Weak areas of Psychiatry.

When studying aspects of prehispanic peruvian psychiatry (Prehispanic Peruvian Medicine), we had a problem. Lacking the Incas and other prehispanic cultures of writing, it was difficult to identify psychiatric abnormalities. Using 2 resources allowed to us to resolve this difficulty. 1) The dilligent reading of Quechua and aymaras dictionaries elaborated shortly after the Conquest (1550-1560), by Spanish priests and 2) The realization of analogies with common psychiatric conditions present in today small current native communities isolated from civilization. Thus, we identified in pre-hispanic peruvian cultures words and stories associatd to madness, depression, alcoholism, amnesia, anxiety, maniac states and other mental disfunctions, characteristic of each culture. Very few cases in total, perhaps a dozen.
Although some experts say that this shortage was because in prehispanic cultures were performed holistic diagnoses and treatments, masking mental affections; the real thing is that in current times it is evident an exaggeration in the number of psychiatric illnesses, given the pruritus of some professionals to label all that come. Unfortunately, the American Association of Psychiatry, endorsed a great number of psychiatric illnesses (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Statistical International Classification of Illnesses and problems related with the Mental Health, developed by WHO). An excess that is necessary to correct because many affections can be variations of the normality. What prevents us to invalidate the propositions of certain anthropologists that affirm that any society created its own mental and somatic illnesses. What in certain cultures is illness, is total normality, in others. Relativism associated to mental affections?. Yes.
The issue is relevant in the wake of several articles published in NYTimes, in which many family parents from New York, suggest the existence of mental inadequate diagnoses in their children and teenagers. The illness label happens when the children have difficulty to sustain the attention, to follow instructions, to listen, to organize tasks, when they interrupts the class impulsively, are restless, fight, abandons the class, loses normal mood, discusses with adults, have easy anger, causes damage, etc. Then, appear varied diagnoses : oppositional defiant disorder, anxiety, hiperactivity, disorder of deficit of attention and bipolar disorder (fluctuating states of mood between periods of exuberance or increased energy and despair), being carried out lingering treatments that include potent ansiolytics and anti-psychotic, pills to sleep, stabilizers of the state of spirit, etc. New York's mothers of these treated children and teenagers, refer until 6 different diagnoses given by, different specialists to a single boy and medical disagreements. Logical uncertainties due to the nonexistence of blood specific tests, brain scans , or other to diagnose mental disorders correctly. According to the Dr. E. Jane Costello, psychiatry professor and sciences of the behavior of the University of Duke, the diagnostic system in this area is slowed 200 to 300 years, with regard to other branches of the medicine.
Although some experts say that this shortage was because in prehispanic cultures were performed holistic diagnoses and treatments, masking mental affections; the real thing is that in current times it is evident an exaggeration in the number of psychiatric illnesses, given the pruritus of some professionals to label all that come. Unfortunately, the American Association of Psychiatry, endorsed a great number of psychiatric illnesses (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Statistical International Classification of Illnesses and problems related with the Mental Health, developed by WHO). An excess that is necessary to correct because many affections can be variations of the normality. What prevents us to invalidate the propositions of certain anthropologists that affirm that any society created its own mental and somatic illnesses. What in certain cultures is illness, is total normality, in others. Relativism associated to mental affections?. Yes.
The issue is relevant in the wake of several articles published in NYTimes, in which many family parents from New York, suggest the existence of mental inadequate diagnoses in their children and teenagers. The illness label happens when the children have difficulty to sustain the attention, to follow instructions, to listen, to organize tasks, when they interrupts the class impulsively, are restless, fight, abandons the class, loses normal mood, discusses with adults, have easy anger, causes damage, etc. Then, appear varied diagnoses : oppositional defiant disorder, anxiety, hiperactivity, disorder of deficit of attention and bipolar disorder (fluctuating states of mood between periods of exuberance or increased energy and despair), being carried out lingering treatments that include potent ansiolytics and anti-psychotic, pills to sleep, stabilizers of the state of spirit, etc. New York's mothers of these treated children and teenagers, refer until 6 different diagnoses given by, different specialists to a single boy and medical disagreements. Logical uncertainties due to the nonexistence of blood specific tests, brain scans , or other to diagnose mental disorders correctly. According to the Dr. E. Jane Costello, psychiatry professor and sciences of the behavior of the University of Duke, the diagnostic system in this area is slowed 200 to 300 years, with regard to other branches of the medicine.
