Invisible man

Although the current technology, allows to camouflage airplanes (diminishing the reflectión of its surfaces -as much as it is possible-), lately some theoretical physics are contributing ideas for to make people invisible (without they lose their capacity to see), houses, cars, airplanes, etc. The British theoretical physic John Pendry of the London Imperial College, explained the theory of these prototypes (Optical Letters), in the University of Duke, by means of metamaterials employment. 6 months later Pendry published in Science the results of its first experience, in the one he made invisible a sharp two-dimensional object, content to the interior of a cylinder of glass fiber with rings and copper threads (metamaterial), incrusted concentrically in the one. The metamaterial curved the microwaves around the cylinder, while they left the device. If the microwaves are not reconstituted to the exit of the device, the disruptions would discover the hidden object. The researchers look like the behavior of the microwaves, to that of the water flowing around a toothpick, continuing their road behind it. The metamaterials, that catch photons without absorbing them, making that they pass of long, showed negative refraction (change of speed and course of light when passing from a means to another/state with optic laws in reverse).
The propagation of the light through a transparent medium is defined by a refractive index that in the nature is always superior to 1 (its value in the emptiness, where the speed of the light is maximal). Some metamaterials shows refractive indexes smaller than 1, or negative (negative refraction that when avoiding objects, hidden one, anyone be the nature and distance of the sources that illuminate an object). Of another side, most of well-known materials, are opaque to the light because they absorb photons, transforming them into heat. Some few ones like glass are transparents, because the photons pass through them. The orientation of the microwaves in the experiment of Pendry is governable, because they have wave longitudes in centimeters. In the case of the natural light. this usually advances forward. But and as Einstein demonstrated, their rays can also be curved to effects of the gravity emitted by dense bodies. Based on it, the French optic : Sebastien Guenneau, says that although to disappear objects confronting visible light (wave longitude: 400 and 700 of billionth of meter), is difficult, this obstacle will be overcome in one decade. Pendry thinks to make invisible to warships and tanks with radar waves, while they stay static. As long as in the nature, don't exist materials that deviate the light, Frederick Zolla, of the Fresnel-Institut of Marseilles says that "it is necessary to create these metamaterials…the nature has shown us the road". Zola, has published a study that proves than an object wrapped in a metamaterial, stays invisible until one meets with the one. For André Nicolet, another French optic, to make objects invisible to the human eye, depends on the progress of metamaterials.
The propagation of the light through a transparent medium is defined by a refractive index that in the nature is always superior to 1 (its value in the emptiness, where the speed of the light is maximal). Some metamaterials shows refractive indexes smaller than 1, or negative (negative refraction that when avoiding objects, hidden one, anyone be the nature and distance of the sources that illuminate an object). Of another side, most of well-known materials, are opaque to the light because they absorb photons, transforming them into heat. Some few ones like glass are transparents, because the photons pass through them. The orientation of the microwaves in the experiment of Pendry is governable, because they have wave longitudes in centimeters. In the case of the natural light. this usually advances forward. But and as Einstein demonstrated, their rays can also be curved to effects of the gravity emitted by dense bodies. Based on it, the French optic : Sebastien Guenneau, says that although to disappear objects confronting visible light (wave longitude: 400 and 700 of billionth of meter), is difficult, this obstacle will be overcome in one decade. Pendry thinks to make invisible to warships and tanks with radar waves, while they stay static. As long as in the nature, don't exist materials that deviate the light, Frederick Zolla, of the Fresnel-Institut of Marseilles says that "it is necessary to create these metamaterials…the nature has shown us the road". Zola, has published a study that proves than an object wrapped in a metamaterial, stays invisible until one meets with the one. For André Nicolet, another French optic, to make objects invisible to the human eye, depends on the progress of metamaterials.
Hombre invisible
Aunque la tecnología actual, permite camuflar aviones (disminuyendo la reflección de sus superficies -tanto como sea posible-), últimamente algunos fisicos teóricos estan aportando ideas para tornar invisibles personas (sin que pierdan su capacidad de ver), casas, carros, aeroplanos, etc. El fisico teórico británico John Pendry del London Imperial College, explicó la teoria de estos prototipos (Optical Letters), en la Universidad de Duke, mediante el empleo de metamateriales. 6 meses después Pendry publicó en Science los resultados de su primera experiencia, en la que tornó invisible un objeto bidimensional, contenido al interior de un cilindro de fibra de vidrio con anillos e hilos de cobre (metamaterial), incrustados concentricamente en el. El metamaterial curvó las microondas alrededor del cilindro, mientras salian del dispositivo. Si las microondas no son reconstituidas a la salida del dispositivo, las disrupciones descubririan al objeto oculto. Los investigadores semejan la conducta de las microondas, a la del agua fluyendo alrededor de un palillo, continuando su camino detras de este. Los metamateriales, caracterizados por atrapar fotones sin absorberlos, haciendo que pasen de largo, ostentan refracción negativa (cambio de velocidad y dirección de la luz al pasar de un medio a otro/estado con leyes ópticas en reversa).
La propagación de la luz en un medio trasparente es definido por un indice refractivo, que en la naturaleza siempre es superior a 1 (su valor en el vacio, donde la velocidad de la luz es maxima). Algunos metamateriales ostentan indices refractivos menores a 1, o negativos (refracción negativa que al evitar objetos, los oculta, cualquiera sea la naturaleza y distancia de las fuentes que iluminan un objeto). De otro lado, la mayoria de materiales conocidos, son opacos a la luz porque absorben fotones, convirtiendolos en calor. Unos pocos como el vidrio son trasparentes, porque los fotones pasan a través de ellos. La orientación de las microondas en el experimento de Pendry es manejable, porque tienen longitudes de onda en centimetros. En el caso de la luz natural. esta normalmente avanza hacia delante. Empero y como lo demostrara Einstein, sus rayos tambien pueden ser curvados a efectos de la gravedad emitida por cuerpos densos. En base a ello, el óptico francés : Sebastien Guenneau, opina que aunque desaparecer objetos confrontando luz visible (longitud de onda : 400 y 700 billonesima de metro), es difícil, este obstáculo sera superado en una decada. Pendry piensa tornar invisibles a barcos de guerra y tanques con ondas de radar, mientras se mantengan estáticos. En tanto en la naturaleza, no existen materiales que desvien la luz, Frederick Zolla, del Fresnel-Institut de Marsella opina que “es necesario crear estos metamateriales…la naturaleza ha mostrado el camino”. Zola, ha publicado un estudio que prueba como un objeto envuelto en un metamaterial, se mantiene invisible hasta que uno se topa con el. Para Andre Nicolet, otro óptico francés, hacer invisible objetos al ojo humano, depende del progreso de los metamateriales.
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