Ecos de los terremotos de Lamas y Moquegua.

El 25/09/05, a las 20,55 hora peruana (01,55. GMT), se dejaron sentir en Lamas (San Martín-Perú), los efectos devastadores de un terremoto de 7 grados, en la escala de Richter. De acuerdo a información proporcionada por el :, Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP), duró 40” y su epicentro se ubicó a 85 km de la poblada ciudad de Moyobamba (San Martín-Perú). El fenómeno natural, nos invita a 04 reflexiones:
1) En Lamas y otras ciudades, la causa de los terremotos (sacudidas de la corteza terrestre), es mediada por la violenta colisión de dos megaestructuras (placas), flotantes, entre si, en la que una de ellas (placa menor), se sumerge (subduce), debajo de otra mayor. En nuestro caso, la placa marina de Nasca, ubicada a lo largo de la costa peruano-chilena, se subdujo, colisionando, contra otra continental, conocida como placa Sudamericana. La corteza (litósfera), terrestre de 100 km de espesor, no es un continuo estructural, exhibe más bién, una rotura continua y crónica. Su entramado comprende una serie de grandes trozos terráqueos, unidos debilmente entre sí, bizarramente, a modo de un rompecabezas circular, con espacios fronterizos, irregulares, irrigados por magma liquido, a más de 1000 grados C, procedente del interior de la tierra. De acuerdo a la teoria de la Pangea, Africa, Sudamérica y otros continentes, estuvieron unidas hasta hace 230 millones de años (Ma). Con el curso de los años se fueron separando (5-11 cm/año) y cuando la placa continental africana, colisionó con la placa euro-asiática, se originaron levantamientos rocosos (montes del Himalaya). Colisiones similares, gestaron la cordillera de los Andes. Cada colisión, por minima que sea, genera fallas geológicas, terremotos e indirectamente actividad volcánica.. Como se vé, estamos condenados a padecer terremotos.
2) Aunque no podamos detenerlos, es posible anticipar las fechas posibles de estas colisiones, de modo tal que podamos tomar precauciones. Esa es labor del IGP. Conocer la velocidad de deslizamiento de las placas : 5-6 cm/año, ayuda. Lo que se necesita ahora, es “tomar radiografias” de las placas, ubicando sus limites irregulares, las áreas de posible colisión y el recorrido del magma terráqueo emergente. Hay que avanzar, en estos aspectos.
3) Trás revisar múltiples fotos procedentes de diarios peruanos y alimentarme con la precisa información proporcionada por: Cajué Tarapoto,"Despiertame cuando pase el terremoto...30.09.05", me permito acotar lo siguiente : al menos 200 casas fueron destruídas (50%, con destrucción total) y, 267 familias (1050 personas), fueron afectadas. Me dá mucha alegria que 15 instituciones (gobierno regional y central, la PNP, Salud, el Ejercito, los Ingenieros, programa “A trabajar urbano”,etc), se hallan movilizado con rapidéz para ayudar a Lamas. El presidente Toledo mostrando buenos reflejos, acudió raudo a la zona afectada, para planificar la ayuda. Buen gesto. Ciertos pasos reconstructivos, coincidieron con los seguidos en USA; los damnificados, al igual que en New Orleáns, fueron acondicionados en 4 estadios de Lamas y alimentados en comedores populares acondicionados. Los reportes finales señalan la existencia de 1 muerto y 15 heridos. Un sentido pésame para sus familiares cercanos.
4) Lo que falta ahora es una efectiva reconstrucción de las casas. Cuando uno observa (a través de las fotos), el material de edificación de las casas afectadas, constata la presencia de material de construcción liviano: barro, entramado con carrizo (cañas delgadas) y argamasa elemental. Acá, hay trabajo creativo para los ingenieros de la UNI (Universidad de Ingenieria), quienes deberían ofertar sólidos basamentos para las casas a reconstruirse. Termino, arguyendo, que la posibilidad de nuevos terremotos en Lamas, es bastante alejada. Cuando uno revisa en los journals geofísicos, las zonas peruanas más susceptibles a padecer terremotos, a efectos de colisión de placas tectónicas, estas se circuncriben a 2 grandes areas peruanas : a) una ubicada en la zona norte, colindante con áreas ecuatorianas y colombianas y b) otra, ubicada en el sur : fosa chilena-peruana. Justo, el dia de hoy el diario El Comercio :, dá cuenta de una serie de sismos que no obstante ser grado 4,2, han devenido en inhabitables a 658 casas del area de Moquegua (fosa chileno-peruana). Por lo tanto, no temas Lamas, las casas con basamentos defectuosos pueden caerse también, por otras causas. Ese es el tema. No solo hay que rehacer las casas, también hay que musculizarlas.
