40 y 20

Recientes encuestas realizadas entre jóvenes en Inglaterra dan cuenta de sus percepciones, en torno a los adultos mayores:
4-Preguntados los mayores de 50 años, en relación a esta problemática, la mayoría se muestra dispuesta a trabajar en turnos de medio tiempo (4 horas), en tanto a esa edad se vé la vida desde otra perspectiva. Asimismo, a la mayoría le gustaría estudiar más.
Personalmente pienso que al igual que sucede con otro tipo de discriminaciones, el problema central es lo poco que un joven conoce a un adulto mayor y viceversa. Es imperativo facilitar integraciones : joven-adulto mayor. ¿No son acaso extremadamente eficientes ciertas empresas familiares multigeneracionales?. Cuando por razones de trabajo se facilita esta integración ubicando a cada quien en el lugar que le corresponde, la mayoría de las barreras tienden a desaparecer. Entonces los jóvenes muestran creatividad y gran energía, en tanto los mayores: lealtad, mejor manejo de las relaciones interpersonales, mejor adecuación al trabajo en equipo, piensan mucho antes de actuar, se ausentan poco y exhiben gran efectividad y conciencia laboral.
La integración multigeneracional asociada a la emergencia de adultos mayores saludables, activos y dinámicos, pronto hará percibir como normal, ciertos matrimonios dispares. En efecto, conviene observar lo que ciertas parejas con notables diferencias de edad, han hecho de sus vidas : felicidad permanente. Mientras una persona disponga de un mínimo de salud, buen humor, sea creativo y tenga planes, la mayoría de sus problemas no dejan de ser más que estrecheces mentales. Picasso, Chaplin (foto de la derecha), Cher y otros, ejemplifican con sus vidas, el aserto anterior. 40 y 20 : lo que importa son los sentimientos y el amor, no el paternalismo que hace fracasar este tipo de matrimonios.
La persona mayor aporta conciencia y maduréz, la menor : fuerza y vitalidad. Si el mayor es varón, lo que busca al casarse con una mujer más joven, es disfrutar de todo lo que le rodea y vivir intensamente.En este caso, la mujer busca en el hombre: protección, sabiduría, poder y experiencia. Si la mujer es mayor como el caso de Laura Bozzo, esta aporta seguridad comprensión, calidéz, tolerancia, estabilidad, experiencia, entiende que no hay hombre perfecto, ni príncipe azul de por medio.
40 and 20
Recent surveys made between young people in England give account of their perceptions, around the greater adults:
1-The English young people perceive like incompetent for the work the people: greater of 49 years.
2- In another survey, one inquires that the greater people of 62 years perceive the term of their own youth, around the 57 years
3- English that now are 24 years old, perceive like incompetent for the work, to the greater ones of 55.
4- On another side, 50% of which are now 24 years old, do not have friends greater than 70 years and vice versa.
The labor discrimination by age outpost (more than 49 years), heads the list : 30% in England (Survey made in the University of Kent), followed very distant by others of : gender, race, religious option, disbility, sexual option, etc.
It contributes to the debate, the publication of certain English demographic projective statistics:
In as much the greater population of 50 years, will be increased until 30 % (of the total of the english population, for year 2030), it is hoped that the corresponding one to younger people of 25 years, will diminish to a little 19%, the same year. This projection, agrees with the actual shortness of english youthful manual labor. That is to say, there is labor space for the greater adults. Therefore, in England:
1-One thinks to increase the age average of labor retirement, of today : 62 years, to 70 years.
2-In the eagerness to recruit older ones suitable for the work, England is promoting the creation of universities for greater adults including vocational areas for third (65-70 years) and, fourth age (dependent population, between 80-90 years). These universities, are recruiting increasing number of students.
3- One coordinates greater actions to promote greater work integration between young and olders.
4-Asked the greater ones of 50 years, in relation to this problematic one, the majority thinks that they want to work in turns of half time (4 hours), in as much to at that age you see the life from another perspective. Also, the majority would like to study more.
Personally I think that like another type of discriminations, the central problem here is that a young person knows little to a greater adult and vice versa. It is imperative to facilitate integrations : young-older persons. When for work reasons this integration is facilitated locating to every one in the place that corresponds to him, most of the barriers tend to disappear. Then the young people show to creativity and great energy, in as much the greater ones: loyalty, better handling of the interpersonal relations, better adjustment to the work in equipment, thinks long before acting, they absent little and exhibit great effectiveness and labor conscience.
This kind of integration will facilitate another type of problematic relationship. Sure, it is good to observe what certain pairs with remarkable differences of age, have done of their lives: permanent happiness. While a person has a minimum of health, good humor, is creative and has future plans, most of their problems do not let to be more than mental narrowness. Picasso, Chaplin (picture : right), Cher and others, exemplify with their lives, the previous assertion. 40 and 20 : what matters are the feelings and love, not the paternalism that makes fail this type of marriages.
The older person contributes with conscience and maturity, the minor with : force and vitality. If the older is a man, which looks for when marrying with a younger woman, is to enjoy everything what surrounds him and to live intensively. In this case, the woman looks for in the man: protection, wisdom, power and experience. If the woman is older as the case of TV presentator: Laura Bozzo, she contributes to security understanding, warmness, tolerance, stability, experience, understanding that there is no perfect man, nor blue prince, at all.
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