Cheaper, portable, wireless brain scan.

Medical News: A small hand-held medical device (infrascanner), portable, wireless that detects hemorraghes and blood clots in the brain surface in hardly 2', with readings sent to nearby PC or PDA, threatens to become into a great medical help. At the moment experimental steps are performed in India and Houston Medical Hospital/PA. to prove its value. The infrascanner uses light near infrared (similar to devices of remote control TV), penetrating 3 cm in the brain. Red oval figures signaled great blood clots in the right side. Compared with CT-scan that uses X-rays, the infrascanner possesses an accuracy of 98%. It is produced by the company Infrascan,Inc.
Scan cerebral :barato, rápido, portable, inalámbrico, preciso.
Un scanner de mano, pequeño (infrascanner), que detecta coágulos y hematomas en la superficie cerebral en apenas 2’, portable, inalámbrico, con lecturas enviadas a PC portátiles o PDA cercanos, amenaza con devenir en una gran ayuda médica. Experimentada actualmente en la India y el Medical Hospital of Houston (PA), el infrascanner emplea luz cercana al infrarrojo (semejante a dispositivos de TV de control remoto), penetrando 3 cm en el cerebro. El rojo oval, indica un gran coágulo en el lado derecho. Comparado con el CT-scan que emplea rayos X, el infrascaner posee una exactitud del 98%. Es producido por la compañía Infrascan, Inc.
Labels: brain scan, CT-scan, infrascanner
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