Cancer to be defeated

A renewed theory explains why cancers often reappear after an apparently successful treatment: they re-emerged from a little reservoir of trunk cells (phenotypic subset of cancer cells within each tumor, capable of initiating tumor growth :cancer stem cells CSC), hidden in certain areas of the human body), resistant to conventional therapies. In those places these cells sleeps, being practically immortals. It is possible that by means of genetic mutations, they are derived from normal stem cells. These cells allow the reappearing of a similar tumor or more dangerous, than the old one. The cause that these cells carries certain specific superficial proteins (EpCAM high/CD44+ cells), has allowed to Michael Clarke of Stanford University/California and to Piero Dalerba, to mount a technic to identify in histologic samples of tumors of colon to these cells (PNAS). An important concept is that single a little fraction of these cells is vital and dangerous. Chester Southam and Alexander Brunschwig introduced underneath the skin diverse amount of tumor cells. The tumor only appear when 1 million cells were inserted. The concept seems to work in the same way, for leukemias, brain cancer, neck, lung, prostate, stomach, skin, pancreas, bone sarcomas : of Ewing (“Cell Cancer”). Jeremy Rich, of University of Duke/Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, says: “we must destroy the CSC cells”. Today one knows, that: 1) the citostatics destroy single cells of fast multiplication, in as much the CSC cells remains non affected because its reproductive cycle is but slow 2) the CSC cells, produce a special transporting protein, that annuls the effects or, expels the chemoterapics from the cells 3) the CSC cells have capacity to acquire resistance against radiation (Jeremy Rich). 4) A way to eliminate them is to cut them the blood provision in its vascular niches, making them to lose its potential of growth. According to William Matsui (John Hopkins University/School of Medicine/Baltimore), who treat now 30 cancerous patients with these new concepts affirms : 1) Always apply citostatics to diminish the tumor mass, without losing the concept that the patient will not be cured, in as much as CSC cells will not be mainly affected 2) Use in one second phase: Interferon (forever), under the assumption that this inmunomodulator, will prevent the germination or annul the main effects of trunk cells and in certain cases will help to tumor cells' differentiation.
Una renovada teoria explica porque los cánceres a menudo recidivan después de tratamientos aparentemente exitosos: re-emergen de un pequeño reservorio de células troncales (subset de células madre cancerosas, ocultas en áreas estratégicas del cuerpo humano), resistentes a terapias convencionales. En esos lugares las células troncales hibernan o duermen, siendo prácticamente inmortales. Es posible que mediante mutaciones genéticas, deriven de células madre normales. Estas células permiten la reemergencia de un tumor semejante o, más peligroso, que el antiguo. El hecho que porten ciertas proteinas superficiales especificas (EpCAM high/CD44+ cells), le ha permitido a Michael Clarke, de la Universidad de Stanford/ California y a Piero Dalerba, montar una técnica para identificar células troncales en muestras histológicas de tumores del colon (PNAS). Un concepto importante es que solo una pequeña fracción de estas células es vital y peligrosa. Chester Southam y Alexander Brunschwig introdujeron debajo de la piel diversas cantidades de células tumorales. El tumor solo se desarrolló a partir de 1 millón de células insertadas. El concepto parece funcionar del mismo modo, para leucemias, cancer cerebral, de cuello uterino, mama, pulmón, próstata, estómago, piel, páncreas, sarcomas óseos : de Ewing ("Cancer Cell”). Jeremy Rich, de la Universidad de Duke University/Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, dice: "debemos destruir a las celulas troncales”. Hoy se sabe, que :1) los citostáticos destruyen solo células cancerosas de multiplicación rápida, en tanto las troncales son inafectas porque su ciclo reproductivo es mas lento 2) las células troncales producen una proteina transportadora especial, que anula los efectos o, expulsa a los quimioterápicos, de las células 3) estas células tienen capacidad para adquirir resistencia contra la radiación (Jeremy Rich). 4) Un modo de eliminarlas es cortarles el suministro sanguineo en sus nichos vasculares, haciéndoles perder su potencial de crecimiento. Según William Matsui (John Hopkins University/School of Medicine/Baltimore), que trata a 30 pacientes cancerosos con estos nuevos conceptos afirma que : 1) lo esencial es aplicar citostáticos para disminuir la masa tumoral, sin perder el concepto de que la paciente no será curada, en tanto sus células troncales no serán mayormente afectadas 2) emplear en una segunda fase : Interferon (de por vida), bajo el supuesto de que este inmunomodulador, impedirá la germinación o anulará los efectos de las células troncales.
Labels: trunk cells
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