1) En Lamas y otras ciudades, la causa de los terremotos (sacudidas de la corteza terrestre), es mediada por la violenta colisión de dos megaestructuras (placas), flotantes, entre si, en la que una de ellas (placa menor), se sumerge (subduce), debajo de otra mayor. En nuestro caso, la placa marina de Nasca, ubicada a lo largo de la costa peruano-chilena, se subdujo, colisionando, contra otra continental, conocida como placa Sudamericana. La corteza (litósfera), terrestre de 100 km de espesor, no es un continuo estructural, exhibe más bién, una rotura continua y crónica. Su entramado comprende una serie de grandes trozos terráqueos, unidos debilmente entre sí, bizarramente, a modo de un rompecabezas circular, con espacios fronterizos, irregulares, irrigados por magma liquido, a más de 1000 grados C, procedente del interior de la tierra. De acuerdo a la teoria de la Pangea, Africa, Sudamérica y otros continentes, estuvieron unidas hasta hace 230 millones de años (Ma). Con el curso de los años se fueron separando (5-11 cm/año) y cuando la placa continental africana, colisionó con la placa euro-asiática, se originaron levantamientos rocosos (montes del Himalaya). Colisiones similares, gestaron la cordillera de los Andes. Cada colisión, por minima que sea, genera fallas geológicas, terremotos e indirectamente actividad volcánica.. Como se vé, estamos condenados a padecer terremotos.
2) Aunque no podamos detenerlos, es posible anticipar las fechas posibles de estas colisiones, de modo tal que podamos tomar precauciones. Esa es labor del IGP. Conocer la velocidad de deslizamiento de las placas : 5-6 cm/año, ayuda. Lo que se necesita ahora, es “tomar radiografias” de las placas, ubicando sus limites irregulares, las áreas de posible colisión y el recorrido del magma terráqueo emergente. Hay que avanzar, en estos aspectos.
3) Trás revisar múltiples fotos procedentes de diarios peruanos y alimentarme con la precisa información proporcionada por: Cajué Tarapoto,"Despiertame cuando pase el terremoto...30.09.05", me permito acotar lo siguiente : al menos 200 casas fueron destruídas (50%, con destrucción total) y, 267 familias (1050 personas), fueron afectadas. Me dá mucha alegria que 15 instituciones (gobierno regional y central, la PNP, Salud, el Ejercito, los Ingenieros, programa “A trabajar urbano”,etc), se hallan movilizado con rapidéz para ayudar a Lamas. El presidente Toledo mostrando buenos reflejos, acudió raudo a la zona afectada, para planificar la ayuda. Buen gesto. Ciertos pasos reconstructivos, coincidieron con los seguidos en USA; los damnificados, al igual que en New Orleáns, fueron acondicionados en 4 estadios de Lamas y alimentados en comedores populares acondicionados. Los reportes finales señalan la existencia de 1 muerto y 15 heridos. Un sentido pésame para sus familiares cercanos.
4) Lo que falta ahora es una efectiva reconstrucción de las casas. Cuando uno observa (a través de las fotos), el material de edificación de las casas afectadas, constata la presencia de material de construcción liviano: barro, entramado con carrizo (cañas delgadas) y argamasa elemental. Acá, hay trabajo creativo para los ingenieros de la UNI (Universidad de Ingenieria), quienes deberían ofertar sólidos basamentos para las casas a reconstruirse. Termino, arguyendo, que la posibilidad de nuevos terremotos en Lamas, es bastante alejada. Cuando uno revisa en los journals geofísicos, las zonas peruanas más susceptibles a padecer terremotos, a efectos de colisión de placas tectónicas, estas se circuncriben a 2 grandes areas peruanas : a) una ubicada en la zona norte, colindante con áreas ecuatorianas y colombianas y b) otra, ubicada en el sur : fosa chilena-peruana. Justo, el dia de hoy el diario El Comercio :, dá cuenta de una serie de sismos que no obstante ser grado 4,2, han devenido en inhabitables a 658 casas del area de Moquegua (fosa chileno-peruana). Por lo tanto, no temas Lamas, las casas con basamentos defectuosos pueden caerse también, por otras causas. Ese es el tema. No solo hay que rehacer las casas, también hay que musculizarlas.
