Magia e inadecuación perceptiva cerebral humana.

En Exodo. 6-8. "La vara de Aarón", se relata el encuentro sostenido entre Moisés, acompañado de su hermano Aarón, con sirvientes, magos, hechiceros egipcios y el propio Faraón, en un ambiente de gran tensión motivado por la humillante esclavitud del pueblo israelita por parte de los egipcios y los reclamos de Moisés, para que el Faraón, libere a su pueblo. Acorde a lo relatado en la Biblia, en un momento determinado, Aarón arrojó una vara a los piés del Faraón, convirtiéndose ésta de inmediato, en una serpiente. Para no quedar en menos, los magos egipcios hicieron lo mismo, emergiendo otra sierpe. Finalmente la serpiente de Aarón, engulló a las otras. El relato fascinate en sí, ha motivado no pocos comentarios, exigiendo como siempre explicaciones científicas y de las otras, a lo largo de la historia.
Recientemente, dos científicos de Harvard : Daniel Simons y Christopher Chabris, dedicados a estudiar la magia en general, en forma cientifica, han emitido posibles explicaciones en torno a actos de alta magia : aquellos que dejan a los espectadores, absortos, como niños pasmados. Ambos, sostienen que durante un gran acto de magia, los conjurantes canalizan la concentración total de los espectadores en un área determinada, con exclusión total del entorno cercano circundante donde se produce una "ceguera por inatención". Como ejemplo, refieren el requerimiento, solicitado a voluntarios para que contasen el número de pases de pelota entre deportistas de un equipo de basquet-ball, durante todo el juego. En este afán ningún voluntario vió pasar por el campo de juego a una mujer sosteniendo un paraguas. De otro lado, Gustav Kuhn, psicólogo de la Universidad de Durham, refiere que ciertos espectadores al estar tan concentrados en el cigarro emergente de la mano de un mago, "no vieron" cuando éste, en caída libre, se estrellaba contra el piso. Los espectadores, simplemente creyeron lo que el mago les dijo : "el cigarro ha desaparecido". Como se comprenderá, esta "ceguera del entorno circundante", pudiese ser la explicación para el evento relatado en la Biblia. El haber llegado a un punto confrontacional, sin retorno, de máxima tensión entre Moisés y el Faraón, habría condicionado máxima
atención hacia las varas-que pudieron haber tenido inclusive, formas de sierpes-, condicionando en los espectadores una "ceguera temporal", que les imposibilitó ver a las sierpes reales, ocultas, emergiendo de grietas de los ángulos del recinto, del mismo modo como alguien presente en el área de inatención, las ocultaba, en un acto final titulado "engullimiento de sierpes, por otras". Según los cientificos mencionados, la mente humana se comporta asi, porque tiene un limitada capacidad de percepción. En esas condiciones, solo vé, lo que quiere ver. Así, también se explica la visión de " fantasmas" y "oasis", en plenos desiertos.

A lo anterior, se suman los distractivos que los magos emplean en sus actos de magia menor : cerrar y abrir los puños (plenitud y vacío), voltear la cabeza hacia un lado para realizar el truco, en el lado opuesto, etc.
Links 1-Buchanan,Rachael."Watch my hands and deceive you". BBC online.31/07/05. 2- La Santa Biblia. 1560.Versión de Casiodoro de Reyna.Suffolk,Inglaterra.
In Exodus. 6-8. "The twig of Aaron", relates the encounter maintained between Moses, accompanied by its brother Aaron, with crew members, Egyptian magicians, wizards and the own Pharaoh, in an atmosphere of great tension motivated by the humiliating slavery of the Israelite people on the part of Egyptian and the reclamations of Moses, so that the Pharaoh, releases his town. According to the related thing in the Bible, in a determined moment, Aaron threw a twig to the feet of Pharaoh, becoming this one immediately, in a serpent. Not to be in less, the Egyptian magicians made the same, emerging another one serpent. Finally the serpent of Aaron, devoured the others. The story fascinate in himself, has motivated not few commentaries, demanding scientific explanations and of the others, throughout history.
