From top/down:French Dowser, Alain Gachet with mobil GPS, Darfur´s Lake with hidden water, satellite radar imagen of hidden water.
For Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), Earth degradation, global overheating, desertificatión, diminution (1/3), of northern Darfur's rains, exponential growth of the population and conflicts maintained by political, tribal or ethnic differences, are the conditioners of the warlike crisis of Darfur (Sudán). Concept extended to other conflicts: Congo/Liberia, Uganda/Angola, etc., also, difficult to solve. The presence of the international community in the confrontation aspires to a cease of fire by means of a reversion of the environmental degradation by technified irrigations. Although the history of Sudan is full of chronic civil wars, famine, coup d'etats, despotism, etc, generates skepticism. In Darfur since 2001 (according to Alex de Waal) or, since 2003 according to other international analysts, the Sudanese government of Arab Muslim majority, comes militarily facing south populations from Darfur, composed by African black (ethnic groups: fur, zaghawa and masalit, represented by the MJI: Justice and Equality Movement), disputing natural resources and power. Although by means of tactics type guerrilla, the MJI and other supporting groups, won initial battles, the Sudanese government soon reverted its partial defeat, modernizing its Air Force, intelligence services and incorporating to the Janjaweed (militians of tribes abbala -owners of camels, of Arab ethnic group and agriculturists not baggara).
According to International Coalition for Justice, 400 000 Sudanese of both sides have died already in these 4 years and at least 2 500 000 Sudanese of fur ancestry have left their homes. USA accuse from genocide to the Sudanese government, being based on the atrocities committed by the Janjaweed. In the middle of the conflict, where many Sudanese die by lack of foods and water, the technological applications developed by the French geologist Alain Gachet (explorer of water and minerals by but of 20 years), stand out and those coming from investigators of Boston University (Farouk El-Baz, who just finishes receiving authorization of the government of Sudan, to perforate water of a vast underground lake recently discovered located in the north of Darfur :30 750 km2- that does 25 000 years fed the river Nile), giving hopes of solution to the conflict. The methodology to find the water hidden in this lake, was obviously not based on dowsing (hidden water detection made interpreting movements or vibrations generated by an apparatus of wood in form of Y, or through a pendulum). Gachet (petroleum ex--explorer of a French company), rather used terraqueous superficial maps built in space shuttles, satellite images elaborated by exploratory radars ERS and JERS-1 of up to 20 ms of depth of the subsoil and localizers of channels of underground watery drainage. When Gachet finally walking on sandy areas of the campings, maintaining a mobil GPS (that replaces to dowsing Y), says: here, then underground water exists. The effectiveness of Gachet´s technology oscillates between 90-100%. It does not work when the surrounding rocks lack storage water capacity. Useful technology in barren campings, where a person needs in average 4 gallons daily (according to UN), to drink, to wash and to cook. Recently, a team of geologists (Center for Remote Sensing), has showed its desire to perforate 1.000 wells. Alex de Waal says that the water of the lake could be happen in a curse, depending on how the resource is handled. If the Sudanese government decides to control the water, there will not be solution to the warlike conflict. In Sudan, lack of fairness exists, because this rich country has: fuel, fertile earth and water. The government always has favored the mechanization and irrigation of great properties controlled by them, in decline of small agriculturists (fed by rains), backbone of rural economy of Sudan.
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