Morir en Setiembre.

En el Perú la mayoría de lo(a)s suicidas ingieren venenos: raticidas (organocarbamatos : inhibidores de la enzima acetilcolinesterasa), ácido muriático o, enormes cantidades de antidepresivos. A esta modalidad, le siguen el ahorcase o, arrojarse al vacío desde puentes o edificios. El empleo de armas de fuego, no es frecuente entre nosotros.
Por cierto no somos un país que ocupe los primeros lugares en el tema de los suicidios :18/100 000 habitantes. Somos uno, que junto con los países del Islam, cursa con tasas bajas. Por eso,, cuando estas ocurren, llenan obligadamente los titulares periodísticos. No obstante en los últimos años se está incrementando el número de suicidas femeninos y de adolescentes.
Ivony Palomino Ramírez (27 años), es una suicida más, empero tiene de particular el añadido del envenenamiento mortal previo de sus dos menores hijos : Carolina de 7 y Leonardo de 6 años, respectivamente. Los decesos, siguieron el ritual ordinario suicida :concepción del plan (4 meses antes), avance hacia una etapa de ambiguedades (denuncias contra su esposo-arriba, foto de la izquierda-, a la comisaría del sector, al Ministerio de la mujer y quejas frecuentes a sus amigas y familiares cercanos :avisando), para finalmente:, el sábado :11, llevar a cabo la drástica determinación, con éxito. Para ello, Ivony, compró una botella de gaseosa grande, de conjunto con un sobre de veneno (raticida). Mezcló polvo y gaseosa, acarició a sus hijos y luego dió de beber el tóxico, al menor, quien falleció, a poco. Mas tarde, administró la pócima a su hija, haciendo ella lo propio un poco más tarde. En la madrugada del domingo, todos habían muerto. Como de costumbre, el suicidio fué perpetrado entre las : 6 am - 6 pm, de un dia cualquiera entre Abril a Setiembre.
De ese modo, Ivony, eludió la violencia conyugal (su esposo la agredía y la expulsaba constantemente de su casa) y la estrechéz económica. Acorde con ciertas estadisticas, el enevenenamiento:, es la causa más común de suicidio en el Perú, seguida de cerca por decepciones amorosas, enfermedades terminales o afecciones mentales. Su esposo, un modesto barman, dice: "ella deseaba más riquezas y a mi no me alcanzaba".
Transitando por lo conocido, Ivony, había solicitado ayuda psicológica en los 3 meses previos, a raiz de un pequeño conato de suicidio. Aunque no tenemos muchos datos, el perfil psicológico de ella debió corresponder al de una persona muy rigida e inflexible en sus perspectivas, timida, con sentimientos de inferioridad, incapáz de cambiar de roles de acuerdo a requerimientos, con miedo a opciones alternas, temor al éxito y proclive a profundas depresiones, frente a cualquier decepción. Los mismos caminos recorridos, con ciertas variantes por Marilyn Monroe, Albert Camus, Hemingway y últimamente por soldados israelies, civiles japoneses, más sobre todo por húngaros (país con la tasa más alta de suicidios en el mundo:270/100 000), habitantes de USA, Cuba(con armas de fuego),Uruguay, Panamá y otros.
Referencia. 1-Psiquiatría.1986.Guillermo Vidal y Renato Alarcón. Editorial Panamericana.Buenos Aires.
To die in September.
In Peru most of suicides ingest rats poisons (organiccarbamates: inhibitors of the enzyme acetylcholinesterasa), muriatic acid or, enormous amounts of antidepressants. This modality, is followed by hanging or, to throw to the emptiness from bridges or buildings. The use of firearms, is not frequent between us.
