The Match: Machine-Man.

The match: Man-machine that faces Vladimir Kramnik (VK, 31 years), 14th World Champion of Chess, from the 2000, against the multiprocessor Deep Fritz-10 (DF), drags already with 5 games of a total of 6. DF is winning (3,0-2,0). David against Goliath, in which VK, hardly has 1/between 10 000 possibilities to win a game. Among most elite world chess players, citizen that reasons logically and/or, those who are up-to-date with technological advances, know that since a chess computer, was capable of calculating 1 million positions/second (DF: 2002), the chess was condemned to withering. For us, no human is in capacity to defeat a current DF-10 (that calculates: 1,5 million positions/second, store 3,2 million selected games, detects maneuvers and complicated structures, possesses sophisticated algorithms to choose the best answer, etc). Although one that another victory of Kramnik - or, other, can be real - we are entitled based on a reasonable doubt, to suspect that these correspond to commercial spread arrangements to avoid the disappearance of the chess, not to affect the prestige of elite players and mainly, a deep fear to the real meaning : that chess computers already overcomes great part of human ordinary cerebral activities. A historical revision of the matches : Man/Machine, is explicit in this respect:
-1994. Munich. Tournament. Kasparov (1) - Deep Blue (0)
-1994. Munich.TV / Program. Deep Blue (1) - Kasparov (0)
-1996.NewYork.Kasparov (4) Deep Blue-IBM (2).
-1997. NewYork. Deep Blue-IBM (3,5) - Kasparov (2.5)
-1999. Budapest. Deep-Fritz (5,5) - Judit Polgar (2,5).
-1999. Franfurt. Deep Fritz Champion, before 8 GMIs (ELO:2825)
-2002. Bahrein/2002: Deep Fritz (4) -V.Kramnik (4).
-2003.NewYork. Kramnik (3) - Deep Fritz (3).
-2004.Bilbao.Deep Blue-Hydra - Deep Fritz (8,5) - Selection GM (3).
-2006.Bonn. Art and Exhibition Hall. Kramnik-Deep Fritz.
In which way, can a world human champion, like VK, that perceives: 2 -3 plays/second, to beat a DF-10, capable of sensing 9 million plays/second?. Those that has faced a Fritz-8, perceive what we mean. The humans have been overcome largely - in their capacity to calculate - for chess computers that carry out their work with minimum effort. Surprise (via video), to see a multiprocessor DF-10: contained in a small laptop (Pentium/2 GHz standard/64 MB-RAM), to be replaced in 2 years by a pocket computer (thanks to the nanotechnology). Some, with something of reason and more sentimentality, argue the the above-mentioned are inadmissible and that strategic mental improvements (strategic thought, metaanálysis, long term planning, intuition, sense position, etc), will allow to humans, to continue defeating the computers. The truth is that a single increment of the calculation speed (that analyzes variants and finds the best answer), associated to algorithms (that replace the common sense and human flexibility), will be enough to defeat any cerebral human miraculous capacity. Hans Moravec, adds that knowing that the quantity become quality (with the time), the intelligence acquisition on the part of the computers is guaranteed. In game 3th, the DF-10, sacrifices a pawn to win the initiative!. By the way the entirety of possible combinations in chess (1 123 = 1, followed by 123 zeros), it has not still been surrounded. But it is not expected that the human current brain identifies them. Things that , on the other hand can future computers, given the growing miniaturization of the processors. When a DF, possess 80 processors, its calculation capacity touching the 2 billion positions/second, will equal or will overcome the entirety of the human intelligence (singularity, according to Kurzwail). DF-10, checks constantly and at great speed up-to-date databases, something impossible for VK. Of another side, it works indefatigable; well programmed it doesn't make a mistake and neither it suffers of amnesia. VK, has declared that although he prepared his plays in detail - in some moment, during the games - he is incapable of remembering specific details. See but, the second game, in which a VK, victim of a blackout, suffers an infantile checkmate.
With the purpose of compensate the chess difference, existent among human and computers, we propose: I) that instead of 1, 10 elite humans beings face future DF. That the humans, have analysts/counselers, supported by computers with up-to-date databases II) to give but time to the players to evaluate positions: 10-15 minutes, instead of the 3 usual, with the hope that human metanálysis, be improved. As we know that any human strategy is analyzable and programmable, at the long term the human intellectual defeat, is unavoidable. Then, alone 2 options have left us to humans: a) to mix with the machines (nanobots, invading and improving our brains and bodies) or b) biological improving of our brains (individual neuronal nets, linked biological universal neuronal nets). When the computers calculate all the possible chess combinations (2009 or 2010), the chess will lose their charm and perhaps will disappear. For that reason, VK says "at least, I hope to be the last man to win some games to a DF."
