Juegos prohibidos
Por razones varias, transito mi humanidad por el centro de Lima, a razón de 3 veces por semana. Con la misma frecuencia hago uso, en lapsos vespertinos de las cabinas públicas de internet. En el interim de mi oficio de humilde escriba, observo muchos niños y adolescentes chateando o, jugando febrilmente :" Pokemon Stadium" "Stars Wars racer", "Mario Party" " Crazy Taxi" "Driver 2" "Gran Turismo" "Eternal Arcadic" "Phantasy Star online" "Dynamit cop 2" , " Tony Hawk" "Lego Stars Wars" etc.; lado a lado conmigo. Por cierto, algunos niños y adolescentes, juegan más de dos horas -individual o, grupalmente-asociando : gritos, insultos y gemidos a sus actos lúdicos.
Resulta que desde hace por lo menos 11 años atrás, algunos distinguidos psiquiatras americanos, otros de la Universidad Complutense y algunos del Perú, han empezado a etiquetar a los niños que :a-juegan más de dos horas diariamente, descuidando sus tareas del hogar
b- se aislan socialmente, se excitan en el juego o, tienen berrinches si no los dejan jugar y, c-no hacen sus tareas de la escuela ; como enfermos psíquicos, practicantes de conductas compulsivas, adictos y pronos a desarrollar :delirios, alucinaciones, ansiedad, depresión y actos antisociales y violentos. Por tratarse de un tema vital : educación de niños, la propuesta profesional está recibiendo el apoyo de ciertos sectores organizados de nuestra población, suscribiendo la proposición de denominar : internet-patía o, adicción al Internet, a esta supuesta desviación conductual. Con lo que ahora, ciertos sectores de nuestra patria, de la mano con algunos profesionales distinguidos (no dudamos de ello), están retomando el poder de designar como enfermos y/o, sanos a quienes -según ellos- les corresponda tal denominación.

Lo que me preocupa - como se puede constatar en los más importantes textos de psiquiatría americanos, europeos y peruanos - es que la tal denominación está aún en discusión (tiene adherentes y opositores). En efecto, no será que estas adicciones, no son más que una parte del espectro ampliado de la normalidad?, de variantes de ella?. Acaso no se excitan y también tienen berrinches, la mayoría de adolescentes peruanos, cuando expectan una final deportiva entre la "U" y el Cienciano? o, una pelea de box entre Ray "Sugar" Leonard y Roberto "Mano de Piedra" Durán?. Será congruente etiquetar como anormales a estos adolescentes por exhibir estas actitudes conductuales transitorias?. Desde cuando la actividad lúdica per sé, es adicción?. No sea, que estemos comparando estas reacciones infantiles, con otras :ausentes, dependientes de didácticas escolares asépticas, clásicas, estancadas, generadoras de estudiantes pasivos. No será que con la técnica de zamaquear las emociones (como lo logran los video-juegos), estemos asistiendo a didácticas de aprendizaje más veloces, más avanzadas, incomprensibles hoy para ciertos profesionales y que lo que interpretamos como tolerancia y adicción, sean solo las colaterales normales, obvias de estas nuevas técnicas. Porque valgan verdades :¿no es hora yá, de que revolucionemos la enseñanza, tornándola emocionante?. Han visto los últimas extraordinarios envíos (de ciencia), de National Geographic?. ¿se han preguntado porque atraen tanto estos especiales?. Respuesta: por que éstas al igual que el cine y los video-juegos, mueven a mil por hora : emociones y sensaciones y, porque en los video-juegos. la resolucción de sus puzzles, exige concentración total, algo muy deseable en el proceso de adquisición de conocimientos, en un ser humano en formación.
