Although few people do not want it, many are seeking luck and happiness. Could we aspire to permanently luck?, asked Thomas Metzinger (Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz), author of the book: Der Ego-Tunnel-Von der Bewusstseinskultur zur Hirnforschung). The certain is that most humans are condemned to pursue luck. The evolution left not other alternative. Surely the first generations of ego-biomachines, were pessimistic and had many problems and severe difficulties in their lives. Therefore, there had to be make a mental change adding luck and joy to work better, in order to improve our lives. We were agents of this change. Most believe that mental pessimism was a sign of wrong mental health. We were turning to positive perspectives, so that the ego-biomachines function better. Then we become lucky-biomachines, to have luck and happiness always. But this change of mind is not over. Today we appreciate the good fortune but also the quality of the values, so we understand that deep truth is equal to luck. A terminal cancer patient under the influence of high dose of morphine improves, becomes positive, works better. It is well to remember that for centuries ago, the ego-biomachines, function with drugs, metaphysical systems or altered states of mind
As the ego is subjective, to improve our fate implies having greater contact with reality. Hence the need for an ego brain tunnel, which connects us with reality, because subjectivity can be deceived (amputed limbs give false perceptions). Would be good to have a new philosophy of the soul based on ethics and neuroscience of consciousness. Can we argue in favor of pessimism?. Metzinger believes that we must prioritize joy and luck, but not permanently settled on hedonist basements, but in columns that can help us overcome our problems, with joy avoiding depression. At this point we must always remember that the hedonistic swirl provided by nature, is the basic engine that keeps our bodies active.
As the ego is subjective, to improve our fate implies having greater contact with reality. Hence the need for an ego brain tunnel, which connects us with reality, because subjectivity can be deceived (amputed limbs give false perceptions). Would be good to have a new philosophy of the soul based on ethics and neuroscience of consciousness. Can we argue in favor of pessimism?. Metzinger believes that we must prioritize joy and luck, but not permanently settled on hedonist basements, but in columns that can help us overcome our problems, with joy avoiding depression. At this point we must always remember that the hedonistic swirl provided by nature, is the basic engine that keeps our bodies active.
Aunque unos pocos no las desean, muchos buscan suerte y felicidad. ¿podriamos aspirar a tener permanentemente suerte?, pregunta Thomas Metzinger (Johannes Gutenberg- Universität-Mainz), autor del libro : Der Ego- Tunnel–Von der Hirnforschung zur Bewusstseinskultur. Lo real, es que la mayoría de humanos estamos condenados a perseguirlas. La evolución no dejó otra alternativa. Con seguridad las primeras generaciones de ego-biomáquinas la pasaban mal, eran pesimistas y tenían muchos males y severas dificultades en sus vidas. Por lo tanto, tenia que haber un cambio mental que introdujera suerte y alegria para funcionar mejor, mejorando sus existencias. Nosotros mismos fuimos agentes de esta evolución estimando que el pésimismo era indice de falsa salud mental. Viramos a perspectivas positivas, a fin de que las ego-biomáquinas funcionaran mejor, sobrellevando las cargas negativas. Aparecieron entonces biomáquinas-con suerte, para tener siempre alegria. Empero esta evolución mental, no ha terminado. Hoy valoramos la suerte pero también la calidad de los valores, por eso entendemos que la verdad profunda, tiene igual valor que la suerte. Un paciente con cáncer terminal bajo el influjo de de altas dosis de morfina mejora, se convierte en positivo, funciona mejor. Es bueno recordar que desde hace siglos, las ego-biomáquinas funcionan con drogas, sistemas metafisicos o estados alterados de la mente
Como el ego es subjetivo, mejorar nuestra suerte implica tener mayor contacto con la realidad. De ahi la necesidad de tener un ego túnel cerebral, conectado con la realidad, porque la subjetividad puede ser engañada (miembros amputados dan falsas percepciones). Seria bueno tener una nueva filosofia empirista del alma basada en ética y neurociencia de la conciencia. Podemos argumentar en favor del pesimismo? Metzinger cree que hay que priorizar la alegria y la suerte, pero no asentadas permanentemente en basamentos hedonistas, sino en columnas que nos ayuden a sobrellevar nuestros males, con alegria evitando la depresión. En este punto hay que recordar siempre que el remolino hedonista provisto por natura, es el motor básico, que mantiene activo nuestro organismo.
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