-1994. Munich. Tournament. Kasparov (1) - Deep Blue (0)
-1994. Munich.TV / Program. Deep Blue (1) - Kasparov (0)
-1996.NewYork.Kasparov (4) Deep Blue-IBM (2).
-1997. NewYork. Deep Blue-IBM (3,5) - Kasparov (2.5)
-1999. Budapest. Deep-Fritz (5,5) - Judit Polgar (2,5).
-1999. Franfurt. Deep Fritz Champion, before 8 GMIs (ELO:2825)
-2002. Bahrein/2002: Deep Fritz (4) -V.Kramnik (4).
-2003.NewYork. Kramnik (3) - Deep Fritz (3).
-2004.Bilbao.Deep Blue-Hydra - Deep Fritz (8,5) - Selection GM (3).
-2006.Bonn. Art and Exhibition Hall. Kramnik-Deep Fritz.
In which way, can a world human champion, like VK, that perceives: 2 -3 plays/second, to beat a DF-10, capable of sensing 9 million plays/second?. Those that has faced a Fritz-8, perceive what we mean. The humans have been overcome largely - in their capacity to calculate - for chess computers that carry out their work with minimum effort. Surprise (via video), to see a multiprocessor DF-10: contained in a small laptop (Pentium/2 GHz standard/64 MB-RAM), to be replaced in 2 years by a pocket computer (thanks to the nanotechnology). Some, with something of reason and more sentimentality, argue the the above-mentioned are inadmissible and that strategic mental improvements (strategic thought, metaanálysis, long term planning, intuition, sense position, etc), will allow to humans, to continue defeating the computers. The truth is that a single increment of the calculation speed (that analyzes variants and finds the best answer), associated to algorithms (that replace the common sense and human flexibility), will be enough to defeat any cerebral human miraculous capacity. Hans Moravec, adds that knowing that the quantity become quality (with the time), the intelligence acquisition on the part of the computers is guaranteed. In game 3th, the DF-10, sacrifices a pawn to win the initiative!. By the way the entirety of possible combinations in chess (1 123 = 1, followed by 123 zeros), it has not still been surrounded. But it is not expected that the human current brain identifies them. Things that , on the other hand can future computers, given the growing miniaturization of the processors. When a DF, possess 80 processors, its calculation capacity touching the 2 billion positions/second, will equal or will overcome the entirety of the human intelligence (singularity, according to Kurzwail). DF-10, checks constantly and at great speed up-to-date databases, something impossible for VK. Of another side, it works indefatigable; well programmed it doesn't make a mistake and neither it suffers of amnesia. VK, has declared that although he prepared his plays in detail - in some moment, during the games - he is incapable of remembering specific details. See but, the second game, in which a VK, victim of a blackout, suffers an infantile checkmate.
With the purpose of compensate the chess difference, existent among human and computers, we propose: I) that instead of 1, 10 elite humans beings face future DF. That the humans, have analysts/counselers, supported by computers with up-to-date databases II) to give but time to the players to evaluate positions: 10-15 minutes, instead of the 3 usual, with the hope that human metanálysis, be improved. As we know that any human strategy is analyzable and programmable, at the long term the human intellectual defeat, is unavoidable. Then, alone 2 options have left us to humans: a) to mix with the machines (nanobots, invading and improving our brains and bodies) or b) biological improving of our brains (individual neuronal nets, linked biological universal neuronal nets). When the computers calculate all the possible chess combinations (2009 or 2010), the chess will lose their charm and perhaps will disappear. For that reason, VK says "at least, I hope to be the last man to win some games to a DF."
La pelea
El match : Hombre-Máquina que enfrenta a Vladimir Kramnik (VK, 31 años), 14 th Campeón Mundial de Ajedréz Profesional, desde el 2000, contra el multiprocesador Deep Fritz-versión 10 (DF), arrastra yá 5 partidas sobre sus hombros, de un total de 6. DF, vá ganando, aunque el score (3,0/2,0), no refleje la asimetría existente. David contra Goliat, en la que VK, dispone apenas de 1/entre 10 000 posibilidades para ganar una partida. Entre bambalinas, la mayoria de jugadores de élite del ajedréz mundial, el ciudadano medio que razona lógicamente y/o, los que estan al dia con los avances tecnológicos, saben que desde que un ordenador de ajedréz, fué capáz de calcular 1 millón de posiciones/segundo (DF: 2002), el encanto trebejal, fué condenado a machitarse. Para nosotros, ningún humano está en capacidad de vencer a la DF-10, actual (calcula :1,5 millones de posiciones/segundo, 3,2 millones de partidas selectas almacenadas, detecta maniobras y estructuras complicadas, posee algoritmos sofisticados para escoger la mejor respuesta, etc). Aunque una que otra victoria de Kramnik -u, otros, pueda ser real- tenemos derecho en base a una duda razonable, a sospechar que estas correspondan a arreglos comerciales tendientes a evitar la desaparición del ajedréz, afectar el prestigio de jugadores de élite y sobre todo, un profundo temor a las implicancias reales : que la máquina ya supera gran parte de las actividades cerebrales humanas ordinarias. Una revisión histórica de los duelos :Hombre/Máquina, es explicita al respecto:
-1994. Munich. Torneo. Kasparov (1)-Deep Blue (0)
-1994. Munich.TV/Program. Deep Blue (1)-Kasparov(0)
-1996.NewYork.Kasparov (4) Deep Blue-IBM (2).
