Cause a stir in Peru the murder of a Peruvian at the hands of 4 pishtacos (in quechua: pishtay, cut in strips), which detained confessed in detail how and why they performed such murderous practices: extract human fat for sale in Europe at 15 000 U.S. dollars per liter. The murderers said they behead their victims and after cutting off arms and legs hanging the body from the trees by hooks (like grilled chicken), heating it with 10 large candles placed at lower levels so that the fat will slip into containers being finally stored in bottles of 1 1 / 2 liter. Having found 17 liters of fat, the police assumed that pishtacos may have been killed for this purpose at least 60 people in Huanuco-Peru and surrounding areas.
Although several European media have put into question the news, reality is that: a) this is not new, it circulates since ancient times in Peru always alluding utilitarian reasons: sale of fat. b) their potential use as a cosmetic is not concerned with the production of soaps (as some journalists argue). It refers rather to the gradual replacement of the skin of the face with a new induced by intrinsic properties of human fat. By the way several scientific articles support the ability of certain types of stem cells present in human fat to quickly change into multiple layers of skin, bone, cartilage, and others. c) the manual process involved with the impurities does not negate the above procedure because, according to Joseph Wu, a few stem cells are enough to clean fat and in 48 hours culture hundreds of millions of stem cells (final objective), intended to form new skin and others (true cosmetic reason). There are even European foundations promoting the use of stem cells present in the fat with the purposes referred above. Thus. the commercial value is large.
Although several European media have put into question the news, reality is that: a) this is not new, it circulates since ancient times in Peru always alluding utilitarian reasons: sale of fat. b) their potential use as a cosmetic is not concerned with the production of soaps (as some journalists argue). It refers rather to the gradual replacement of the skin of the face with a new induced by intrinsic properties of human fat. By the way several scientific articles support the ability of certain types of stem cells present in human fat to quickly change into multiple layers of skin, bone, cartilage, and others. c) the manual process involved with the impurities does not negate the above procedure because, according to Joseph Wu, a few stem cells are enough to clean fat and in 48 hours culture hundreds of millions of stem cells (final objective), intended to form new skin and others (true cosmetic reason). There are even European foundations promoting the use of stem cells present in the fat with the purposes referred above. Thus. the commercial value is large.
Causa revuelo en el Perú el asesinato de un peruano a manos de 4 pishtacos (quechua : pishtay, cortar en tiras), los mismos que detenidos, confesaron con detalles el modo y la razón de sus prácticas asesinas : extraer grasa humana para venderla en Europa a razón de 15 000 dólares el litro. Los asesinos dijeron que degollaban a sus victimas y después de cortarles brazos y piernas los colgaban de árboles mediante garfios (cual pollos a la brasa), calentándolos con 10 velas grandes ubicadas en planos inferiores de modo tal que la grasa se deslizara hacia recipientes en forma de embudo siendo finalmente almacenadas en botellas de 1 1/2 litro. Habiendo encontrado 17 litros de grasa, la policía presume que podrían haber sido asesinados con este propósito al menos unas 60 personas en Huánuco-Peru y alrededores.
Aunque varios medios europeos han puesto en tela de duda la noticia, lo real es que : a) esta no es nueva, circula de antiguo en el Perú aludiendo siempre razones utilitarias :venta de grasa. b) su posible uso como cosmético no se refiere a la producción de jabones (como arguyen algunos periodistas). Se refiere mas bien al reemplazo gradual de la piel de la cara por otra nueva inducida por las propiedades intrínsecas de la grasa humana. A propósito varios artículos científicos avalan la capacidad de cierto tipo de células madre presentes en la grasa humana para transformarse rápidamente en múltiples capas de piel, hueso, cartilago y otros. c) el proceso manual con las impurezas que conlleva no anula el procedimiento anterior ya que según Joseph Wu, bastan unas cuantas células madre grasas limpias para cultivar en 48 horas cientos de millones de celas madre (objetivo final), destinadas a formar nueva piel y otros (verdaderas razones cosméticas). Existen incluso fundaciones europeas promotoras del empleo de células madre presentes en la grasa con los propósitos referidos anteriormente. Por tanto el valor comercial es grande.
Labels: pishtacos
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