Echoes of the earthquakes of Lamas and Moquegua.
The 25/09/05, at 20,55 o'clock Peruvian (01,55. GMT), they were left to feel in Lamas (San Martin-Peru), the devastating effects of an earthquake of 7 degrees, in the scale of Richter. According to information provided by the Geophysical Peruvian Institute (IGP), it last 40" and its epicenter was situated to 85 km of the populated city of Moyobamba (San Martin-Peru). The natural phenomenon, invites us to 04 reflections : 1) In Lamas and other cities, the cause of the earthquakes (shaken of the crust of the earth), is mediated for the violent clash of two megaestructures (plates), floating, among if, in which one of them (smaller plate), submerges (subduce), under another greater one. In our case, the marine plate of Nasca, located along the Peruvian-Chilean coast, itself submerges, colliding, against another continental one, known as South American plate. The terrestrial bark (lithosphere), of 100 km in thickness, is not a continuous structural one. On the contrary it, exhibits a continuous and chronic break.terrestrial Its framework understands a series of large pieces, feeble united among, like a circular puzzle, irregular in its frontier spaces, irrigated by liquid magma, at temperatures of 1000 degrees C, or more, originated in the very inner of the earth. According to the Pangea theory, Africa, SouthAmerica and other continents, were united until does 230 million years ago (Ma). With the course of the years they were themselves separating (5-11 cm/each /year) and when the African continental plate, clashed with the euro-asiãn plate, rocky liftings were originated (mounts of the Himalayas). Similar collisions, they gestated the mountain of the Andes. Each colission, by minimal that it was, generates you geological failures, earthquakes and indirectly activity of the volcanoes. As you can see, we are condemned to suffer earthquakes. 2 ) Although we cannot stop them, it is possible to anticipate the possible dates of these collisions, in some way that we can take precautions. That is work of the IGP. Knowing the velocity of sliding of the plates: 5-6 cm/each/year, it will aid. What is needed now, is to "take X-rays " of the plates, locating its irregular limits, and the emergency of magma shadows using ecodoppler or others. One must advance, in these aspects. 3) I have seen many pictures from the Peruvian newspapers and also I have fed me with the information provided by: "You awake me when the earthquake has gone...30.09.05". In this way I permit me to mention the following thing : at least : 200 houses were destroyed (50%, with total destruction) and, 267 families (1050 people), were affected. It is good to know that almost 15 institutions (central and regional government, the National Police, Health, the Engineers, the Program "To work, urban",etc), they are found mobilized very fast to help Lamas. The president Toledo showing good reflexes, gone swiftly to the zone affected, to plan the aid. Good gesture. Certain reconstructive steps, they coincided with the followed in USA, the same as in New Orleans. The people were conditioned in 4 spot stadiums of Lamas and fed in popular dining rooms conditioned. The final reports said the existence of 1 dead person and 15 injured. A sense of regret for its nearby relatives. 4) What lacks now is an effective one reconstructions of the houses. When one it observes the pictures, note that the material of edification of the houses affected, verifies the presence of feeble material of construction : clay, framework with reed and elementary mortars. Here is a creative work for the engineers of the UNI (University of Ingenier), who must offer solid basements for the houses to be reconstructed. I finish, disputing, that the possibility of new earthquakes in Lamas, is quite far away. When one revises in the geophysical journals, the Peruvian zones more susceptible to suffer earthquakes, we found 2 large areas : a) One, located in the northern part, adjacent to Colombian and Ecuadorian defendants and b) another, located in the south: Chilean-Peruvian grave. Just, today the newspaper El Comercio, account of a series of earthquakes of degree 4,2, that have converted in uninhabitable to 658 houses of the area of Moquegua (Chilean-Peruvian grave) . Therefore, do not fear Lamas, the houses with faulty basements they can be fallen also by other causes. That is the theme. Not alone one must rebuild the houses, it is necesary also give to the houses more muscle.