-1997. NewYork. Deep Blue-IBM (3,5)- Kasparov (2.5)
-1999. Budapest. Deep-Fritz (5,5)-Judit Polgar (2,5).
-1999. Franfurt. Deep Fritz Campeon, ante 8 GMIs (ELO:2825)
-2002. Bahrein/2002: Deep Fritz (4)-V.Kramnik (4).
-2003.NewYork. Kramnik (3)-Deep Fritz (3).
-2004.Bilbao.Deep Blue-Hydra- Deep Fritz (8,5)- Seleccion GM (3).
-2006.Bonn. Art and Exhibition Hall. Kramnik-Deep Fritz.
¿Como puede un campeón mundial humano como Kramnik que percibe : 2 -3 jugadas/segundo, batir a una DF-10, capáz de intuir 9 millones de jugadas/segundo?. Los que han enfrentado una Fritz-8, perciben lo que queremos decir. Los humanos han sido superados largamente -en su capacidad de calcular- por ordenadores que realizan su labor con minimo esfuerzo. Sorprendan (via video), a la DF-10 : un multiprocesador contenido en una pequeña laptop (Pentium/2 GHz standard/64 MB-RAM), a ser reemplazada dentro de 2 años por un ordenador de bolsillo (gracias a la nanotecnologia). Algunos, con algo de razón y más de sentimentalismo, arguyen la inadmisibilidad de lo anterior y que readecuaciones estratégicas mentales (pensamiento estratégico, metaanálisis, planificación a largo plazo, intuición, sentido posicional, etc), permitirán a los humanos, continuar derrotando a los ordenadores. La verdad es que el solo incremento de la velocidad de cálculo (que analiza variantes y encuentra la mejor respuesta), asociada a algoritmos (que suplen al sentido común y flexiblidad humana), será suficiente para derrotar cualquier capacidad milagrosa cerebral humana. Hans Moravec, añade que dado que la cantidad se troca en calidad (con el tiempo), la adquisición de inteligencia por parte de los ordenadores está garantizada. En la 3 partida DF, sacrifica un peón ¡para ganar la iniciativa!. Por cierto la totalidad de combinaciones posibles en el ajedrez (1 123 = 1, seguido de 123 ceros), aún no ha sido copada. Pero no se espera que el actual cerebro humano las identifique. Si, en cambio los ordenadores futuros, dada la creciente miniaturización de los procesadores. Cuando una DF, posea 80 procesadores, su capacidad de cálculo rozando los 2 billones de posiciones/segundo, igualará o superará la totalidad de la inteligencia humana (singularidad, según Kurzwail). La DF-10, revisa con rapidéz sus bases de datos constantemente actualizadas, en segundos, algo imposible para VK. De otro lado, la maquina es incansable ; bien programada, no se equivoca y tampoco sufre de amnesia. VK, ha declarado que aunque prepara sus jugadas en detalle -en algún momento, durante las partidas- es incapáz de recordar detalles especificos. Vean sino, la segunda partida, en la que un VK, cegado, sufre un mate infantil.
Con el propósito de compensar el desnivel ajedrecistico, existente entre humanos y ordenadores, proponemos : I) que en lugar de 1, se enfrenten 10 humanos de élite a futuras DF. Que los humanos, dispongan de analistas/asesores, apoyados por computadoras con bases de datos actualizadas II) dar mas tiempo a los jugadores para evaluar posiciones : 10-15 minutos, en lugar de los 3 usuales, con la esperanza de que el metanálisis humano, sea musculizado. En última instancia sabemos que cualquier estrategia humana es analizable y programable, por lo que la derrota intelectual humana a largo plazo, es inevitable. Entonces, a los humanos solo nos quedan 2 opciones : a) mezclarnos con las máquinas (nanobots permanentes, invadiendo y perfeccionado nuestros cerebros y somas) o b) emponderamiento biológico de nuestros cerebros (mas redes neuronales individuales, redes neuronales biológicas universales). Cuando los ordenadores calculen todas las combinaciones posibles del ajedréz (2009 o 2010), este perderá su encanto y tal véz desaparezca. Por eso, VK dice “al menos, espero ser el último que logre ganarle algunas partidas a la DF.”
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