Eugenics in developed countries.

When Charles Darwin, outlined his Theory of Natural Selection, with survival of those but capable and his hypothesis that all organic beings, unique and pluricellular - simple and complex - descend of an ancestral common cell, the facts (discovery of fossil remains), have not made but that to confirm again and again, his theory, changing in a radical way many of our thoughts but deep. From then on the scientific community has taken conscience that in some humanity's historical moment, some government or cultural movement, will opt for the substitution of the slow natural selection, for other but speedy, the cultural selection. The eugenic ideas, were born with all security, to expense of improving the crops, the livestock and the human race. Some chroniclers of the peruvian Conquest, refer that the Inca isolated and concentrated disabled men and women in some place of Cusco, so that they marries among them. The eugenic but notorious programs, have been those carefully carried out , for the Nazi dictatorship. Apart from it, a cultural human selection has always existed - not official - for diverse circumstances and conditionings, what motivates this brief one article derived of another brilliantly written for Amy Harmon For a full understanding of this post, it is necessary to observe graphics and videos propagated by Newyorktimes.
It is that soon after the acceptance (USA, England) and generalization (100 000 tests carried out from 1996, to the date), of the preimplantational genetic diagnosis (PGD),test, a derivation in vitro fertilization procedures (IVF), has begun in the last years a luck of cultural selection of the human race, exempt of genetic defects, like it comes off of the analysis of the following graph: a) the process begins at the 3rd day, when the human embryo consists of 8 cells b) it is extirpated a cell (blastomere or, stem cell) of the embryo, to which are carried out genetic analysis to determine if the blastomere possesses anomalous genes that will make prone to the individual to develop certain illnesses (Parkinson, Huntington d., cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, etc) or, become cancerous late (breast, lung, colon, etc) c) if an anomalous gene is detected, the embryo is discarded, otherwise its development continues - with single 7 cells - until transforming into an adult. As many times the embryo of 7 cells, dies as a consequence of the manipulation, some say, it is about hidden abortions. Other that it is worthwhile if the objective is to have a person free of cancer. Other that the embryos of 7 cells, will be faulty, although children of 10 years, conceived in this way, don't show any anomaly, to the date. The certain thing is that a growing numbers of young North American couples, with record of colon and breast cancer inside their family, opt every time but frequently for this analysis type, with the rising acceptance of some few ones and the exclusion of many embryos. Specialists in human rights and reproductive ethics, point out that these procedures - carried out by people with high to be able to economic - are implanting a selective eugenics, by means of which alone certain people will be worthy of procreating.
It is that soon after the acceptance (USA, England) and generalization (100 000 tests carried out from 1996, to the date), of the preimplantational genetic diagnosis (PGD),test, a derivation in vitro fertilization procedures (IVF), has begun in the last years a luck of cultural selection of the human race, exempt of genetic defects, like it comes off of the analysis of the following graph: a) the process begins at the 3rd day, when the human embryo consists of 8 cells b) it is extirpated a cell (blastomere or, stem cell) of the embryo, to which are carried out genetic analysis to determine if the blastomere possesses anomalous genes that will make prone to the individual to develop certain illnesses (Parkinson, Huntington d., cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, etc) or, become cancerous late (breast, lung, colon, etc) c) if an anomalous gene is detected, the embryo is discarded, otherwise its development continues - with single 7 cells - until transforming into an adult. As many times the embryo of 7 cells, dies as a consequence of the manipulation, some say, it is about hidden abortions. Other that it is worthwhile if the objective is to have a person free of cancer. Other that the embryos of 7 cells, will be faulty, although children of 10 years, conceived in this way, don't show any anomaly, to the date. The certain thing is that a growing numbers of young North American couples, with record of colon and breast cancer inside their family, opt every time but frequently for this analysis type, with the rising acceptance of some few ones and the exclusion of many embryos. Specialists in human rights and reproductive ethics, point out that these procedures - carried out by people with high to be able to economic - are implanting a selective eugenics, by means of which alone certain people will be worthy of procreating.
Eugenesia en paises desarrollados.
Luego que Charles Darwin, planteara su Teoria de la Selección Natural, con supervivencia de los mas aptos y su enunciado de que todos lo seres organicos uni y pluricelulares -simples y complejos- descienden de una célula ancestral comun, los hechos (hallazgo de restos fosiles), no han hecho mas que confirmar una y otra vez, su teoria, cambiando de modo radical muchos de nuestros pensamientos mas profundos. Desde entonces la comunidad cientifica ha tomado conciencia de que en algun momento historico de la humanidad, algun gobierno o movimiento cultural, optará por el reemplazo de la lenta selección natural, por otra mas veloz, la selección cultural. Las ideas eugenésicas, nacieron con toda seguridad, a expensas de mejorar las cosechas, el ganado y la raza humana. Algunos cronistas de la Conquista, refieren que los incas aislaban y concentraban discapacitados en algun lugar del Cusco, para que se casasen entre ellos. Los programas eugenésicos mas notorios, empero, han sido los llevados a cabo planificadamente, por el gobierno nazi. Aparte de ello, siempre ha existido una selección cultural humana -no oficial- por diversas circunstancias y condicionamientos, lo que motiva este breve articulo derivado de otro escrito brillantemente por Amy Harmon. Para una comprension plena del post, es necesario observar graficos y videos propalados por el Newyorktimes.
Resulta que a raiz de la aceptacion (USA, Inglaterra) y generalizacion (100 000 tests realizados desde 1996, a la fecha), del analisis genético preimplantacional (AGP), una derivación de procedimientos de fertilizacion in vitro, se ha empezado a pasar en los ultimos años a una suerte de selección cultural de la raza humana, exenta de defectos geneticos, como se desprende del analisis del siguiente grafico : a) el proceso se inicia a los 3 dias, cuando el embrion humano consta de 8 celulas b) se extirpa entonces una célula (blastomera o, celula madre), del embrion, a la que se le realizan analisis genéticos para determinar si posee genes anómalos, que haran propenso al individuo a desarrollar ciertas enfermedades (Parkinson, Huntington d., fibrosis quistica, sickle cell anemia, etc) o, canceres tardios (mama, pulmon, colon,etc) c) si se detecta un gen anomalo, se descarta el embrion, de lo contrario este prosigue su desarrollo -con solo 7 celulas- hasta convertirse en un adulto. Como muchas veces el embrion de 7 celulas, muere a consecuencia de la manipulacion, algunos opinan, se trata de abortos encubiertos. Otros, que vale la pena si el objetivo es tener una persona libre de cancer. Otros, que los embriones de 7 celulas, seran defectuosos, aunque niños de 10 años concebidos de esta forma, no muestren ninguna anomalia, a la fecha. Lo cierto es que un creciente numero de parejas jovenes norteamericanas, con historial de cancer de colon y mama dentro de sus familares, optan cada vez mas frecuentemente por este tipo de análisis, con la consiguiente aceptacion de unos pocos y la exclusion de muchos embriones. Especialistas en derechos humanos y etica reproductiva, señalan que estos procedimientos -llevados a cabo por gente con elevado poder economico- estan implantando una eugenesia selectiva, por medio de la cual solo ciertas personas seran dignas de procrear.
ninest123 12.28
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