Like our 2 eyes, 2 german satellites: Tandem-X (TerraSAR-X add-on Digital for Elevation Measurement) perceive the depth of objects. Hardly separated 250-500 m among them while orbiting our planet, they generate images in 3D of the Earth using radars of remote sensing. With an average of 5 year-old lifespan, both satellites will be useful in hydrology, mensuration of oceanic currents, polarimetric interferometry and diverse commercial applications (high quality cartography). 4 German institutes built the Tandem satellites: Microwaves and Radar Institute, German Remote Sensing Center, Remote Dates Sensing technology Institute and the German Space Operation Center GSOC. Launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, the satellital Tandem illuminates with its radar a segment of the earth registering signs that later will be processed. It operates independently of the conditions of weather and environmental light. One satellite acts as transmitter/receiver and the other as a second receiver.
De modo similar a como nuestros 2 ojos perciben la profundidad de los objetos, 2 satélites alemanes : TanDEM-X (TerraSAR-X add-on for Digital Elevation Measurement), separados apenas 250-500 m entre si mientras orbitan nuestro planeta, generan imágenes en 3D de la Tierra empleando radares de sensibilidad remota. Con un promedio de vida de 5 años, ambos satélites serán útiles en hidrología, medición de corrientes oceánicas, interferometría polarimétrica y diversas aplicaciones comerciales (cartografía de alta calidad). 4 institutos alemanes construyeron el Tandem satelital: Microwaves and Radar Institute), German Remote Sensing Data Center, Remote Sensing technology Institute y el German Space Operation Center GSOC. Lanzado desde el Baikonur Cosmodrome en Kazakhstan, el Tandem satelital ilumina con su radar una franja de la tierra registrando señales que después son procesadas. Opera independientemente de las condiciones del tiempo y la luz ambiental. Un satélite actúa como trasmisor/receptor y el otro como un segundo receptor.
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