La presión excesiva de ciertos grupos poblacionales en temas de la salud, amerita no pocas reflexiones. No sea, que nos confundamos y equivoquemos. Lo anterior, retrotrae a mi mente escenas de no pocos juicios contra disidentes en ciertos regímenes totalitarios, donde cualquier opositor era etiquetado de enfermo, para ponerlo fuera de circulación. Al revés, en el Perú prehispánico, un ataque epiléptico agudo (en un humano), era percibido como una comunicación con Dios y los afectos de la pinta (una treponematosis que blanquea la piel en forma parcelar), al ser considerados especiales, eran escogidos para cargar en andas (todo un privilegio), a los jefes tribales. Como se vé : siempre la sociedad, influenciando en tópicos relacionados con la salud y la enfermedad.
Por lo mismo, no será que por la mania de algunos psiquiatras de ver enfermedades donde no las hay, estén creando categorias ilusorias. Los excesos de los niños :descuido de sus metas, tareas escolares y familiares, pueden corrregirse haciendo las otras labores propias de su edad, más agradables. En todo caso este aspecto corresponde a la inteligencia y capacidad de negociación de los padres para con sus hijos. Estos deben ver los juegos con ellos, compartir con ellos, conversar y disfrutar mucho con ellos. Para los casos extremos, existen psicólogos consejeros, prestos a reordenar lo desajustado. En el caso extremo admito que como todo en la vida siempre existirá una minoría de niños, adolescentes y adultos, proclives a desarrollar adicciones con o, sin video-juegos de por medio, que requerirán tratamiento especializado.
Lo fundamental aquí, mas que crear enfermedades es profundizar en las causas, ver que es realmente lo que mueve a niños y adolescentes a jugar con vehemencia, a fin de reorientar o regular conductas. Esto es importante, porque la próxima generación de video-juegos, amenaza con ampliar su base de sustentación : más niños, más adolescentes y, ahora también adultos. Porque los juegos a emerger a partir del 2006, tendrán actores y escenarios parecidos a la realidad. Si hay enemigos por confrontar no se hablará ni leerán textos, simplemente se actuará trás evaluar facciones y movimientos corporales del adversario. En lo por venir, acciones de alto voltaje estrujarán y revolverán emociones y sentimientos. La industria de los video- juegos que dispone de la tecnología y el arte, se ha visto obligada a extender su audiencia, so pena de colapsar. No hay opciones. Los videos-juegos, contarán desde el año próximo, con soportes de alta definición, mejor sonido y sus protagonistas serán casi reales, como el cine, con la diferencia de que los actores principales seremos ahora : nosotros.
Prohibited games
For several reasons, I journey my humanity by the downtown of Lima, at the rate of 3 times per week. With the same frequency I make use -in the afternoon- of the public cabins of Internet. In interim of my office of humble writer, I observe many children and adolescents chating or, playing intensively : " Pokemon Stadium "" Stars Wars Racer "," Mario Party "" Crazy Taxi "" Driver 2 "" Great Tourism "" Eternal Arcadic "" Phantasy Star online "" Dynamit cop 2 "," Tony Hawk " " I bequeath Stars Wars " etc.; side to side with me. By the way, some children and adolescents, play more than two hours - individual or in group-associating: moaned shouts, insults and others, to its playful acts.
It is that for at least 11 years back that some distinguished American psychiatrists, others of the Complutensian University and some of Peru, have began to label children who: a- play more than two hours daily, neglecting his tasks at home b- are increasingly isolated socially, are excited in the game or, have tempers if they are not permitted to play and, c- they do not make his tasks of the school; like psychic patients, carriers of compulsive conducts,addict and proclive to develop antisocial and violent conducts, delirium, hallucinations, anxiety, depression and others. As a vital subject : education of children, the professional proposal is receiving the support of certain sectors organized of our population, subscribing the proposal called : Internet-pathy or, Addiction to the Internet, this supposed conductual deviation. With which now, certain sectors of our mother country, hand to hand with some distinguished professionals (we did not doubt it), are retaking the power to designate everyone like patients and/or, healthy to those who -according to them- such denomination corresponds to everyone.
