A team of brazilian and american researchers elevated the levels of insulin in 14/of 15 diabetic type 1 (immune system’s attack against pancreatic beta cells, producers of insulin), recently diagnosed (15-21 years), maintaining them free of insulin among 7-36 months. The patients received stimulating drugs to produce stem cells, collecting them later from bone marrow. Immune systems of patients were high suppressed with drugs, then took antibiotics and were isolated to protect them of infections. 2 weeks later, the extracted autologous stem cells were injected in their blood through jugular vein (Autologous nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation -AHST-in type 1 diabetes).
6 months later, the level of C-péptide (ascends with insulin), was very high. Julio Voltarelli (Hemocentro/University of Sao Paulo/Brazil), sustains that AHST, reconstructs the immune system and regenerates beta cells. Contrarily, Jay Skyler (University of Miami/USA), sustains that it is necessary to be cautious. "We are not sure that AHST created but cells beta or if the immune system stop attacking beta cells… The procedure is not exempt of risks, it is not good for all and it is very early to say if the effect is permanent."
Un team de Investigadores brasileños y americanos elevó los niveles de insulina en 14/ de 15 diabéticos tipo 1 (ataque del sistema immune contra células beta pancreáticas, productoras de insulina), recién diagnosticados (15-21 años), manteniéndolos libres de insulina entre 7-36 meses. Los pacientes recibieron drogas estimulantes de producción de células madre, colectádas de la médula ósea. Se suprimieron sus sistemas immunes con drogas (high dose immunosupression), tomaron antibióticos y se les aisló para protegerlos de infecciones. 2 semanas después, las células madre autólogas extraídas, fueron inyectadas en sus torrentes sanguíneos a través de la vena yugular (Autologous nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in type 1 diabetes).
6 meses después, el nivel del péptido C (asciende de conjunto con la insulina), estaba muy elevado. Julio Voltarelli (Hemocentro/University of Sao Paulo/Brazil), sostiene que el sistema AHST, reconstruye el sistema inmune y regenera células beta. Contrariamente, Jay Skyler (University of Miami/USA), sostiene que hay que ser cautos. “No estamos seguros que se crearon mas células beta o, si el sistema inmune dejo de atacar a las células beta… El procedimiento no está exento de riesgos, no es bueno para todos y es muy temprano para decir si el efecto es permanente”.
Labels: Stem cell therapy
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