Relación mente -cuerpo.

Esta semana apareció en el PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Sept/13/2005.USA), un interesante artículo, que relaciona la emergencia de ataques agudos de asma bronquial, con desencadenantes emocionales. Mediante un diseño que promueve la inducción de broncoconstricción bronquial, merced a la repetición de palabras como :asma, se pudo demostrar (gracias al empleo de MRI:Resonancia magnética funcional. Fotos, izquierda.), hiperreactividad persistente en la insula y corteza cingulada cerebral anterior, de 6 pacientes asmáticos. Los autores :Melissa Rosenkranz et al, terminan :, sugiriendo que estas regiones hiperresponden a señales emocionales especificas de la enfermedad (eventos desregulatorios inflamatorios perféricos), confirmando a pequeña escala, la obvia relación mente-cuerpo.
Al respecto, en nuestro hospital (650 camas) y, según me refieren la mayoria de médicos amigos, el 50 % de pacientes que acuden a la consulta externa ambulatoria, exhiben alteraciones de la esfera emocional (ansiedad, depresión, estrés laboral, etc). En estos casos, los exámenes auxiliares tendientes a demostrar afecciones orgánicas (canceres, malformaciones,etc), siempre dan resultados nulos. Aqui, obviamente, la mayoría de pacientes mejoran con tratamiento psicológico.
Aunque lo anterior, es conocido de antiguo, se sabe también que la relación mente-cuerpo, permanece inexplorada:, en sus aspectos contrarios, es decir, en la cura intencional de males psicológicos y orgánicos, merced a la sola acción mental de un terapeuta entrenado. Para explicar el cese del sangrado de cierto principe ruso hemofilico (tratado por Rasputín), solo caben procedimientos mentales. Existe aquí, un vasto campo médico por descubrir. En este aspecto, muy personal por supuesto, opino que ciertos brujos peruanos ubicados en Cachiche y Piura, tratan con más eficacia a muchos pacientes, superando la labor de psiquiatras y psicólogos. Y, no me refiero solo al tratamiento de afecciones mentales:, a través del poder mental, sino también al tratamiento exitoso de ciertas enfermedades orgánicas :epilepsia,, diabetes, cáncer,etc.
Relation mind - body.
This week appeared an article in the PNAS (Proceedings National Academy od Sciences. Sept/13/2005.USA), that relates the emergency of acute attacks of bronchial asthma, with leading emotional. By means of a design that promotes the induction of bronchial broncoconstricción, thanks to the repetition of words like:asthma, could be demonstrated (thanks to the MRI : Functional Magnetic:Resonance. Pictures, left), persistent hyperreactivity in insula and cingulate cerebral anterior area, of 6 asthmatic patients. The authors:Melissa Rosenkranz, et al, finish: suggesting these regions hyperresponds to emotional signals specific of the disease (disregulatories peripheric inflammatory events), confirming on small scale, the obvious relation mind-body.
On the matter, in our hospital (650 beds) and, according to most medical friends, 50 % of patients who go to the outpatient consultation, exhibit alterations of the emotional sphere (anxiety, depression, labor stress, etc). In these cases, the auxiliary examinations tending to demonstrate organic affections (cancer, malformations, etc), always give null results. Obviously in this case, most patients improves with psychological treatment.
Although the previous thing, is known old, the relation mind-body, remains unexplored, in its opposite aspects, that is to say, in the intentional cure of the evils psychological and organic, thanks to the single mental action of a trained therapist. In order to explain the cease of bled of hemophilic russian young prince (treated by the monk Rasputín), single mental procedures are possible. It exists here, a vast medical field to discover. In this aspect, very personal of course, I think that certain located Peruvian wizards in Cachiche and Piura, deal with more effectiveness to many patients, surpassing the work of psychiatrists and psychologists. And, I do not talk about single the treatment of mental affections, through the mental power, but also to the successful treatment of certain organic diseases:epilepsia, diabetes, cancer, etc.
This week appeared an article in the PNAS (Proceedings National Academy od Sciences. Sept/13/2005.USA), that relates the emergency of acute attacks of bronchial asthma, with leading emotional. By means of a design that promotes the induction of bronchial broncoconstricción, thanks to the repetition of words like:asthma, could be demonstrated (thanks to the MRI : Functional Magnetic:Resonance. Pictures, left), persistent hyperreactivity in insula and cingulate cerebral anterior area, of 6 asthmatic patients. The authors:Melissa Rosenkranz, et al, finish: suggesting these regions hyperresponds to emotional signals specific of the disease (disregulatories peripheric inflammatory events), confirming on small scale, the obvious relation mind-body.
On the matter, in our hospital (650 beds) and, according to most medical friends, 50 % of patients who go to the outpatient consultation, exhibit alterations of the emotional sphere (anxiety, depression, labor stress, etc). In these cases, the auxiliary examinations tending to demonstrate organic affections (cancer, malformations, etc), always give null results. Obviously in this case, most patients improves with psychological treatment.
Although the previous thing, is known old, the relation mind-body, remains unexplored, in its opposite aspects, that is to say, in the intentional cure of the evils psychological and organic, thanks to the single mental action of a trained therapist. In order to explain the cease of bled of hemophilic russian young prince (treated by the monk Rasputín), single mental procedures are possible. It exists here, a vast medical field to discover. In this aspect, very personal of course, I think that certain located Peruvian wizards in Cachiche and Piura, deal with more effectiveness to many patients, surpassing the work of psychiatrists and psychologists. And, I do not talk about single the treatment of mental affections, through the mental power, but also to the successful treatment of certain organic diseases:epilepsia, diabetes, cancer, etc.
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