We have
previously communicated to you, dearly public, our concept of natural medicine: one,
which identifies, extracts, copies and amplifies pharmacological products,
generated by our organisms -in a
personalized way- in normal state or when we are exposed to internal or
external threats. A
concept that reaches medicinal products produced by plants that over thousands
of years have generated defensive pharmacological products with potential to
defend themselves and us. As
the human organism is only able to produce these products in small quantities,
it is necessary to extract and multiply them by biochemical or microbiological
methods (cultures). Examples
of the concept of natural medicine are vaccine-induced antibodies that have
eradicated global viral pandemics, anti-melanoma vaccines and new treatments
against certain cancers using T lymphocytes extracted from the patients
themselves. In
this context it is necessary to briefly analyze a vision extracted from the
ancient acupuncture (stimulation of the vagus pronouncing the vibratory sound: Ohmmm), in order to induce improvement
or cure of certain human diseases. Under
this conceptual umbrella and certain results in the treatment of epilepsy,
current technology has created a commercial bio-electronic device, which
stimulates the nervous and immune systems with beneficial health outcomes. This
is the Setpoint Medical Deliver, adevice that electrically stimulates the vagus nerve. Vagal
stimulation is tested with success in rats and humans (experimental phase) by
pressing 6 times a small magnet, for 60 seconds, implanted under the skin of
the clavicle, an action that after producing a small vibration in the throat
stimulates electrically the
vagus nerve, impulses retransmitted to the splenic nerve, releasing norepinephrine,
which activate the immune cells T, which release acetylcholine to the liver,
intestine and macrophages of the spleen, which finally inhibit the release of
tissue necrosis factor (TNF-α), that cause destructive inflammatory
lesions in certain organs and systems in people with chronic inflammatory
diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, Chron's disease,
diabetes, etc. Vagal
stimulation partially or totally limits the destructive inflammatory effects
Os hemos comunicado previamente caro
publico, nuestro concepto de
medicina natural: una, que
identifica, extrae, copia y amplifica en
forma personalizada productos medicamentosos, generados por nuestros organismos,
en estado normal o cuando estamos expuestos a noxas internas o externas. Un concepto que alcanza
a productos medicamentosos producidos por vegetales que a lo largo de miles de años han
generado productos farmacologicos defensivos
con potencial para defenderse y tambien a nosotros. Como el organismo humano solo es
capaz de producir estos productos en pequeñas cantidades, es necesario extraerlos y multiplicarlos por metodos bioquimicos o
microbiologicos (cultivos). Ejemplos del
concepto de medicina natural son los anticuerpos inducidos por la vacunas que
han erradicado pandemias virales mundiales,
las vacunas anti-melanoma y los nuevos tratamientos contra ciertos canceres
empleando linfocitos T extraidos de los propios pacientes. En este contexto es de necesidad
analizar brevemente una vision extraida de la antiquisima acupuntura
(estimulacion del vago pronunciando el sonido vibratorio : Ohmmm), a fin de inducir mejora
o cura de ciertos males humanos. Bajo esta sombrilla conceptual y ciertos
resultados en el tratamiento de la epilepsia, la tecnologia actual ha creado un dispositivo
comercial bio-electronico, que estimula los
sistemas nervioso e inmune con
resultados sanitarios beneficos. Se trata del Setpoint Medical Deliver, un dispositivo que estimula electricamente al nervio vago. Probado con exito en ratas y en humanos
(fase experimental), la estimulacion vagal
se realiza presionando 6 veces un pequeño magneto, durante
60 segundos, implantado debajo de la piel de la clavicula, accion
que tras producir
una pequeña vibracion en la
garganta estimula electricamente al nervio vago, impulsos re-transmitidos al nervio esplenico,
liberando noradrenalina, que activan a las celulas inmunes T, que liberan acetilcolina al higado, intestino
y macrofagos del bazo, los que finalmente inhiben la liberacion del
factor de necrosis tisular (TNF-α), causante
de lesiones inflamatorias destructivas en determinados organos y sistemas en personas con enfermedades inlamatorias cronicas como la artritis
reumatoide, lupus eritematoso, enfermedad de Chron, diabetes, etc. La
estimulacion vagal limita parcial o
totalmente, los efectos inflamatorios
destructivos descritos.
Labels: Natural medicine, setpoint medical device
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