1) Writing 3 continous years this multimedia column, obeys at the same time that to a passion for science and technology, to the full convincing -as we have said it previously- that books and current libraries soon will be museum’s pieces or reservoirs of unique book’s copies, writed at the usual way. Futuristically, we estimate that technology has the obligation of putting to citizens' disposition all and the last possible information (including those coming from specialized libraries), in our mobiles. Idea about to be materialized with the next introduction (13/October/2008), of Liquavista system, of portable reading, of very low energy consumption, of excellent external and internal visibility, based on electrowetting effect, high display and wide variety of portable applications. Electrowetting, implies to apply voltages with the purpose of modifying humid properties of a solid. A drop of water placed on a hidrofóbic surface minimizes its contact area, but when applying to it a voltage difference among electrodes (one in the water and another sub-superficial located under a hydrophobic isolating material), the drop expands. When suspending the voltage the drop regain its original size, because it adjusts its form, to the lowest level of energy of the system. Electrowetting uses electricity to manipulate a thin layer of liquid that changes of color; a true e-paper, full color, completely on-line.
2)Due to migration of publicity to internet, e-papers were long ago expected, to materialize the dream of all: to have a device that allows the readers to upload newspapers in the morning, read the news as they go appearing (feeding it with mobiles or wireless connection). With an investment of £12 millions, Liquavista seeks to create the following generation of flexible devices, full colour, with great displays thank to the help of UK Technology Strategy Board and Plastic Logic. Nick Hampshire, says that for the 2020, 30% of all magazines and books published globally will be digital and portable, with videos full colour and of great quality. Liquavista was founded in the 2006 by the Philips Research Labs in Eindhoven.
2)Due to migration of publicity to internet, e-papers were long ago expected, to materialize the dream of all: to have a device that allows the readers to upload newspapers in the morning, read the news as they go appearing (feeding it with mobiles or wireless connection). With an investment of £12 millions, Liquavista seeks to create the following generation of flexible devices, full colour, with great displays thank to the help of UK Technology Strategy Board and Plastic Logic. Nick Hampshire, says that for the 2020, 30% of all magazines and books published globally will be digital and portable, with videos full colour and of great quality. Liquavista was founded in the 2006 by the Philips Research Labs in Eindhoven.
1)Escribir 3 años seguidos esta columna multimedia, obedece al mismo tiempo que a una pasión por la ciencia y tecnología, el pleno convencimiento -como lo hemos manifestado anteriormente- de que libros y bibliotecas actuales pronto serán piezas de museo o reservorios de ejemplares únicos, escritos al modo usual. Futuristicamente, estimamos que la tecnología tiene la obligación de poner a disposición de los ciudadanos de a pié, todas y la última información posible (incluyendo las procedentes de bibliotecas especializadas), en nuestros celulares. Idea a punto de materializarse con la próxima introducción (13/Octubre/2008), del sistema Liquavista, de lectura portable, de muy bajo consumo de energía, de excelente visibilidad externa e interna, basado en el efecto de electrohumedad (electrowetting), alto despliegue de pantalla y amplia variedad de de aplicaciones portables. El electrowetting, implica aplicar voltajes con el fin de modificar las propiedades húmedas de un sólido. Una gota de agua colocada sobre una superficie hidrofóbica minimiza su área de contacto, empero al aplicar una diferencia de voltaje entre electrodos (uno en el agua y otro sub-superficial ubicado debajo de un material aíslante hidrofóbico), la gota se expande. Al suspender el voltaje la gota regana su tamaño original, porque esta ajusta su forma, al nivel más bajo de energía del sistema. La tecnología electrowetting, usa electricidad para manipular una capa delgada de liquido que cambia de color, un verdadero e-paper, a color, totalmente computarizado.
2)Dada la migración de avisos a internet, hace tiempo se esperaba este e-paper, para materializar el sueño de todos :disponer de un dispositivo que permita a los lectores cargar el periódico por la mañana y leer las noticias conforme vayan apareciendo (alimentándolo con celulares o conexión inhalámbrica). Con una inversión de £12 millones Liquavista pretende crear ahora la siguiente generación de dispositivos flexibles, full colour, con amplio despliegue de pantalla merced a la ayuda de UK Technology Strategy Board y Plastic Logic. Nick Hampshire, dice que para el 2020, el 30% de todos los magazines y libros publicados globalmente serán digitales y portables, con videos a colores y de gran calidad. Liquavista fué fundado en el 2006 por la Philips Research Labs in Eindhoven.
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