The sale of 700, 000 iPhone devices in hardly 7 days in USA and Canada push some hypotheses. I) Confirms that computer science, the sector of greater growth and commercial technological innovation, is able to be self-renewed constantly supplying products that turn obsolete to others in short periods, guaranteeing to fullness the law of Gordon Moore (1965) : the number of transistors -chips- per square inch on integrated circuits will be doubled every year and this trend would continue for the foreseeable future. In that sense new users have not had repairs to buy Iphones (to 500/600 dollars and monthly payments of between 60 to 220 dollars). Several institutes, affirm that Apple will sell 3 million iPhones the 2007 and according to Steve Jobs: 10 million units in the 2008, although some users complain activation problems of their subscriptions at the time of acquiring the service of iPhone. The technological innovation that this little device carry out (mobil telephone, iPod video, Internet: customized/explorer, e-mail terminal, Web browser, camera, alarm clock, palm, organizer type), has contributing to open a new technological era, at the same time that to bury a generation of phone cells, which until recently were the best that we had.
II) It also confirms, the predicted thing (made by techno-futurologists): increasing tendency to concentrate in comfortable and/or small devices :style, enjoyment and all possible information. iPhone -object of cult- in the new generations of humans beings, is a small hand computer, thin and portable, with screens of glass activated by human touch, 4/gigabytes of storage, 825 to 1,825 songs. To a cost of 60 dollars monthly it is possible to talk 450 minutes and to receive limitless information by Internet. Password is not required. In order to respond to calls, Answer or a microscopic microphone is pressed in the screen. E-mail messages full of graphics, are displaced and enlarged putting single the fingers on screen. Photos, films and YouTube are caught with great clearness. Apple says that the load of the battery allows 8 hours of calls, 7 hours of video or, 24 hours of audio. Some problems exist however: although its camera of 2 megapixels takes great photos, does not capture videos, the typing area is nonperfect and narrow, defects that push us to propose an alternative model (see drawings : integrated computer mobil notebook).
Besides it, the NYTimes takes 55 seconds in appearing, Amazon.com: 100 seconds and Yahoo, 2 minutes.

III) The competition has not remained motionless. By the end of year, Samsung/South Korea's biggest cellphone maker,will launch its Extreme Smart F700, with a sensible touch screen full of icons, the korean LG Electronics, has begun to sell a cellular in Italy, with full Internet, Pantech, will soon run a cellular with a sensible screen. Sony Ericsson will launch his Walkman phone :W960i, with sensible screen to touch, and space for 8.000 songs. Nokia/Finland, will sent its Aeon N95, close similar to iPhone, Motorola, will launch this year a cellphone with full Internet. Asian competitors (with tendency to sell cheap products), had now a little advantage because Apple probably will not sell his iPhone in Asia this year, unless the merging with Vodafone and Telekom function well. Finally Samsung glides to sell this year, its SCH-B450, that fits in the palm of the hand, carries a camera of 2 megapixel, a MP3 for players, a satellite TV receiver and a English-Korean dictionary with 330.000 words. In Europe, some companies like T-MOBILE or VODAFONE think of a different way. They are looking for to be dream partners of Apple. T-Mobile considers that Apple has an atractive technical network and a strategy of compatible Internet.
Labels: iPhone, Moore's Law.
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