The construction of a tunnel that would pass under the border (Linea de la Concordia/150 km long), between Chile and Peru, would allow Bolivia to have access to the Pacific Ocean. The idea comes from the Chilean architects: Carlos Martner, Fernando Castillo Velasco and Humberto Eliash. Bolivian products would be stored in an artificial island built with extracted earth of the tunnel. This would be sufficiently big to allow the step of vehicles, water and energy. Bolivia would have sovereign use of the tunnel and the island. Of being materialized the idea, they would finish 130 years of territorial disputes among these 3 countries.
La construcción de un túnel que pasaría debajo del borde fronterizo (Linea de la Concordia/150 km de largo), entre Chile y Perú, permitiría a Bolivia tener acceso al Oceano Pacifico. La idea proviene de los arquitectos chilenos: Carlos Martner, Fernando Castillo Velasco y Humberto Eliash. Los productos bolivianos accederían a una isla artificial construida con tierra extraida del túnel. Este seria lo suficientemente grande para permitir el paso de vehículos, agua y energía. Bolivia tendría uso soberano del túnel y la isla. De materializarse la idea, terminarían 130 años de disputas territoriales entre estos 3 paises.
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