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Saturday, August 21, 2010


A team of geneticists reported this week in Science that permanently disabled genes (junk, fossils), recovered activity, causing a facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD). Although until recently was considered to these genes like dead, the real thing is that under certain circumstances they recover activity. The gene of the FHSD, characterized by self repeated copies (less than 10), is located in the tip of the long arm of the chromosome 4 and alone some people acquire the illness, characterized by progressive muscular weakness in arms, shoulders and face. According to the geneticist Tapscott, if the gene get the sequence poly (A): 10 repeated copies, it transcribes information used as first step to elaborate proteins. If the gene develops more than 10 copies the genetic area enters in silence. It seems that this gene would be important in embryonic development. David Housman, geneticist of MIT, argues the possible existence of other similar illnesses.


Un grupo de genetistas reporto esta semana en Science, que genes permanentemente deshabilitados (junk, fosiles), recobraron actividad, causando una distrofia muscular, facioscapulohumeral (FSHD). Aunque hasta hace poco se consideraba a estos genes como muertos, lo real es que bajo ciertas circunstancias recuperan actividad. El gene del FHSD, caracterizado por copias repetidas (menos de 10), se ubica en la punta del brazo largo del cromosoma 4 y solo algunas personas adquieren la enfermedad, caracterizada por progresiva debilidad muscular en brazos, hombros y cara. Según el genetista Tapscott, si el gene estructura la secuencia poly (A) : 10 copias de si mismo, transcribe información necesaria como primer paso para elaborar proteínas. Si desarrolla mas copias de si mismo, la zona genetica entra en silencio. Al parecer el gene seria importante en el desarrollo embrionario. David Housman, genetista del MIT, arguye la posible existencia de otras enfermedades similares.



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