A recent mental survey carried out in 4,500 American children (9- 13 years), didn't find bipolar and alone some few children with bipolar emergent excessive energy, said Dr. Gregory Fritz, director of Bradley Hospital, a psychiatric clinic for children in Providence. Fortunately, the University of Harvard is carrying out a national survey that explores mental states in children and American teenagers to be published the 2007. Dr. Darrel Regier of the American Association of Psychiatry that coordinates the following edition of the manual of mental disorder to be published the 2011, hopes to distinguish mental specific states (bipolar disorder, deficit of attention, etc, because "some approaches cross among them". This way is expected to use less medications with marked side effects and more alternative therapies: language therapy, occupational therapy for deficit of attention, nutrition innovations (Link: http://www.lifeinsurancequotes.org/additional-resources/living-with-adhd/), etc.
Areas debiles de la psiquiatria.
Cuando escrutábamos aspectos de psiquiatria prehispánica peruana, encontramos un problema.Al carecer los incas y otras culturas prehispánicas de escritura, era dificl identificar disturbios psiquiatricos. El uso de 2 recursos nos permitio resolver esta dificultad: 1) La lectura acuciosa de diccionarios quechuas y aymarás elaborados poco despues de la Conquista (1550-1560), por religiosos españoles y 2) La realizacion de analogías con las afecciones psiquiátricas más comunes identificadas en pequeñas comunidades nativas, actuales aisladas de la civilización. De este modo identificamos en las culturas prehispanicas peruanas : vocablos y relatos de casos asociados a locura, idiotéz, depresión, alcoholismo, demencia, amnesia, ansiedad, estados maniacos y unas cuantas disfunciones mentales agregadas, propias de cada cultura. Poquisimos casos en total, superando con dificultad la decena.
Aunque algunos expertos aseguran que ello se debe a que en las culturas prehispánicas se realizaban diagnósticos y tratamientos holisticos, enmascarando afecciones mentales, lo real es que en épocas actuales existe una exageración en el número de afecciones psiquiátricas, por el prurito de algunos profesionales por etiquetar todo lo que ven. Por desgracia, la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatria, avala un sinnúmero de enfermedades psiquiátricas (Manual Diagnóstico y Estadistico de Desordenes Mentales. Clasificación Estadistica Internacional de Enfermedades y problemas relacionados con la Salud Mental, desarrollada por la OMS). Un exceso que hay que corregir porque muchas afecciones pueden ser variaciones de la normalidad. Lo que nos impide invalidar las proposiciones de ciertos antropólogos, que afirman que la sociedad crea sus propias enfermedades mentales y somáticas. Lo que es enfermedad en ciertas culturas, es total normalidad, en otras. Relativismo asociado a afecciones mentales?. Si.
El tema viene al caso a raiz de varios articulos publicados en el NYTimes, en los que muchos padres de familia neoyorquinos, sugieren la existencia de diagnósticos mentales inadecuados en sus hijos (niños y adolescentes). La etiqueta de enfermedad ocurre cuando los niños tienen dificultad para sostener la atención, seguir instrucciones escuchar, organizar tareas, cuando interrumpe impulsivamente la clase, es inquieto, pelea, abandona la clase, pierde el estado de animo, discute con adultos, es presa facil de la ira, causa daño, es vengativo, etc. Aparecen entonces diagnósticos variados : desorden desafiante oposicional, ansiedad, hiperactividad, desorden de déficit de atención y hasta desorden bipolar (estados de ánimo fluctuantes entre periodos de exuberancia o energia incrementada y deseperación), llevándose a cabo tratamientos prolongados incluyendo potentes ansioliticos y antipsicóticos, píldoras para dormir estabilizadores del estado de ánimo, etc. Las madres neoyorquinas de estos niños y adolescentes tratados, refieren hasta 6 diagnósticos diferentes dados por diferentes especialistas a un solo niño y desacuerdos medicos. Incertidumbres lógicas, dada la inexistencia de tests sanguineos especificos, scan cerebrales, u otros, para diagnosticar correctamente desórdenes mentales. Según el Dr. E. Jane Costello, profesor de psiquiatria y ciencias de la conducta de la Universidad de Duke, el sistema diagnóstico en esta area medica, esta atrasada 200 a 300 años, con respecto a otras ramas de la medicina.
Una reciente encuesta mental realizada en 4,500 niños americanos (9-13 años), no encontró bipolares y solo unos pocos niños con energia excesiva bipolar emergente, dijo
el Dr. Gregory Fritz, director medico del Bradley Hospital, una clinica psiquiatrica para niños en Providence. Por fortuna, la Universidad de Harvard está realizando una encuesta nacional que explora estados mentales en niños y adolescentes americanos, a publicarse el 2007. El Dr. Darrel Regier de la Asociacion Americana de Psiquiatria, que coordina la siguiente edicion del manual de desordenes mentales para el 2011, espera distinguir estados mentales especificos :desordenes bipolares, déficit de atención, etc, porque “algunos criterios se cruzan”. Uno espera que mas que medicamentos con marcados efectos colaterales, se ensayen en estos niños terapias alternas :terapia de lenguaje, terapia ocupacional para el deficit de atención, innovaciones nutricionales, etc.
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