Marissa Evans (42), wishes to remove semen from the corpse of her son Colton Nicholas Evans, died at age 21 in an accident. She contends that her son who was about to finish college, longed to have a child. A Texas district judge has instructed experts to collect semen, while Marissa is offering money to surrogate mothers to carry out her project. In Texas there are newspapers in favor of and against. Opponents argue that many people want replacement children, which is devoid of ethical consensus, as it only tends to satisfy egos of others.
Marissa Evans (42), desea que se extraiga semen de su hijo Nicholas Colton Evans fallecido a los 21 años en un accidente. Arguye que su hijo quien estaba a punto de terminar el college, ansiaba tener un hijo. Un juez distrital de Texas ha instruído a expertos a recolectar semen, mientras la madre ofrece dinero a madres surrogadas para llevar a cabo su proyecto. En Texas hay diarios a favor de y en contra. Los opositores arguyen que mucha gente desea niños de reemplazo después que mueren sus hijos, lo cual éticamente carece de consenso, ya que tiende a satisfacer egoísmos de terceros.
Labels: Replacement children
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