Artificial human sperm

For some years, Japanese researchers insisted in transdifferentiation (to convert), embryonic stem cells of mice, in immature ova and sperms. But, the 2006, were given in Europe, crucial steps in this item: A team led by Karim Nayernia of the University of Göttingen/Germany produced functional sperm starting from embryonic stem cells of mice. 210 fertilized ova with this sperm, transplanted to female mice generated 65 embryos that became in 7 viable animals, although with strangers size differences and reduced life expectance. Now a German team of the universities of Göttingen, Munster and the medical school of Hanover, also led by Karim Nayernia (England Stem Cell Institute/Center for Life, Newcastle/Tyne), has obtained for the first time, human immature (espermatogonial) spermatic cells, identified by its markers (pRbm, c-Kit, Tex18, Stra8, Piwil2, Dazl, Hsp90, 1 -, 6-integrins and the fluorescent enhanced green protein: Stra8: EGFP), starting from stem cells coming from mature males' bone marrow, identified by its markers (fragilis, stella, Rnf17, Mvh and Oct4), achievements that although potentially useful for infertility treatments, could also establish sui generis social and ethical conditions. Let us see: 1) Stem cells of infertile men can be extracted, grow in a laboratory and finally be transplanted to their testicles, so they procreated maintaining the genetic connection with the descendant. Some governments would veto the employment of this sperm IVF human procedures, unless they modify the existent laws. Nevertheless, Allan Pacey, secretary of the British Fertility Society, defends its use, to estimate that they will help to understand the biology of the formation of the sperm. Although Nayernia says that in the following 5 years, they were about converting espermatogonial, in mature sperm, it is ignored if this artificial sperm will be or not, functional. In this respect, an American team, demonstrated recently the production (in mice), of cells of Sertoli and Leydig indispensable for spermatogenesis. Contrarily, Henry Moore has said that many transdifferentiations of stem cells has not been confirmed completely, being able to cause genetic permanent changes, making them insecure for treatments of fertility.
2) An added controversy, is the potential procreation of daughters of 2 lesbian mothers. In this case one of them would generate a special (XX) sperm, able to activate the ova (XX), of their spouse (and, of other women), always generating daughters. Possibility that has given cause to feminist Frances Swiney to postulate that men are disposable products of the reproductive process and that to the long one they will be eliminated, being the asexual reproduction the ideal method to establish societies not dependent of men. At the last the men will be assimilated, as long as superfluous and not important to the requirements of the human race. 3) Of another side, children could be generated without genetic connection with their parents, starting from stem cells of discarded embryos in the clinics of IVF. In this case, the retinue and the sexual love would be replaced completely by artificial procedures. Although the family would disintegrate, the gestating (when it was it) mother, would continue maintaining a biological ponderous connection with the boy. For an important sector of feminists, it is clear that biological male parents, are a social construct, an added to the genetic maternal general inheritance. 4) All the above-mentioned, opening virgin María's potential partenogénesis except that this alone one could have engendered to but Marias (XX) and not to a male (XY) Jesus. This Gordian knot is solved analyzing the evolution of sexual gametes in the time. The organisms but primitives (algae, etc), are feminine in essence (reproduction for clonation). But, before the insufficency of the same ones to acquire bigger complexity, variety and power to survive in a world subjected to constant changes, emerged evolutionarily - starting from feminine ova - : male gametes, so necessary to impose a infinite genetic variety, essential for the organic (if some die, there are the other ones that are different), survival. That is to say, if in an alone certain moment exists only women (XX), the nature would force with the time the emergency of a variant: gametes XY (male), to survive. There are not options Miss Francés Swiney: the existence of complex pluricellular organisms (like human), requires genetic heterosexuality.
Esperma humano artificial
2) An added controversy, is the potential procreation of daughters of 2 lesbian mothers. In this case one of them would generate a special (XX) sperm, able to activate the ova (XX), of their spouse (and, of other women), always generating daughters. Possibility that has given cause to feminist Frances Swiney to postulate that men are disposable products of the reproductive process and that to the long one they will be eliminated, being the asexual reproduction the ideal method to establish societies not dependent of men. At the last the men will be assimilated, as long as superfluous and not important to the requirements of the human race. 3) Of another side, children could be generated without genetic connection with their parents, starting from stem cells of discarded embryos in the clinics of IVF. In this case, the retinue and the sexual love would be replaced completely by artificial procedures. Although the family would disintegrate, the gestating (when it was it) mother, would continue maintaining a biological ponderous connection with the boy. For an important sector of feminists, it is clear that biological male parents, are a social construct, an added to the genetic maternal general inheritance. 4) All the above-mentioned, opening virgin María's potential partenogénesis except that this alone one could have engendered to but Marias (XX) and not to a male (XY) Jesus. This Gordian knot is solved analyzing the evolution of sexual gametes in the time. The organisms but primitives (algae, etc), are feminine in essence (reproduction for clonation). But, before the insufficency of the same ones to acquire bigger complexity, variety and power to survive in a world subjected to constant changes, emerged evolutionarily - starting from feminine ova - : male gametes, so necessary to impose a infinite genetic variety, essential for the organic (if some die, there are the other ones that are different), survival. That is to say, if in an alone certain moment exists only women (XX), the nature would force with the time the emergency of a variant: gametes XY (male), to survive. There are not options Miss Francés Swiney: the existence of complex pluricellular organisms (like human), requires genetic heterosexuality.