The 25/09/05, at 20,55 o'clock Peruvian (01,55. GMT), they were left to feel in Lamas (San Martin-Peru), the devastating effects of an earthquake of 7 degrees, in the scale of Richter. According to information provided by the Geophysical Peruvian Institute (IGP), it last 40" and its epicenter was situated to 85 km of the populated city of Moyobamba (San Martin-Peru). The natural phenomenon, invites us to 04 reflections : 1) In Lamas and other cities, the cause of the earthquakes (shaken of the crust of the earth), is mediated for the violent clash of two megaestructures (plates), floating, among if, in which one of them (smaller plate), submerges (subduce), under another greater one. In our case, the marine plate of Nasca, located along the Peruvian-Chilean coast, itself submerges, colliding, against another continental one, known as South American plate. The terrestrial bark (lithosphere), of 100 km in thickness, is not a continuous structural one. On the contrary it, exhibits a continuous and chronic break.terrestrial Its framework understands a series of large pieces, feeble united among, like a circular puzzle, irregular in its frontier spaces, irrigated by liquid magma, at temperatures of 1000 degrees C, or more, originated in the very inner of the earth. According to the Pangea theory, Africa, SouthAmerica and other continents, were united until does 230 million years ago (Ma). With the course of the years they were themselves separating (5-11 cm/each /year) and when the African continental plate, clashed with the euro-asiãn plate, rocky liftings were originated (mounts of the Himalayas). Similar collisions, they gestated the mountain of the Andes. Each colission, by minimal that it was, generates you geological failures, earthquakes and indirectly activity of the volcanoes. As you can see, we are condemned to suffer earthquakes. 2 ) Although we cannot stop them, it is possible to anticipate the possible dates of these collisions, in some way that we can take precautions. That is work of the IGP. Knowing the velocity of sliding of the plates: 5-6 cm/each/year, it will aid. What is needed now, is to "take X-rays " of the plates, locating its irregular limits, and the emergency of magma shadows using ecodoppler or others. One must advance, in these aspects. 3) I have seen many pictures from the Peruvian newspapers and also I have fed me with the information provided by: "You awake me when the earthquake has gone...30.09.05". In this way I permit me to mention the following thing : at least : 200 houses were destroyed (50%, with total destruction) and, 267 families (1050 people), were affected. It is good to know that almost 15 institutions (central and regional government, the National Police, Health, the Engineers, the Program "To work, urban",etc), they are found mobilized very fast to help Lamas. The president Toledo showing good reflexes, gone swiftly to the zone affected, to plan the aid. Good gesture. Certain reconstructive steps, they coincided with the followed in USA, the same as in New Orleans. The people were conditioned in 4 spot stadiums of Lamas and fed in popular dining rooms conditioned. The final reports said the existence of 1 dead person and 15 injured. A sense of regret for its nearby relatives. 4) What lacks now is an effective one reconstructions of the houses. When one it observes the pictures, note that the material of edification of the houses affected, verifies the presence of feeble material of construction : clay, framework with reed and elementary mortars. Here is a creative work for the engineers of the UNI (University of Ingenier), who must offer solid basements for the houses to be reconstructed. I finish, disputing, that the possibility of new earthquakes in Lamas, is quite far away. When one revises in the geophysical journals, the Peruvian zones more susceptible to suffer earthquakes, we found 2 large areas : a) One, located in the northern part, adjacent to Colombian and Ecuadorian defendants and b) another, located in the south: Chilean-Peruvian grave. Just, today the newspaper El Comercio, account of a series of earthquakes of degree 4,2, that have converted in uninhabitable to 658 houses of the area of Moquegua (Chilean-Peruvian grave) . Therefore, do not fear Lamas, the houses with faulty basements they can be fallen also by other causes. That is the theme. Not alone one must rebuild the houses, it is necesary also give to the houses more muscle.
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