Elizabeth S Spelke (cognitive psychologist/Harvard University. Laboratory for developmental studies) studies the genesis of human knowledge in babies, because “the job of these is to learn”. I) Spelke began his study by analyzing the behavior adopted by babies when they watch cartoons or manipulate objects. This way she identified early development of human knowledge using certain possible innate mental modes. Spelke works with babies because she assumes that certain knowledge are born with babies. II) The scientist discovered that certain contemplation (gaze), states of babies up to one week old, allow they search their expectations. Measuring the length of such gaze states give scientists an idea of assumptions not met at all for babies. III) Spelke supposed that babies know in advance some things: a) that an object is a discrete physical unit moving rudely as an unit, regardless of others. b) That baby’s visual system is equipped to see partition scenes (functional units) necessary for our survival. That objects can not occupy the same position as other. c) That one week age babies are capable to estimate quantities and distinguish major and minor quantities. They are able to relate groups of 4-12 points to certain sounds, linking 4 sounds to 4 points, event identified by long gazes scenes. Babies perform subtraction and addition associated to long gazes when there is a wrong number of points.
Elizabeth S Spelke (cognitive psychologist/Harvard University. Laboratory for developmental studies) studies the genesis of human knowledge in babies, because “the job of these is to learn”. I) Spelke began his study by analyzing the behavior adopted by babies when they watch cartoons or manipulate objects. This way she identified early development of human knowledge using certain possible innate mental modes. Spelke works with babies because she assumes that certain knowledge are born with babies. II) The scientist discovered that certain contemplation (gaze), states of babies up to one week old, allow they search their expectations. Measuring the length of such gaze states give scientists an idea of assumptions not met at all for babies. III) Spelke supposed that babies know in advance some things: a) that an object is a discrete physical unit moving rudely as an unit, regardless of others. b) That baby’s visual system is equipped to see partition scenes (functional units) necessary for our survival. That objects can not occupy the same position as other. c) That one week age babies are capable to estimate quantities and distinguish major and minor quantities. They are able to relate groups of 4-12 points to certain sounds, linking 4 sounds to 4 points, event identified by long gazes scenes. Babies perform subtraction and addition associated to long gazes when there is a wrong number of points.
IV) That babies know in advance geometric guidelines used for orientation in 3D spaces and to locate hidden treasures. From 5 to 6 years old, orientation and search strategies become more sophisticated. V) Babies have basic mental modules: representation of objects, rough sense of numbers and geometric navigation partially shared with animals: rats navigate mazes using shapes rather than colors. VI) Babies identify with people that use their own speech patterns. VII) The focus of scientific interest is to understand the relationships of basic modules of the human mind, which seems to interact in a tireless and unique way, to dominate calculation, scrutinize the cosmos, create music, etc. VIII) According to Spelke, language is the secret ingredient that allows us to go beyond the predictable basic mind modules due to its productive combinatorial power. Language combines anything with anything. Spelke concludes that there are no cognitive differences between boys and girls.
Elizabeth S Spelke (psicóloga cognitiva/Harvard University. Laboratory for developmental studies), estudia la génesis del conocimiento humano en bebes, porque “el trabajo de estos es aprender”. I) Spelke inició su estudio analizando la conducta corporal adoptada por bebes cuando estos observan cartoons o manipulan objetos. De este modo identificó categorías mentales y los modos de desarrollo inicial del conocimiento humano, la cognición y organización de la mente humana. Spelke trabaja con bebes porque asume que estos nacen con cierto conocimiento innato. II) La científica descubrió que ciertos estados de contemplación de bebes de hasta una semana de edad, les permiten a estos escudriñar sus expectativas. Midiendo la duración de las contemplaciones de los bebes, se tiene una idea de las presunciones no comprendidas del todo, por los bebes. III) Spelke supone que los bebes conocen de antemano algunas cosas: a) Que un objeto es una discreta unidad fisica que se mueve unitaria y groseramente, con independencia de otros. b) Que su sistema visual está equipado para ver escenas en formas parcelares (unidades funcionales), necesarias para nuestra supervivencia. Que los objetos no pueden ocupar la misma posición que otros. c) Que los bebes de una semana estiman cantidades y distinguen cantidades mayores y menores. Son capaces de relacionar grupos de entre 4-12 puntos a determinados sonidos, asociando 4 sonidos a 4 puntos, evento identificado por largas escenas de contemplación. Realizan restas y sumas realizando largas escenas de contemplación cuando aparece un número equivocado de puntos.
IV) Que Los bebes usan guías geométricas para orientarse en espacios tridimensionales, navegar por salones y localizar tesoros ocultos. A partir de los 5 o 6 años, sus estrategias de búsqueda se sofistican. V) Disponen de módulos básicos mentales : representación de objetos, sentido aproximado de los números y navegación geométrica parcialmente compartida con animales : las ratas navegan por intrincados laberintos identificando formas más que colores. VI) Se identifican con personas que usan sus mismos patrones de habla. VII) El foco de interés de la científica es conocer las relaciones de los módulos básicos de la mente humana que al parecer interactúan en forma incansable y única, para dominar el cálculo, examinar el cosmos, crear música etc. VIII) Para Spelke, el lenguaje es el ingrediente secreto que permite ir mas allá de los previsibles módulos básicos mentales, por su productivo poder combinatorio. El lenguaje combina cualquier cosa con cualquier cosa. Concluye Spelke que no existen diferencias cognitivas entre niñas y niños.
Labels: Innate knowledge
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