A new product created by german scientists threat to displace the plastic in all its variants. They call it liquid wood, because it derives of the pulp of the wood -that contains lignin- a natural polymer. The liquid consistency of the final mixture of lignin with wooden fibers, thick fibers, fibers of shafts, wax and other natural products, creating a moulding solid material, that looks like plastic and shines as polished wood.
The plastic presents some problems: 1) is not recyclable 2) contains toxins that can induce cancer and 3) is made of petroleum, of which eternal reservations don't exist. Emilia Regina Inone-Kauffmann of the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology in Germany (ICT), says that Arboform (commercial liquid wood), is employee in injection of mouldings, figures of festivities, boards of car instruments, pieces for board games, parts of hunt rifles, homemade devices, etc. The liquid wood can be recycled repeatedly, conserving all its qualities. Arboform has a problem (high content of sulfures), of which the researchers of ICT, assure will be reduced in more than 90% in the next years.
Un nuevo producto creado por cientificos alemanes amenaza desplazar al plástico en todas sus variantes. Lo llaman madera liquida, porque deriva de la pulpa de la madera -que contiene lignina- un polímero natural. La consistencia liquida deriva de la mezcla final de lignina con fibras naturales de madera, fibras gruesas, fibras de tallos, cera y otros productos naturales, creando un material moldeable, sólido que semeja el plástico y luce como madera pulida.
El plástico presenta algunos problemas: 1) no es reciclable 2) contiene toxinas que pueden inducir cáncer y 3) es hecho de petróleo, del que no existen reservas eternas. Emilia Regina Inone-Kauffmann del Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology in Germany (ICT), dice que Arboform (madera liquida comercial), es empleado en inyección de moldes, figuras del navidad, parlantes, tableros de instrumentos de carro, piezas para juegos de tablero, partes de rifles de caza, aditamentos caseros, etc. La madera liquida puede ser reciclada repetidamente, conservando todas sus cualidades. Arboform tiene un problema (alto contenido de sulfuro), del que investigadores del ICT, aseguran reducirán en más de un 90% en los próximos años.
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