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Tuesday, July 03, 2007


I) Under protection of Aldous Huxleys' visions, within 20 years, a generation of independent women combined with others inserted in feminist movements will force a cultural revolution guaranteed by improvements in techniques of fertilization in vitro (IVF). Many of them, will have children: 1 or 10, to any age –at or not the same time- without necessarily jeopardizing their bodies, nor needing the consent of their masculine pairs or spouses. They will choose sex and characteristic of his lineage. Single they will be born healthy babies, without genetic defects. Conserved oocytes will be transferred of grandmothers and mothers to daughters or sisters and vice versa. The social parity between men and women will be smoothed, with which the women will equal to the men in all fields.
Proposal nonmoved away of the truth in as much Hananel Holzer and colleagues of the McGill Reproductive Center/Montreal/Canada, finish announcing before the 23 th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) the sucesfully pregnancies of 4 women previously infertile carriers of policystic ovaries (PCOS, diagnosed by ultrasound), by means of freezing/defrost methods of oocytes. The event began with the thawing of 296 immature óocites (preserved by 6 months), maturation/fertilization and final transference of 64 viable embryos to the uteri of 20 infertile women. Each woman received more than 2 embryos in as much the success of the IVM (maturation of oocytes), is of low rate. It is important the concept of immature oocytes because before only obtained mature oocytes were congealed after hormonal induction that sometimes (3-8%), gives a feared side effect known as syndrome of ovarian hiperstimulación (OHSS). II) The real thing is that all women cannot be put under ovarian hormonal stimulations, because they lack time, are attacked by cancers of fast growth or, because they suffer of cancers sensible to hormonal stimulation (breast cancer). By the way, not only the chemoterapic treatment, also the cancer itself produces infertility, reason by which some women congeal parts of their ovaries (including, óocytes). III) the technique developed in the McGill Center, without doubt will be perfected in as much an important heading of their next users will be the crew of future space trips of long reach which can be affected by diseases and unexpected deaths.

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