I) En 1972 were discovered in a mine of uranium (1,7 billion years of existence/Oklo/Gabon/Africa), evidences of spontaneous fission of uranium with similar behavior to a nuclear reactor -of intermittent operation- (for some millions of years/every time that rocks reached high concentration of uranium). According to the physicist J. Marvin Herndon, the georeactor of Gabon, will be the tip of the iceberg of a great nuclear natural reactor (georeactor), located 3000 km under our feet, in the same central nucleus of the Earth, operating with an equivalent force to 5000 atomic plants. The wide reservoir of uranium would be located in the layers but deep of the mantle near the nucleus, having been formed 4.5 billion years ago, not being blended with the rest of the mantle. According to Herndon, the georeactor emits neutrons that divide near atoms of uranium, making them emit but neutrons, unchaining a reaction in chain, of slow speed. The liberated energy gives heat to the mantle, creating currents of convection that push tectonic of plates on terrestrial surface, originating mountains and earthquakes.
II) According to Herndon the activity of the georeactor would explain: 1) fluctuations of intensity of terrestrial magnetic field. As the georeactor varies in activity in the time, the magnetic field dependent of nuclear liquid iron activity follows the same pattern 2) the ratios of isotopes of helium emitted by volcanos in Iceland and Hawaii, consistent with the ratios of isotopes of helium emitted by a nuclear reactor. 3) why planets like Jupiter emit but heat that the one it absorb of the sun. Recently, Rob of Meijer (physicist/University of Cape Town) and Wim van Westrenen (geochemist/Free University/Amsterdam), assure that uranium and its products of decomposition (plutonium, thorium), are easily incorporated in calcium silicate perovskite, whose quantification will give an idea of the quantity of contained uranium in the georeactor. Of another side, during the radio-active decay of uranium, the georeactor liberates antineutrinos, feasible of being detected, since these cross solid rock arriving in terrestrial surface.
II) According to Herndon the activity of the georeactor would explain: 1) fluctuations of intensity of terrestrial magnetic field. As the georeactor varies in activity in the time, the magnetic field dependent of nuclear liquid iron activity follows the same pattern 2) the ratios of isotopes of helium emitted by volcanos in Iceland and Hawaii, consistent with the ratios of isotopes of helium emitted by a nuclear reactor. 3) why planets like Jupiter emit but heat that the one it absorb of the sun. Recently, Rob of Meijer (physicist/University of Cape Town) and Wim van Westrenen (geochemist/Free University/Amsterdam), assure that uranium and its products of decomposition (plutonium, thorium), are easily incorporated in calcium silicate perovskite, whose quantification will give an idea of the quantity of contained uranium in the georeactor. Of another side, during the radio-active decay of uranium, the georeactor liberates antineutrinos, feasible of being detected, since these cross solid rock arriving in terrestrial surface.
I) En 1972 fueron descubiertas en una mina de uranio (1,7 billones de años de antigüedad/Oklo/Gabon/Africa), evidencias de fision espontanea de uranio con comportamiento similar a un reactor nuclear, de operación intermitente por (algunos millones de años, cada vez que las rocas lograbam una alta concentración de uranio). Segun el fisico J. Marvin Herndon, el georeactor de Gabon, seria la punta del iceberg de un gran reactor natural nuclear (georeactor), ubicado 3000 km debajo de nuestros pies, en el mismo nucleo central de la Tierra, operando con una fuerza equivalente a 5000 plantas atomicas. El extenso reservorio de uranio estaría ubicado en las capas mas profundas del manto cerca del nucleo, habiendo sido formado hace 4.5 billones de años, no habiéndose mezclado con el resto del manto. Según Herdon, el georeactor emite neutrones, que dividen atomos de uranio adayacentes, haciéndolos emitir mas neutrones, desencadenando una reaccion en cadena, de velocidad lenta. La energía liberada da calor al manto, creando corrientes de convección movilizadoras de la tectónica de placas de la superficie, originando montañas y terremotos.
II) Segun Herndon la actividad del georeactor explicaria : 1) las fluctuaciones de intensidad del campo magnetico terrestre.En tanto el georeactor varia en actividad en el tiempo, el campo magnetico dependiente del hierro liquido nuclear, sigue la misma pauta 2) los ratios de isotopos de helio emitidos por volcanes en Islandia y Hawaii, consistentes con los ratios de isotopos de helio emitidos por un reactor nuclear. 3) porque planetas como Jupiter emiten mas calor que el que absorben del sol. Recientemente, Rob de Meijer (fisico/University of Cape Town) y Wim van Westrenen (geoquimico/Free University/Amsterdam), aseguran que el uranio y sus productos de descomposicion (plutonio, torio), son facilmente incoprorados en calcium silicate perovskite, cuya cuantificacion dara una idea de la cantidad de uranio contenida en el georeactor. De otro lado, durante el decay radioactivo del uranio, el georeactor libera antineutrinos, factibles de ser detectados, dado que estos atraviesan la roca solida llegando hasta la superficie terrestre.
Labels: Nuclear engine of the Earth
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