Alex van der Beek, has created the company Solar Botanic Ltd, based in London, to build forests of fake trees with nanoleaves that will take advantage of sunlight to generate clean eolic energy and electricity. Beek seeks to mix 3 technologies: photovoltaic (electricity, from visible light), thermoelectric (from the heat) and pyezoelectric (from pressure), in nanoleaves, emergent of shafts that avoided to be mistreated by winds or rains by means of nanogenerators contained in leaves and shafts, connected to branches, generating small quantities of piezoelectric power. They would also take advantage of thermoelectric energy, converting waves of low energy (heat), in electricity. Solar Botanic seeks to build units of 6 m of diameter and surfaces of 110 m2, to feed a house. Several units, would feed populational centers.
The nanoleaves (superefficient, solar cells), would be built with copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS), to transform sunlight into electric current. Installation of these trees, would require only to dig holes in earth. Power lines will be placed underground to transport energy. The framework of trees will be elaborated with recyclable material: bottles of plastic, tires of cars, transformed later into mold biomass by means of steam- combustion technologies. A prototype of 6m of diameter, ready in 3 years would cost between 12,000 to 20,000 dollars, producing 120,000 kilow/h, during 20 years.
Alex van der Beek, ha creado la compañía Solar Botanic Ltd, con base en Londres, para construir bosques de arboles falsos, con nanohojas que aprovechan la luz solar y cimbrean generando energia eólica limpia y electricidad. Beek pretende mezclar 3 tecnologias: fotovoltaica (electricidad a partir de luz visible), termoelectrica (a partir del calor) y piezoelectrica (por presion), en nanohojas, emergentes de tallos que evitaran ser maltratadas por vientos o lluvias mediante nanogeneradores contenidos en sus hojas y tallos, conectados a ramas, generando pequeñas cantidades de poder piezoelectrico. Aprovecharian también la energía termoeléctrica solar, convirtiendo ondas de baja energía (calor), en electricidad. Solar Botanic pretende construir unidades de 6 m de diametro y superficies de 110 m2, para alimentar una casa. Acumulos de ella alimentarian centros poblacionales.
Las nanohojas (celulas solares, superficientes), serian construidas con copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS), para convertir luz solar en corriente electrica. La instalación de los árboles solo requeriria cavar hoyos en tierra. Lineas de poder subterráneas transportarian la energía que mediante inversores, se convertiría en corriente alterna. Parte del armazón de los arboles seria elaborado con material reciclable: botellas de plástico, llantas de carros, convertidas en biomasa moldeable mediante técnicas de combustión al vapor. Un prototipo de 6m de diámetro, listo en 3 años costaría 12,000 a 20,000 dolares, produciendo 120,000 kilow/h, durante 20 años.
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