Esperma humano artificial
Desde hace algunos años, investigadores japoneses se empeñaron en transdiferenciar (convertir), celulas madre embrionarias de ratones, en óvulos y espermatozoides inmaduros. Empero, el 2006, se dieron en Europa, pasos cruciales en este rubro : un equipo liderado por Karim Nayernia de la Universidad de Göttingen/Alemania produjo esperma funcional a partir de células madre embrionarias de ratones. 210 óvulos fertilizados con este esperma, transplantados a ratones hembras generaron 65 embriones, que devinieron en 7 animales viables, aunque con extrañas diferencias de tamaño y esperanza de vida reducida. Ahora un team aleman de las universidades de Göttingen, Munster y la escuela medica de Hannover, liderados tambien por Karim Nayernia (England Stem Cell Institute/Centre for Life, Newcastle/Tyne), ha producido por primera véz, células espermaticas humanas inmaduras (espermatogonias), identificadas por sus marcadores (pRbm, c-Kit, Tex18, Stra8, Piwil2, Dazl, Hsp90 , 1-, 6-integrinas y la proteina potenciada fluorescente verde : Stra8: EGFP), a partir de células madre procedentes de medula ósea de varones adultos, identificadas por sus marcadores (fragilis, stella, Rnf17, Mvh and Oct4), logros que aunque potencialmente útiles para tratamientos de infertilidad, podrian establecer tambien condiciones sociales y eticas sui generis. Veamos : 1) Se extraerian celulas madre de hombres infértiles, crecerian en un laboratorio y finalmente se las transplantaria a sus testículos, de modo que procrearan normalmente manteniendo la conexión genética con la descendencia.Algunos gobiernos vetarian el empleo de este esperma en procedimientos de fertilizacion in Vitro (IVF) humano, a menos que se modifiquen las leyes existentes. No obstante, Allan Pacey, secretario del British Fertility Society, defiende su uso, por estimar que ayudara a comprender la biología de la formación del esperma. Aunque Nayernia dice que en los siguientes 5 años, trataran de convertir espermatogonias, en esperma maduro, se desconoce si este esperma artificial sera o nó, funcional. Al respecto, un team americano, demostro recientemente la produccion (en ratones), de celulas de Sertoli y Leydig indispensables para la formación de esperma maduro. Contrariamente, Henry Moore ha dicho que muchas transdiferenciaciones de células madre no han sido confirmadas del todo, pudiendo causar cambios genéticos permanentes, haciendolas inseguras para tratamientos de fertilidad.
2) Una controversia añadida, es la potencial procreación de hijas de 2 madres lesbianas. En este caso una de ellas generaria un esperma especial (XX), capaz de activar los ovulos (XX), de su consorte (y, de otras mujeres), generando siempre hijas. Posibilidad, que ha dado pie a la feminista Frances Swiney a postular que los hombres son productos descartables del proceso reproductivo y que a la larga seran eliminados, siendo la reproducción asexual el metodo ideal para establecer sociedades no dependientes de los hombres, debiendo estos ser asimilados, en tanto superfluos y no importantes a los requerimientos de la raza humana. 3) De otro lado, podrian generarse niños sin conexión genetica con sus padres, a partir de celulas madre de embriones descartados en las clinicas de IVF. En este caso, el cortejo y el amor sexual serian reemplazados por procedimientos totalmente artificiales. Aunque la familia se desintegraria, la madre gestante (cuando lo fuera), seguiria manteniendo una ponderosa conexión biológica con el niño. Para un importante sector de feministas, queda claro que los padres biologicos, son un constructo social, un añadido a la herencia general genética materna. 4) Todo lo anterior, apertura la potencial partenogénesis de la virgen Maria, excepto que esta solo podria haber engendrado a mas Marias (XX) y no a un Jesús varon (XY). Este nudo gordiano se resuelve analizando la evolucion de los gametos sexuales en el tiempo. Los organismos mas primtivos (algas,etc), son femeninos en esencia (reproducción por clonacion). Mas, ante la insuficiencia de los mismos para adquirir mayor complejidad, variedad y poder sobrevivir en un mundo sometido a cambios constantes, emergieron evolutivamente -a partir de óvulos femeninos- gametos masculinos, tan necesarios para imponer una variedad genetica infinita, esencial para la supervivencia organica (si mueren unos, ahí estan los otros, que son diferentes).. Es decir, si en un determinado momento solo existiesen mujeres (XX), la naturaleza forzaria con el tiempo la emergencia de una variante : gametos XY (varon), para sobrevivir. No hay opciones Miss Francés Swiney : la existencia de organismos pluricelulares complejos (humanos), requiere de la heterosexualidad genética.
Labels: human sperm, spermatogonial cells, stem cells
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