de vidrio.2) Una inclinación de apenas 15 grados puede precipitar al planeador en una mortal caída en espiral 3) Recuperarse sin dormir, en tanto volarán de noche. Como los hombres alucinan tras estar 3 días sin dormir, se ayudarán con hipnosis, yoga, meditación y vibradores de emergencia, adheridos a sus chaquetas. 4) Tendrán que ser creativos en tanto las células solares que alimentan de día los 4 motores, son insuficientes por la noche. Piccard confía en que éxito de la misión demostrará las bondades de las energías renovables.
Labels: renewable energy.
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