What it worries to me - like it can state in most important American, European and Peruvian texts of psychiatry - is that such denomination is still in discussion (it has adherents and opponents). In effect, it will not be that these addictions, are not more than a part of the extended phantom of normality or, variants of it?. Perhaps they are not excited and also have tempers -most of Peruvian adolescents-, when they expect a sport end between the "U" and the Cienciano? or, a fight of box between Ray "Sugar" Leonard and Roberto "Stone Hand" Durán?. Will it be correct to label like abnormal to these adolescents exhibiting these transitory conductual attitudes?. Since when the playful activity per se, is addiction. It is not, that we are comparing these infantile reactions, with other absents, didactically aseptic, classic students, generator of passive students?. It will not be that with the technique of to move the emotions (as they get the video-games), we are attending didactics of learning quicker, more advanced, incomprehensible today for certain professionals and that what we interpreted like tolerance and addiction, are single collateral normal, the obvious ones of these new techniques. Because they are worth truths, why not already begin to revolutionize education, turning it exciting?. Habe you seen the last, extraordinary shipments (of science), of National Geographic?. Have you asked yourself, why they attract vast audiences?. Answer: because they are like the cinema and the video-games, move to thousands per hour: emotions and sensations and, because in the video-games. the resolution of his puzzles, demands total concentration, something very desirable in the process of knowledge acquisition, in a human being in formation.
The excessive pressure of certain population groups in subjects like health, need not a few reflections. If not, we will be confused and we mistake. The previous thing, turn back to my mind scenes of some trials against dissidents in certain totalitarian regimes, where any competing one was labeled of patient, to put them outside of circulation. The other way around, occured in pre-Hispanic Peru times: an acute epiléptic attack (in a human), was perceived like a communication with God and those affected of pinta (a treponematosis that whitens the skin in form to parcel out), were considered special, being chosen to load in you walk (for everyone: a privilege), to the tribal heads. As you go away: always the society, influencing in topics related to the health and the disease.
By the same, it will not be that the mania of some psychiatrists to see diseases where there are not, they are creating phantom categories?. The excesses of the children : negligence of their goals, scholastic and familiar tasks, can be corrrected making the other workings of their age, more pleasant. In any case this aspect corresponds to the intelligence and capacity of negotiation of the parents towards its children. They must see the games with them, share with them, talk and enjoy much them. For the extreme cases, advisory, quick psychologists exist to rearrange the misadjusted thing. In the extreme case I admit that as everything in the life always will exist a minority of children, adolescents and adults, inclined to develop addictions with or, without video-games, that will require specialized treatment.
Fundamental here, more than create diseases is to deepen in the causes, to see what is really making children and adolescents move to to play with vehemence, in order to regulate their conducts. This is important, because the next generation of video-games, threatens extending its base of sustenation: more children, more adolescent and, now also adult. Because the games to emerge in the 2006, will have actors and scenes similar to the reality. If there are enemies to confront, it will not be spoken nor will read texts, simply you or me will act after evaluate factions and corporal movements of the adversary. In by coming, actions of high voltage will squeeze and revolt emotions and feelings. The industry of the video games that have the technology and the art, has been forced to extend its base of sustentation, under pain of colapse. There are no options. The video-games, will count from the next year, with high resolution supports, better sound and their protagonists will be almost real, like the cinema, with the difference of which the film stars we will be now: we.
For several reasons, I journey my humanity by the downtown of Lima, at the rate of 3 times per week. With the same frequency I make use -in the afternoon- of the public cabins of Internet. In interim of my office of humble writer, I observe many children and adolescents chating or, playing intensively : " Pokemon Stadium "" Stars Wars Racer "," Mario Party "" Crazy Taxi "" Driver 2 "" Great Tourism "" Eternal Arcadic "" Phantasy Star online "" Dynamit cop 2 "," Tony Hawk " " I bequeath Stars Wars " etc.; side to side with me. By the way, some children and adolescents, play more than two hours - individual or in group-associating: moaned shouts, insults and others, to its playful acts.