Recently, two scientists of Harvard: Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris, dedicated to study of magic in general, in a scientific way, have emitted possible explanations around acts of high magic : those that leave the spectators, engrossed, like amazed children. Both, maintain that during a great act of magic, the conjurants canalize the total concentration of the spectators in a determined area, with exemption of the near surrounding where a "blindness by inatention " takes place. Like example, they refer the requirement asked for to volunteers so that they counted the number of passes between sportsmen of an equipment of basquet-ball, throughout the game. In this eagerness no volunteer saw to pass by the playground to a woman maintaining an umbrella. Of another side, Gustav Kuhn, psychologist of the University of Durham, refer that certain concentrated spectators when being so the emergent cigarette in the hand of a magician, "did not see" when this one, in free fall, crashed against the floor. The spectators, simply believed what the magician said to them: "the cigarette has disappeared". As it will be included/understood, this "blindness of the surrounding", could be the explanation for the event related in the Bible. Having arrived to a confrontacional point, without return, of maximal tension between Moses and the Pharaoh, could be conditionated maximal attention towards the twigs- that could inclusively have had, forms of serpent -, conditioning in the spectators a "temporary blindness", that it disabled to see the real serpent, hidden, emerging from cracks of the angles of the enclosure, in the same way like somebody present in the inatention area, hid them, in a final act titled "engulfment of serpents, by others". According to the mentioned scientifics, the human mind behaves so, because it has a limited capacity of perception. In those conditions, single you see, which you wants to see. Thus, perhaps explains the vision of " ghosts" and "oasis", in lonely deserts.
Recently, two scientists of Harvard: Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris, dedicated to study of magic in general, in a scientific way, have emitted possible explanations around acts of high magic : those that leave the spectators, engrossed, like amazed children. Both, maintain that during a great act of magic, the conjurants canalize the total concentration of the spectators in a determined area, with exemption of the near surrounding where a "blindness by inatention " takes place. Like example, they refer the requirement asked for to volunteers so that they counted the number of passes between sportsmen of an equipment of basquet-ball, throughout the game. In this eagerness no volunteer saw to pass by the playground to a woman maintaining an umbrella. Of another side, Gustav Kuhn, psychologist of the University of Durham, refer that certain concentrated spectators when being so the emergent cigarette in the hand of a magician, "did not see" when this one, in free fall, crashed against the floor. The spectators, simply believed what the magician said to them: "the cigarette has disappeared". As it will be included/understood, this "blindness of the surrounding", could be the explanation for the event related in the Bible. Having arrived to a confrontacional point, without return, of maximal tension between Moses and the Pharaoh, could be conditionated maximal attention towards the twigs- that could inclusively have had, forms of serpent -, conditioning in the spectators a "temporary blindness", that it disabled to see the real serpent, hidden, emerging from cracks of the angles of the enclosure, in the same way like somebody present in the inatention area, hid them, in a final act titled "engulfment of serpents, by others". According to the mentioned scientifics, the human mind behaves so, because it has a limited capacity of perception. In those conditions, single you see, which you wants to see. Thus, perhaps explains the vision of " ghosts" and "oasis", in lonely deserts.
To the previous thing, some distractors are added by the magicians in acts of smaller magic : close and open the fists (fullness and emptiness), to turn around the head towards a side to make the trick, in the opposed side, etc.
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Interesante Artículo Víctor, esto me hace recordar una explicación que leí el año pasado acerca de los misterios de la Psique que fueron desvelados por la ciencia, en este caso se trata de desmentir a astrólogos, adivinos, videntes, médiums, cartománticos, mentalistas, etc.
Me gustaria compartir con tus lectores este artículo para reforzar más el escepticismo de la ciencia frente a ciertos fenómenos inexplicables.
Aqui la nota (Fuente: ASTROSETI)
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