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Saturday, August 11, 2007


Under protection of Hostile Intent Project (U.S. Department of Homeland Security), is tried to implant from the 2012, tecno-preventive devices of identification of possible terrorist. According to, Larry Orluskie (Department of Homeland Security), the present technology is able to foresee threats, examining in less than 1 minute, the totality of documents of travellers. Hostile Intent, tried to identify possible terrorists from afar, being examined their behaviours and physiology. For, Paul Ekman, psychologist of the University of California, certain involuntary expressions (to show teeth, to lower the eyebrows, to smile while wrinkling the nose in fractions of second: misfortune micro-expressions or, the quantification of breathings and pulsations), reveals human intentionalities. The harvesting of possible hostile data will be made by videocameras, laser and infrared lights, registries of audio, identification of people by means of retinal scans, etc. The suspects, would be interrogated by special agents, reports New Scientist. Anthony Richards, foresee difficulties, because according to circumstances, the microexpressions, could have diverse interpretations. Peter McOwan, expert in computer science of Queen Mary, University de London, thinks that in Hostile Intent there is much influence of the film Minority Report. For us the idea is excellent intuiting that this technology will be expanded quickly (by its rapidity and efficiency), although it will also be to disposition of some criminals. By the way next to initial successes could be developed a hunting of witches (false accusations, cultivated field of tests against probable enemies). A collateral problem could emerge by those in charge to make the decisions (after the analysis of the information). As says C.A. Wolski, at some time, our lives could be predestined, when disappearing the free will. Minority Report (2002), is a film of science fiction based on the book of Philip K. Dick (Washington D.C.Year : 2054), where criminals were selected and apprehended on the basis of previous preventive information. In the film Tom Cruise is the head of a section of the Pre-Crime police.

The film showed 2 important technological innovations: a) systems of personal identification (pupilar and retinal scans, with recognizers eyes scans, everywhere), easily overcome by criminals, by means of eye’s transplants and, b) the use of a collector and instantaneous analysis of data, system: a computer display: virtual reality interface (To see video). In Minority Report the data are analyzed by 3 psychic (pre-cogs), assigned to the Department of Pre-Crime, that arrests criminals on the basis of their suggestions. Thanks to Pre-Crime police the city does not report any murder during 6 years. In the present case, the ideal is the developing of interfaces that act in real time (to obtain real images of cars in great avenues, calculating immediately their marks, whichever men and women handle, degrees of alcoholism by analysis of mouth exhalations, average of breathings and pulsations of all conductors, statistic of human facial microexpressions, etc.
The analysts in these cases would be: medical, mathematicians, criminologists, physiologists, psychiatrists, psychic and common people. Then the near future will be but visible. With more time the interface must have to take another steps : 3D or, holographic external images. The company of defense : Raytheon/Massachusetts/US defense, works already in a real version, having used John Underkoffler, a technological expert of Treadle and Loam Provisioners/California/US.

Al amparo del proyecto Hostile Intent (US Department of Homeland Security), se pretenden implantar a partir del 2012, dispositivos tecno-preventivos de identificación de supuestos terroristas. Según, Larry Orluskie (Department of Homeland Security), la tecnologia actual es capaz de preveer amenazas, examinando en menos de 1 minuto, la totalidad de documentos de los viajeros. Hostile Intent, tratara de identificar a distancia a posibles terroristas, examinando sus conductas y fisiologia. Para, Paul Ekman, psicologo de la Universidad de California, ciertas expresiones involuntarias (enseñar dientes, bajar las cejas, sonreir mientras se arruga la nariz en fracciones de segundo/micro-expresiones de disgusto/ o, la cuantificacion de las respiraciones y pulsaciones), revela intencionalidades humanas. La recoleccion de posibles datos hostiles se realizara mediante video-camaras, luz laser e infrarroja, registros de audio, identificación de personas mediante scan retinianos,etc. Los sospechosos, serian interrogados por agentes especiales, reporta New Scientist. Anthony Richards, augura dificultades, porque según las circunstancias, las microexpresiones, podrian tener diversas interpretaciones. Peter McOwan, experto en informatica del Queen Mary, University de London, opina que en Hostile Intent hay mucha influencia del film Minority Report. Para nosotros la idea es excelente intuyendo que esta tecnología se expandira velozmente (por su rapidez y eficiencia), aunque tambien estara a disposición de algunos criminales. Por cierto al lado de exitos iniciales podria desarrollarse una caza de brujas (acusaciones falsas, sembrado de pruebas contra enemigos potenciales). Un problema colateral emergeria por quienes serian los encargados de tomar las decisiones, tras el analisis de la informacion. Como dice C.A. Wolski, en algun momento, nuestras vidas estarian predestinadas, al desaparecer el libre albedrío. Minority Report (2002), es un film de ciencia ficcion basado en el libro de Philip K. Dick (Washington D.C.Año: 2054), donde los criminales son seleccionados y aprehendidos en base a información preventiva previa. En la película Tom Cruise es el jefe de una seccion de la policia Pre-Crimen.
El film recrea 2 innovaciones tecnologicas importantes: a) sistemas de identificación personal (scan pupilares y retinianos, con multitud de scanner oculares identificatorios, por doquier), fácilmente remontados por los criminales, mediante trasplantes de ojos y, b) el empleo de un sistema de recolección y analisis instant►neo de datos : a computer display : Virtual Reality Interface (To see video). En Minority Report los datos son analizados por 3 psiquicas (pre-cogs), adscritas al Department of Pre-Crime, que arresta criminales en base a sugerencias de las precogs. Gracias a la policia Pre-Crimen la ciudad no reporta ningun asesinato durante 6 años. En el caso actual, lo ideal seria que las nacientes interfaces actuen en tiempo real (obtener imagenes reales de carros en grandes avenidas, calculando de inmediato sus marcas, cuantos hombres y mujeres manejan, grados de alcoholismo por análisis de de vahos bucales, promedio de respiraciones y pulsaciones de todos los conductores, estadistica de microexpresiones humanas, etc. Los analistas en estos casos serian medicos, matemáticos, criminólogos, fisiólogos, psiquiatras, psiquicos y gente comun. Lo por acontecer seria entonces mas visible. Con el tiempo la interface tendria que dar paso a imágenes externas en 3D o, holográficos. La compañía de defensa Raytheon/Massachusetts/US, trabaja ya en una version real, habiendo empleado a John Underkoffler, un experto tecnológico de Treadle and Loam Provisioners/California/US.



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