"When being born, our brains are not prepared to read", says Maryanne Wolf (Proust and the squid. The history and science of the the reading brain). According to her, our brains evolved from an ancient oral language, until the current reading, a recent cultural invention (hardly 5000 years). Contrary to natural language that is innate, reading needs training, to form new neuronal nets. When someone learns to read the brain changes forever. In all written languages, new circuits replace old structures in order to represent information and to be automated. Different writing-reading systems, activate different areas of the brain. Chinese -based on ideograms- involves different neuronal patterns than English or Spanish. Brain scans has showed that chinese activate both cerebral hemispheres, as long as the English-speaking only one : the left hemisphere what is due to that chinese learn ideograms writing them again and again.
In her book, Wolf discusses 2 central topics: I) that new technologies are changing reading habits, being Google the symbol of this new current. Every time there are more readers of electronic newspapers. To this respect, Wolf sustains that it is necessary to be vigilant in order to preserve the deep generativity of the brain reader. Hermann Hesse wrote: "without words, without writing, without books, there is not history, no humanity's concept." Although Internet, allows the access to great number of virtual texts, the real thing is that a deep understanding and a lasting learning is possible alone with a dedicated reading of the paper. Wolf, adds that to read allows our species to go 'beyond the given information creating infinite more beautiful thoughts. This way while some sustain that reading facilitated the intellectual development, others like Socrates were against it, because it relegated the memory and promoted a loss of the control on the language. II) the other aspect is related with possible dyslexia causes. According to Wolf at 5 years, children of low classes, have learned 32 millions less words that their middle class counterparts, what can carry them visual, auditory and language difficulties. The roots of the dyslexia should be related with brains that didn't learn how to read. Of there the importance of teaching early reading to children.
In her book, Wolf discusses 2 central topics: I) that new technologies are changing reading habits, being Google the symbol of this new current. Every time there are more readers of electronic newspapers. To this respect, Wolf sustains that it is necessary to be vigilant in order to preserve the deep generativity of the brain reader. Hermann Hesse wrote: "without words, without writing, without books, there is not history, no humanity's concept." Although Internet, allows the access to great number of virtual texts, the real thing is that a deep understanding and a lasting learning is possible alone with a dedicated reading of the paper. Wolf, adds that to read allows our species to go 'beyond the given information creating infinite more beautiful thoughts. This way while some sustain that reading facilitated the intellectual development, others like Socrates were against it, because it relegated the memory and promoted a loss of the control on the language. II) the other aspect is related with possible dyslexia causes. According to Wolf at 5 years, children of low classes, have learned 32 millions less words that their middle class counterparts, what can carry them visual, auditory and language difficulties. The roots of the dyslexia should be related with brains that didn't learn how to read. Of there the importance of teaching early reading to children.
“Al nacer, nuestros cerebros no están preparados para leer” dice Maryanne Wolf (Proust and the squid. The history about science and the reading brain). Según ella, nuestros cerebros evolucionaron desde un ancestral lenguaje oral, hasta la lectura actual, una invención cultural reciente (apenas 5000 años). A diferencia del lenguaje natural que es innato, la lectura necesita entrenamiento, para formar nuevas redes neuronales. Cuando se aprende a leer el cerebro cambia para siempre. En todos los lenguajes escritos, nuevos circuitos remplazan viejas estructuras a fin de representar información y automatizarse. Distintos sistemas de escritura-lectura, activan diferentes áreas del cerebro. El chino -basado en ideogramas- involucra patrones neuronales diferentes del inglés y el castellano. Scans cerebrales han demostrado que los chinos activan ambos hemisferios cerebrales, en tanto los de habla inglesa solo el hemisferio izquierdo lo que debe a que los chinos aprenden ideogramas escribiéndolos una y otra véz.
En su libro, Wolf discute 2 temas centrales : I) que las nuevas tecnologías están cambiando los hábitos de lectura, siendo Google el símbolo de esta nueva corriente. Cada vez hay mas lectura de diarios electrónicos. A este respecto, Wolf sostiene que hay que estar vigilantes a fin de preservar la profunda generatividad del cerebro lector. Hermann Hesse escribió: sin palabras, sin escritura, sin libros, no hay historia, ningun concepto de humanidad. Aunque Internet, permite el acceso a gran numero de textos virtuales, lo real es que una comprensión profunda y un aprendizaje perdurable solo es posible con una lectura dedicada del papel. Wolf, agrega que leer permite a la especie ir 'más allá de la información dada creando infinitos pensamientos más bellos. Asi mientras algunos sostienen que la lectura facilitó el desarrollo intelectual, otros como Sócrates estaban en contra de ella, porque relegaba la memoria y promovía una pérdida del control sobre el lenguaje. II) el otro aspecto se relaciona con las posibles causas de dislexia . Segun Wolf a los 5 años los niños de clases bajas, han aprendido 32 millones menos de palabras que sus contrapartes de clase media, lo que puede acarrearles dificultades visuales, auditivas y de lenguaje. Las raices de la dislexia deben estar relacionadas con cerebros que no aprendieron a leer. De ahi la importancia de enseñar lectura temprana a los niños.
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