It is that for at least 11 years back that some distinguished American psychiatrists, others of the Complutensian University and some of Peru, have began to label children who: a- play more than two hours daily, neglecting his tasks at home b- are increasingly isolated socially, are excited in the game or, have tempers if they are not permitted to play and, c- they do not make his tasks of the school; like psychic patients, carriers of compulsive conducts,addict and proclive to develop antisocial and violent conducts, delirium, hallucinations, anxiety, depression and others. As a vital subject : education of children, the professional proposal is receiving the support of certain sectors organized of our population, subscribing the proposal called : Internet-pathy or, Addiction to the Internet, this supposed conductual deviation. With which now, certain sectors of our mother country, hand to hand with some distinguished professionals (we did not doubt it), are retaking the power to designate everyone like patients and/or, healthy to those who -according to them- such denomination corresponds to everyone.
What it worries to me - like it can state in most important American, European and Peruvian texts of psychiatry - is that such denomination is still in discussion (it has adherents and opponents). In effect, it will not be that these addictions, are not more than a part of the extended phantom of normality or, variants of it?. Perhaps they are not excited and also have tempers -most of Peruvian adolescents-, when they expect a sport end between the "U" and the Cienciano? or, a fight of box between Ray "Sugar" Leonard and Roberto "Stone Hand" Durán?. Will it be correct to label like abnormal to these adolescents exhibiting these transitory conductual attitudes?. Since when the playful activity per se, is addiction. It is not, that we are comparing these infantile reactions, with other absents, didactically aseptic, classic students, generator of passive students?. It will not be that with the technique of to move the emotions (as they get the video-games), we are attending didactics of learning quicker, more advanced, incomprehensible today for certain professionals and that what we interpreted like tolerance and addiction, are single collateral normal, the obvious ones of these new techniques. Because they are worth truths, why not already begin to revolutionize education, turning it exciting?. Habe you seen the last, extraordinary shipments (of science), of National Geographic?. Have you asked yourself, why they attract vast audiences?. Answer: because they are like the cinema and the video-games, move to thousands per hour: emotions and sensations and, because in the video-games. the resolution of his puzzles, demands total concentration, something very desirable in the process of knowledge acquisition, in a human being in formation.
The excessive pressure of certain population groups in subjects like health, need not a few reflections. If not, we will be confused and we mistake. The previous thing, turn back to my mind scenes of some trials against dissidents in certain totalitarian regimes, where any competing one was labeled of patient, to put them outside of circulation. The other way around, occured in pre-Hispanic Peru times: an acute epiléptic attack (in a human), was perceived like a communication with God and those affected of pinta (a treponematosis that whitens the skin in form to parcel out), were considered special, being chosen to load in you walk (for everyone: a privilege), to the tribal heads. As you go away: always the society, influencing in topics related to the health and the disease.
By the same, it will not be that the mania of some psychiatrists to see diseases where there are not, they are creating phantom categories?. The excesses of the children : negligence of their goals, scholastic and familiar tasks, can be corrrected making the other workings of their age, more pleasant. In any case this aspect corresponds to the intelligence and capacity of negotiation of the parents towards its children. They must see the games with them, share with them, talk and enjoy much them. For the extreme cases, advisory, quick psychologists exist to rearrange the misadjusted thing. In the extreme case I admit that as everything in the life always will exist a minority of children, adolescents and adults, inclined to develop addictions with or, without video-games, that will require specialized treatment.
Fundamental here, more than create diseases is to deepen in the causes, to see what is really making children and adolescents move to to play with vehemence, in order to regulate their conducts. This is important, because the next generation of video-games, threatens extending its base of sustenation: more children, more adolescent and, now also adult. Because the games to emerge in the 2006, will have actors and scenes similar to the reality. If there are enemies to confront, it will not be spoken nor will read texts, simply you or me will act after evaluate factions and corporal movements of the adversary. In by coming, actions of high voltage will squeeze and revolt emotions and feelings. The industry of the video games that have the technology and the art, has been forced to extend its base of sustentation, under pain of colapse. There are no options. The video-games, will count from the next year, with high resolution supports, better sound and their protagonists will be almost real, like the cinema, with the difference of which the film stars we will be now: we.
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