Early spaniards chroniclers who arrived to Peru (Cobo, Acosta, 1555 aC), referred that natives of the Peruvian jungle had sex with local apes. Although there is no evidence of this, according to the peruvian sexólogist Marco Aurelio Denegri -the zoophilia still continue in these areas, where young men begin their sexual practices with some river female dolphins that possess vaginas very similar to the humans. In the Peruvian Andes such stories are not unusual, chained to activities of young men that copulate with local llamas (camelids). In the Peruvian coast, accounts of young men copulating with burras are not uncommon. To this alternate sex not escaped the American soldiers in the Vietnam War, using inflatable dolls to satisfy their desires. Nor is a secret that many instances of homosexuality (and other), occur now in concentrated areas, where there is scarce of women (religious convents, prisons, military schools, etc.). Finally, alternate side of this sex (vibrators, fetishes, etc.), are demanding in this modern times, a revaluation within the broad area of human sexuality. The impressive technological development in robotics anticipate that this area will not escape to sexual innovations, foreseeing that before 2050, love-sexual relations : robot-human being and robot-robot will take place. Influenced by predecessors David Levy (1949-), Canadian astronomer, writer of science on astronomical topics, famous for its co-discovering of the Comet Shoemaker, which collided with Jupiter (1994), leader in artificial intelligence, expert in computer software conversational, just write Love and Sex with robots, generating intense debate and controversy.
1) In a recent interview (New Scentist), Levy is opposed to the view that argues that the construction of such robots (equivalent to defective humans), will be a waste of time, as slaves programmable. Levy adds that being the robots more heavy, but fast, better, stronger and without organic reproduction, they will need to be controlled (programmed). Programming done according to our sexual needs. Perhaps we need to bring here the laws of Asimov: a) Not on their own, or to inaction, a robot will break hearts b) comply with orders, unless there is conflict with the 1st law. c) They Hill satisfy their own needs for love, except if there is conflict with the 1st and 2nd law. They will have to behave according to ethical canons (roboéthic) and other legal proceedings. When asked if the robots after romanticize with humans, could fall in love with other robots, Levy replied :yes, but its parameters would have to be changed
2) When asked about whether programming robots could bring some dificulties for them to fall in love with people too fat or too thin, Levy argues that in such relationships, there will be always a master, in order to maintain some degree of control, which far from discouraging certain behaviours will give the programming with strong emotional feelings, no matter whether their clients are fat, thin or ugly.
Asked about whether such encounters will improve human relations, Levy argues that the main purpose of these robots is to meet single people, creating happiness where before existed misery. For happy people, will be much more than an attachment, these fill a vacuum. Adds Levy, that robots will not inseminate human beings, but robots will exist with asexual reproduction
3) Faced with the question of whether there will protitutes robots and what World happens if robots are raped without consent’s owners, Levy replied that designers are putting interest in the legal rights of robots specially for the time when they will get artificial consciousness. Being asked about whether sex with robots, are an extension of the pornography, Levy argues that these relationships will be healthy and that humans not will see robots as objects, or fetishes. So human potential to interact emotionally with their creations is open to the change and will continue changing.
1) In a recent interview (New Scentist), Levy is opposed to the view that argues that the construction of such robots (equivalent to defective humans), will be a waste of time, as slaves programmable. Levy adds that being the robots more heavy, but fast, better, stronger and without organic reproduction, they will need to be controlled (programmed). Programming done according to our sexual needs. Perhaps we need to bring here the laws of Asimov: a) Not on their own, or to inaction, a robot will break hearts b) comply with orders, unless there is conflict with the 1st law. c) They Hill satisfy their own needs for love, except if there is conflict with the 1st and 2nd law. They will have to behave according to ethical canons (roboéthic) and other legal proceedings. When asked if the robots after romanticize with humans, could fall in love with other robots, Levy replied :yes, but its parameters would have to be changed
2) When asked about whether programming robots could bring some dificulties for them to fall in love with people too fat or too thin, Levy argues that in such relationships, there will be always a master, in order to maintain some degree of control, which far from discouraging certain behaviours will give the programming with strong emotional feelings, no matter whether their clients are fat, thin or ugly.
