The State of Science/2008 (first version :1996), is a publication elaborated by the Ibero-American Net of Indicators of Science and Technology (RICYT), the Center of High University Studies of the OEI and the Spanish AECID, offering a cuali-quantitative panorama of science, technology and innovation in Ibero-American countries. Directed by Mario Albornoz, Director of the Argentinean Center of Scientific and Technological Information of the Conicet, the publication shows 46 indicators of countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, United States, Canada, Spain and Portugal. 90% of the interviewed countries sent data of their countries in investigation and experimental development (I+D), in scientific and technological activities (ACT), investigators' number and data related with patents. Although the information was generated by national organisms of science and technology, the analysis and coordination was carried out by the RICYT in collaboration with the Argentinean Center of Scientific and Technological Information (CAICYT-CONICET).
1)The publication emphasizes that starting from the 2002, the number of scientific publications, investment in investigation and development (I+D), investigators' number, applications of patents, number of magister and doctors in training were duplicated in Latin America and the Caribbean (ALC), going of the hand with the improvement of the PBI, parity of purchase power (PPC) and others. Nevertheless, the current world recession foresee a setback of these indicators. 2) 6 countries lead the science and technology in Iberoamérica: Spain (1,2% in I+D), Brazil (1,02% in I+D), Chile (0,67%), Argentina (0,49%), Mexico (0,46%) and Cuba (0,42%). Comparatively Korea and Japan overcome 3%, in I+D. Ibero-American countries investigate in universities, completely isolated of the reality. Only Brazil and Spain have broken its chains, when achieving that private investment finances 50% of their investigations, a still distant percentage of many industrialized countries in which the private industry contributes 70% and carries out investigations in their own centers. To capture private investment, Brazil grants concessions of exploitation of public services. 3) Cuba is a special case. Their I+D, in relation to his PBI (0,42%) is near to Mexico, nevertheless to have a much smaller PBI. Accountable fact due to a programmed and centered education in the human being. 4) The study offers also a panorama of the potentials of I+D, in nanotechnológy for the development of new products and processes of high socio-economic impact, as well as of the efforts that are carried out in Iberoamérica to strengthen this field. Although Spain, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico have nanotechnology centers, the leadership of 2 first countries is well recognized. Nanotechnology refers to the creation of functional materials, devices and systems through the control of the matter, at atomic and molecular level.
1)The publication emphasizes that starting from the 2002, the number of scientific publications, investment in investigation and development (I+D), investigators' number, applications of patents, number of magister and doctors in training were duplicated in Latin America and the Caribbean (ALC), going of the hand with the improvement of the PBI, parity of purchase power (PPC) and others. Nevertheless, the current world recession foresee a setback of these indicators. 2) 6 countries lead the science and technology in Iberoamérica: Spain (1,2% in I+D), Brazil (1,02% in I+D), Chile (0,67%), Argentina (0,49%), Mexico (0,46%) and Cuba (0,42%). Comparatively Korea and Japan overcome 3%, in I+D. Ibero-American countries investigate in universities, completely isolated of the reality. Only Brazil and Spain have broken its chains, when achieving that private investment finances 50% of their investigations, a still distant percentage of many industrialized countries in which the private industry contributes 70% and carries out investigations in their own centers. To capture private investment, Brazil grants concessions of exploitation of public services. 3) Cuba is a special case. Their I+D, in relation to his PBI (0,42%) is near to Mexico, nevertheless to have a much smaller PBI. Accountable fact due to a programmed and centered education in the human being. 4) The study offers also a panorama of the potentials of I+D, in nanotechnológy for the development of new products and processes of high socio-economic impact, as well as of the efforts that are carried out in Iberoamérica to strengthen this field. Although Spain, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico have nanotechnology centers, the leadership of 2 first countries is well recognized. Nanotechnology refers to the creation of functional materials, devices and systems through the control of the matter, at atomic and molecular level.
El Estado de la Ciencia/2008 (primera versión :1996), es una publicación elaborada por la Red Iberoamericana de Indicadores de Ciencia y Tecnología (RICYT), el C. de Altos Estudios Universitarios de la OEI y la Agencia Española AECID, brindando un panorama cuali-cuantitativo de la ciencia, tecnología e innovación de países iberoamericanos. Dirigida por Mario Albornoz, Director del Centro Argentino de Información Científica y Tecnológica del Conicet, la publicación muestra 46 indicadores, de países de América Latina y el Caribe, Estados Unidos, Canadá, España y Portugal. El 90% de los países encuestados enviaron datos del gasto en investigación y desarrollo experimental (I+D), en actividades científicas y tecnológicas (ACT), número de investigadores y datos relacionados con patentes. Aunque la información fué generada por organismos nacionales de ciencia y tecnología, el análisis y coordinación fué realizado por el RICYT en colaboración con el Centro Argentino de Información Científica y Tecnológica (CAICYT-CONICET).
1)La publicación enfatiza que a partir del 2002, el número de publicaciones científicas, inversión en investigación y desarrollo (I+D), número de investigadores, solicitudes de patentes, maestristas y doctores se duplicó en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC), yendo de la mano con la mejora del PBI, la paridad del poder de compra (PPC) y otros. No obstante, la recesión mundial actual prevé un retroceso de estos indicadores. 2) 6 paises lideran la ciencia y tecnología en Iberoamérica : España (1,2% en I+D), Brasil (1,02% en I+D), Chile (0,67%), Argentina (0,49%), México (0,46%) y Cuba (0,42%). Comparativamente Corea y Japón superan el 3%, en I+D. Los países iberoamericanos investigan en universidades, totalmente aislados de la realidad. Solo Brasil y España han roto el maleficio, al lograr que la inversión privada financie el 50% de sus investigaciones, un porcentaje distante aún de muchos países industrializados en quienes la industria privada aporta el 70% y realiza investigaciones en sus propios centros. Para captar inversión privada, Brasil otorga concesiones de explotación de servicios públicos. 3) Cuba es un caso especial que amerita estudios. Su I+D, en relación al PBI (0,42%) es cercana a México, no obstante contar con un PBI mucho menor. Hecho explicable solo por tener una educación programada y centrada en el hombre. 4) El trabajo ofrece un panorama de los potenciales de I+D, en nanotecnológia para el desarrollo de nuevos productos y procesos de alto impacto económico-social, así como de los esfuerzos que se realizan en Iberoamérica para fortalecer este campo. Aunque España, Brasil, Argentina y México cuentan con sendos centros de nanotecnología, el liderazgo de los 2 primeros es ampliamente reconocido. Nanotecnología se refiere a la creación de materiales funcionales, dispositivos y sistemas a través del control de la materia, a nivel atómico y molecular.
Labels: El Estado de la ciencia 2008
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