By the way we are not a country that occupies the first places in the subject of suicides:18/100 000 inhabitants. We are one, that along with the countries of the Islam, attends with low rates. For that reason,, when these happen, fills the journalistic front pages. Despite this, in the last suicide years the number of feminine and adolescents is being increased. Ivony Palomino Ramirez (27 years), is one suicidal more, however it has the added one of previous mortal poisoning of his two smaller children: 7 Carolina and Leonardo of 6 years, respectively. The deceases, followed the ritual ordinary forces suicide on: conception of the plan (4 months before), advance towards a stage of ambiguity (denunciations against his husband-arrive, photo of the left -, to the police station of the sector, the Ministry of the Woman and complaints to their near friends and relatives: making warnings), for finally, on Saturday:11, to carry out the drastic determination, successfully. For it, Ivony, bought a bottle of great soda water, set with on of poison (rat toxic). It mixed dust and soda water, it caressed his children and soon she gave to drink the toxic, to the minor, who passed away, to little. But later she administered the toxic to his daughter, doing she the same later. At dawn of Sunday, all had died. As usual, the suicide was made between: 6 a.m. - 6 p.m., of a day anyone between April to September.
In this way, Ivony, eluded the conjugal violence (his husband attacked her daily and constantly expelled her from his house) and economic shortness. Agreed with certain statistics, the poisoning is the commonest cause of suicide in Peru, followed close by by loving deceptions, terminal diseases or mental affections. His husband, a modest barman, says: "she wished more wealth and to my she does not reach
In Peru most of suicides ingest rats poisons (organiccarbamates: inhibitors of the enzyme acetylcholinesterasa), muriatic acid or, enormous amounts of antidepressants. This modality, is followed by hanging or, to throw to the emptiness from bridges or buildings. The use of firearms, is not frequent between us.
By the way we are not a country that occupies the first places in the subject of suicides:18/100 000 inhabitants. We are one, that along with the countries of the Islam, attends with low rates. For that reason,, when these happen, fills the journalistic front pages. Despite this, in the last suicide years the number of feminine and adolescents is being increased. Ivony Palomino Ramirez (27 years), is one suicidal more, however it has the added one of previous mortal poisoning of his two smaller children: 7 Carolina and Leonardo of 6 years, respectively. The deceases, followed the ritual ordinary forces suicide on: conception of the plan (4 months before), advance towards a stage of ambiguity (denunciations against his husband-arrive, photo of the left -, to the police station of the sector, the Ministry of the Woman and complaints to their near friends and relatives: making warnings), for finally, on Saturday:11, to carry out the drastic determination, successfully. For it, Ivony, bought a bottle of great soda water, set with on of poison (rat toxic). It mixed dust and soda water, it caressed his children and soon she gave to drink the toxic, to the minor, who passed away, to little. But later she administered the toxic to his daughter, doing she the same later. At dawn of Sunday, all had died. As usual, the suicide was made between: 6 a.m. - 6 p.m., of a day anyone between April to September.
In this way, Ivony, eluded the conjugal violence (his husband attacked her daily and constantly expelled her from his house) and economic shortness. Agreed with certain statistics, the poisoning is the commonest cause of suicide in Peru, followed close by by loving deceptions, terminal diseases or mental affections. His husband, a modest barman, says: "she wished more wealth and to my she does not reach
Journeying by the well-known, Ivony, had asked for psychological aid in the 3 previous months, because she tried to commit a previous attempt of suicide. Although we do not have many data, the psychological profile of Ivony had to correspond to the one of a very rigid and inflexible person in its perspective, timida, with feelings of inferiority, uncapable to change her aims according to requirements, with fear to face alternating options, fear to the success and tending to deep depressions, as opposed to any deception. Ways such crossed, with certain variants were: Marilyn Monroe, Albert Camus, Hemingway and lately by jews soldiers, civils Japanese, more mainly by Hungarian (country with the highest rate of suicides in the world :270/100 000), inhabitants of the USA, Cuba (with firearms), Uruguay, Panama and others.
Reference. 1- Guillermo Vidal and Renato Alarcón.1986.Psiquiatria.Editorial Panamericana.Buenos. Buenos Aires.
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