Why the 2006/Millennium Technology Prize, was won by the investigator of the Institute of Technology of California-USA (Caltech) : Shuji Nakamura?. According to the Finnish organizers -that promote sustainable development and better quality of life, for 3 reasons: 1) as opposed to the common incandescent luminous lightbulbs, that usually generate white light, Nakamura developed diodes that emit polychromatic light (since the infrared one to the ultraviolet one, passing for the white light), with greater functionality. Considering that 20 watts (v), emitted by diodes of white light are equal to 100 v. of the common incandescent lightbulbs, and that the light and heat emitted, but that scattered, are retained for covered plastics of greater resistance, we would be speaking of an immense savings of energy. The diodes as opposed to the tungsten wire of the common lightbulbs, employ semiconductors (of silicon, germanium, gallium, Sb, Ge, Cd, etc.), that before the step of electric current, permit that the electrons of bands of conduction, jump to the semifilled of valence. This loss of electrons, supposes a liberation of energy, in the shape of photons of different lengths of wave, that give observable light 2) because its blue diode, permit to display perfectly the light, along flat screens and 3) aside from the diodes, Nakamura has developed also a blue laser diode, the same one that permits a storage of data in DVDs, but efficient.
Millennium Technology Prize-2006-. En español, para todo Iberoamérica, Victor Mechán Mendez. Cortesia de Evoca.com.
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