Asked about whether such encounters will improve human relations, Levy argues that the main purpose of these robots is to meet single people, creating happiness where before existed misery. For happy people, will be much more than an attachment, these fill a vacuum. Adds Levy, that robots will not inseminate human beings, but robots will exist with asexual reproduction
3) Faced with the question of whether there will protitutes robots and what World happens if robots are raped without consent’s owners, Levy replied that designers are putting interest in the legal rights of robots specially for the time when they will get artificial consciousness. Being asked about whether sex with robots, are an extension of the pornography, Levy argues that these relationships will be healthy and that humans not will see robots as objects, or fetishes. So human potential to interact emotionally with their creations is open to the change and will continue changing.
Los primeros cronistas españoles que arribaron al Perú (Cobo, Acosta, 1555 d.C), refirieron que nativos de la jungla peruana tenian relaciones sexuales con monas lugareñas. Aunque no existen evidencias de ello -según el sexólogo peruano Marco Aurelio Denegri- la zoofilia aún continua presente en esas áreas, donde mancebos locales se inician sexualmente con ciertas delfines hembras poseedoras de vaginas similares a la humana. En la sierra peruana este tipo de relatos no es raro, encadenándose a actividades de jóvenes pastores que copulan con llamas lugareñas (camélidos). En la costa peruana los relatos de mancebos copulando con burras no son infrecuentes. A este sexo alterno no escaparon los soldados americanos presentes en la guerra de Vietnam, que empleaban muñecas inflables para satisfacer sus deseos. Tampoco es secreto que muchos casos de homosexualismo (y otros), actual se desarrollan en áreas concentradas, donde existe escaséz de mujeres (conventos religiosos, cárceles, escuelas militares, etc). Finalmente, colaterales de este sexo alterno (vibradores, fetiches,etc), van exigiendo en este mundo moderno, una revaloración dentro del amplio espacio de la sexualidad humana. El impresionante desarrollo tecnológico en robótica prevé que este campo, no escapará a las innovaciones sexuales, preveyéndose para antes del 2050, relaciones amoroso-sexuales : robot-humano y robot-robot. Influenciado por predecesores David Levy (1949- ), astrónomo canadiense, escritor de ciencia sobre temas astronómicos, famoso por su co-descubrimiento del cometa Shoemaker, que colisionó con Júpiter (1994), lider en inteligencia artificial, especialista en software de computacion conversacional, acaba de escribir Love and Sex with Robots, generando intenso debate y controversia.
1) En una reciente entrevista (New Scientist), Levy se opone al punto de vista que arguye que la construcción de tales robots (equivalentes a humanos defectuosos), serán una pérdida de tiempo, por ser esclavos programables. Levy añade que siendo los robots mas pesados, mas rapidos, mejores, mas fuertes y no necesitando reproducción orgánica, necesitaran ser controlados (programados). Programación realizada acorde con nuestras necesidades sexuales. Quizás se necesite adecuar las leyes de Asimov: a) No de motu propio, ni por inacción, un robot romperá corazones b) acatara ordenes, excepto si hay conflicto con la 1 ley. c) Satisfacerá sus propias necesidades de amor, excepto si hay conflicto con la 1 y 2 ley. Tendrán que comportarse siguiendo cánones éticos (roboética)y otras legales. A la pregunta de si los robots tras enamorarse de humanos, pudiesen enamorarse de otros robots, Levy responde que si, aunque sus parámetros tendrian que ser cambiados
2) Preguntado sobre si seria adecuado programar robots conscientes, que encuentren atractivas a personas muy gordas o demasiado delgadas, Levy arguye que en este tipo de relaciones existirá siempre un maestro, para mantener cierto grado de control, lo que lo que no impedirá programarlos con fuertes sentimientos emocionales, no importando si sus clientas son gordas, delgadas o feas. Preguntado sobre si este tipo de encuentros mejorará las relaciones humanas, Levy arguye que el fin principal de estos robots es satisfacer a personas solas, creando felicidad donde antes existia miseria. Para los felices será mucho mas un adjunto, que llenador de vacios. Agrega Levy, que aunque los robots no inseminaran humanos, existirán robots con reproducción asexual
3) Ante la pregunta de si existirán robots dedicados a la prostitución y que pasaria si los robots son violados sin el consetimiento de sus dueños, Levy, responde que se esta poniendo interes en los derechos legales de los robots preparándolos para cuando tengan conciencia artificial. Al ser inquirido sobre si las relaciones sexuales con robots, son una extensión de la pornografia, Levy, arguye que estas relaciones seran saludables y que los humanos no veran a los robots como objetos o, fetiches. De modo que las posibilidades humanas de relacionarse emocionalmente con sus creaciones esta abierta al cambio y continuará cambiando.
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