1)¿Why was contradicted the Peruvian Minister of Health when affirming 5 days ago that an Argentinean citizen was sick with the virus A(H1N1), and taking back yesterday (4 days, later), when assuring that the Argentinean didn't carry the virus. It seems the matter is to have appropriate laboratories. Mexico sends its viral confirmatories analyses to Canadá, because they are expensive and need enough time to be processed. Difficulties that are reflected in the non agreement of numbers of sick and deads, reported by the OMS and those given by the official sanities of different countries. While Mexico reported initially to have 141 deads, the OMS corrected the figure to single 15 deads.
2) Why dies but people in Mexico because of the virus A(H1N1)?. The best possibility is that Mexico doesn't have an effective readiness of Oseltamivir (Relenza) or Zanamivir (Tamiflu) -2 of those but well-known antivirals- effective alone if they are early administered. It is said that in front of a pandemic level 6, the state should be in disposition of providing antivirals to the 14% country’s population's. This would represent for the Peru, to have 4 million doses and the Peruvian Minister of Health said that he only has 10 000 doses. The developed countries have the necessary quantities of antivirals.
2) Why dies but people in Mexico because of the virus A(H1N1)?. The best possibility is that Mexico doesn't have an effective readiness of Oseltamivir (Relenza) or Zanamivir (Tamiflu) -2 of those but well-known antivirals- effective alone if they are early administered. It is said that in front of a pandemic level 6, the state should be in disposition of providing antivirals to the 14% country’s population's. This would represent for the Peru, to have 4 million doses and the Peruvian Minister of Health said that he only has 10 000 doses. The developed countries have the necessary quantities of antivirals.
1)¿Porque se contradijo el ministro de salud peruano al afirmar hace 5 dias atrás que una ciudadana argentina era portadora del virus A(H1N1), y desdecirse ayer(4 dias después), al asegurar que la argentina no portaba el virus. Al parecer el asunto es contar con laboratorios adecuados. México por ejemplo envía sus análisis confirmatorios virales a Canadá,los mismos que son caros y necesitan bastante tiempo para procesarse. Dificultades que se reflejan en la no concordancia de números de afectados y muertos reportados por la OMS y los reportados por las sanidades oficiales de distintos paises. Mientras que México reportaba inicialmente tener 141 muertos, la OMS corregia la cifra a solo 15 muertos.
2) ¿Porque muere mas gente en México a causa del virus A(H1N1)?. La mejor posibilidad es que no cuente con una disponibilidad eficaz de Oseltamivir (Relenza) o Zanamivir (Tamiflu), 2 de los mas conocidos antivirales, eficaces solo si son administrados tempranamente. Se dice que frente a una pandemia de nivel 6, se debería estar en disposición de proveer de antivirales al 14% de la población. Esto representaría para el Perú, disponer de 4 millones de dosis y el ministro de salud peruano ha manifestado que apenas cuenta con 10 000 dosis. Los países desarrollados si cuentan con las cantidades necesarias de antivirales.
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